Predictions for 2013 (Guaranteed to be 95% accurate or your money back)
- ThreeEs
Predictions for 2013 (Guaranteed to be 95% accurate or your money back)
- The Rich will get richer, The Poor will get poorer
- The “To Big To Fail\Jail” Banks will continue to consolidate power
- False Flag\Shock Doctrine events will continue to happen to enrich the powerful (Finance and Energy)
- People globally will continue to have their basic rights eroded
- In the US, TSA type operations will be expanded further outside airports
- CO2 and Methane levels in the atmosphere will continue to rise
- The Earth will continue warming and her ice caps reduced in volume
- No steel framed skyscrapers will collapse due to fire
- The Oceans will become more acidic, fish populations will decrease and water levels will rise
- Humans will continue to be the main cause the mass extinction of other species on Earth (currently 100+ daily)
- Weather will continue to become more erratic\extreme and records will continue to be set
- The mainstream media (owned by 6 Global Corporations) will not report on anything of real substance
- All debt levels will continue to rise and the Federal Reserve will continue to fool people as being a government institution
- Economic bubbles will continue and new ones created
- James Howard Kunstler will not be invited to the White House for lunch
- People glued to the mainstream media will continue to be dumbed down
- A record number of drones will be deployed and kill more innocent people globally
- A record number of drones will fly in US skies and surveillance of law abiding citizens in general will greatly increase
- Government Agencies will collect a record amount of private info from citizens unconstitutionally
- More real journalists will be silenced by illegal tactics
- Earth’s resources will continue to be depleted at exponential rates
- We will not find another planet Earth to inhabit
- The Global population will continue to rise along with global food prices (which = unrest)
- Taxes on the 99% will rise in some form or another to be transferred to corrupt corporations bribing government officials for non-competitive contracts or just disappear in "poor" accounting practices
- The laws of thermodynamics will not be altered and basic exponential math principles will not change
- More water rights will be privatized globally and land stolen from indigenous\poor people
- The US will continue to be at war\cyberwar (officially with some countries and unofficially with other countries\group of ”terrorists”)
- Economic statistics will continue to be manipulated to “extend and pretend” the status quo
- Government and large corporations will continue their revolving door policy to benefit the corporations while completely ignored by the mainstream media
- Financial Institutions will continue to print money out of thin air and buy up real assets
- We will not discover another oil equivalent to Saudi Arabia
- There will be a new iThinging that may put the arrow through the Apple bubble
- We will not find\invent some magical energy source to replace oil
- Gun sales will continue to increase in the US and US arms sales abroad will increase
- Tyler Durden at Zerohedge will not win the Nobel Prize for Economics (Max Kaiser may have chance)
- The financial markets will continue to be illegally manipulated and no one of significance will go to jail
- Oil companies will continue to profit, be subsidized by tax payers and externalize environmental costs to our children\3rd world countries
- Gold and Silver will continue to be inedible
- The US prison population will continue to increase
- The US Government will become less transparent
- The Presidents hair will become grayer
- But on a good note…..More people will go to farmers markets and grow their own food
- ThreeEs
Happy New Year! ThreeEs
- A Potentially Nasty Snapshot Of Risk Resulting In Another Trillion Of Taxpayer Funded Bank Bailouts - A Walkthrough | ZeroHedge
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Monopoly!
- 75 Economic Numbers From 2012 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe | ZeroHedge
- The Lie that Prosecuting Bank Fraud Will Destabilize the Economy Is What Is REALLY Destroying the Economy - Washington's Blog
- Self-realization: from awareness to action - A Prosperous Way DownA Prosperous Way Down
- 2012 Year in Review (cont'd) | Peak Prosperity
- Why We Can't Shop Our Way to a Better Economy: Stacy Mitchell at TEDxDirigo - YouTube
- Matt Taibbi: 'Even People On Wall Street Were Blown Away By The Result'
- The Great Oil Swindle: why the new black gold rush leads off a fiscal cliff | Energy Bulletin
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Thoughts on the Recent Tragedy
- There's no such thing as energy independence in our globalized, fossil-fueled world | Energy Bulletin
- In the Shadow of Christmas - Clusterfuck Nation
- One More Giant Insurer Tallies up Climate Costs « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- The Final Battle | Common Dreams
- Fiscal Cliff: Nowhere to go But Down
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: More Cliffs Than Fiscal
- Monetary Malpratice: Deceptions, Distortions & Delusions | ZeroHedge
- The Structural Endgame of the Fiscal Cliff | Peak Prosperity
- The Sandy Hook Massacre and the Merchant$ of Death « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Beginning of the World
- “What Makes You Do What You Do?” – MOC #195
- Is Sustainable Agriculture an Oxymoron? | Our Finite World
- Al Jazeera and Project Censored | Project Censored
- Best WeAreChange Confrontations of 2012 - YouTube
- The Great Change: Done with Math
- Consumer Confidence Plunges To Lowest Since July, Biggest Miss Since 2007 | ZeroHedge
- 20 most popular doom stories of 2012
- Tiny gold bars latest rage for jittery investors | Reuters
- Bill Ryerson: The Challenges Presented By Global Population Growth | Peak Prosperity
- A Head Cold and Some Random Thoughts | The Conflicted Doomer
- Gerald Celente: Bonds Away! - Business Insider
- The Commercialization of Family | Common Dreams
- The 12 Charts Recapping The 12 Months Of 2012 | ZeroHedge
- Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- The Drones Are Coming - Business Insider
- Econ4 on Health Care « naked capitalism
- River relics in central US surface as drought drops water levels - U.S. News
- The Global Food Crisis & Bernanke's Recipe for Disaster - YouTube
- American Sailors Sue Tepco for Lying about Fukushima - Washington's Blog
- Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima - Washington's Blog
- Orcs v. Goblins: Crazed Republicans Turn on Each Other in Ugly Fiscal Cliff Battle | Alternet
- Crises Erupt as Glacial Retreat Threatens Water Resources
- Matt Taibbi on the Biggest Wall Street Scandal of 2012 | Alternet
- Activist Post: 10 Predictions for 2013
- 16 Things About 2013 That Are Really Going To Stink
- FBI Investigated 'Occupy' As Possible 'Terrorism' Threat, Internal Documents Show
- ‘Frankenfish’ close to full FDA approval | The Raw Story
- NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill Passes Senate After Rand Paul Calls It An 'Abomination'
- WTF! Declassified Docs Reveal Genocide Caused By Chemtrail Testing - YouTube
- Facebook Censors Prominent Political Critics - Washington's Blog
- 2012 Year in Review | Peak Prosperity
- The Outlook for Steady State Economics in 2013
- Case-Shiller Posts 9th Consecutive Increase Driven By Phoenix, Detroit - Back To 2003 Levels, NSA Drops | ZeroHedge
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: No More Industrial Revolutions, No More Growth?
- 2012 another record-setter, fits climate forecasts
- West Antarctic Warming Faster Than Thought, Study Finds - NYTimes.com
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Heavy snow and largest Christmas tornado outbreak on record slam U.S. | Weather Underground
- A Green Christmas Carol: Facing Environmental Reality | Global Warming is Real: Climate | Energy | Sustainability
- Is the Amazon Rainforest Drying Out?: Scientific American
- Extreme Weather 101 « Sustainability Hub
- Why World Coal Consumption Keeps Rising; What Economists Missed | Our Finite World
- The Oil Drum | #8 - Oil will decline shortly after 2015, says former IEA oil expert
- Congress Defeats E-Mail Privacy Legislation — Again | Threat Level | Wired.com
- Pentagon Held Secret Meeting With Nuclear Industry 2003 | Veterans Today
- The FBI – Drowning In Counter-Terrorism Money, Power and Other Resources – Will Apply The Term “Terrorism” To Any Group It Dislikes And Wants To Control And Suppress - Washington's Blog
- Secret Service farms out its internet monitoring to a private British firm | Privacy SOS
- Into Africa: US to Send Troops to 35 Nations Next Year -- News from Antiwar.com
- What I Found Interesting This Week 12/22/12
- SOLAR AQUAPONICS DIY | The Urban Farming Guys
- Building Resiliency in Your Survival Library
- Don't Fear That Expired Food | Peak Prosperity
- How to Freeze and Store Food without Using Plastic | Peak Prosperity
- Living Off the Grid: Free Yourself
- Book It: 2012, The Hottest U.S. Year on Record | Climate Central
- Climate Tipping Points: The Global Die-Off of Forests « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- QE 4: Folks, This Ain't Normal | Peak Prosperity
- Chasing Ice movie reveals largest iceberg break-up ever filmed. - YouTube
- Your Humble Blogger Discusses the Fiscal Cliff with Bill Moyers and Bruce Bartlett « naked capitalism
- the Hipcrime Vocab: The Culture Of Killing
- Impotence, Leverage and Central Banking - Business Insider
- Eight Ways to Help Bring Down the Pyramids of Control | Wake Up World
- Mainstream Media Finally Awakens to the Fact that Big Banks Are Criminal Enterprises - Washington's Blog
- Stephanie McMillan - Another New Country
- Hey You | ZeroHedge
- Conflict and Change in the Era of Economic Decline: Part 4 - Post-carbon governance
- “The TRUE Gun Control Debate” – M.O.C. #194
- America the Horror Show - Clusterfuck Nation
- America Reacts (badly) » Survival Acres Blog
- Guest Post: Why Things Are Falling Apart... And What We Can Do About It | ZeroHedge
- Fiscal Cliff: Let’s Call Their Bluff! « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- Preparing for Collapse: Non-Attachment, NOT Detachment « how to save the world
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Top Ten U.S. Weather Events of 2012 | Weather Underground
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Congressional Spending Problem in Easy to Understand Format; It's Only Make Believe
- Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow. - Peak Oil Blues
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Last Christmas in America?
- Conflict and Change in the Era of Economic Decline: Part 5 -
- Nate Hagens: The end of growth
- Peak Philosophy: The economic contraction narrative needs facts, not theory
- Oliver Stone corrects american history — RT
- Ian Fraser: HSBC’s $1.9 Billion Settlement Sets (Another) Dangerous Precedent « naked capitalism
- Guns ‘N X-Mas « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Mississippi River Could Shut Down By Christmas « Sustainability Hub
- What I Found Interesting This Week 12/15/12
- Craig Wichner: A New Model for Investing in Farmland | Peak Prosperity
- Guest Post: Gun Control? No, Drone Control. | ZeroHedge
- No, Mentally Ill People Would NOT Necessarily Have Become Violent without Anti-Depressants - Washington's Blog
- The Fiscal Cliff Is A Diversion: The Derivatives Tsunami & the Dollar Bubble
- Is Oil Still Leaking from the Macondo Well? BP Won’t Release Any Information
- Stephanie McMillan - Our Bad
- ClubOrlov: Regularly Scheduled Programming
- Six Month + Delinquent Mortgages Amount To More Than Half Of Bank of America's Market Cap | ZeroHedge
- Evolving Elevator Speech | C-Realm Radiant Sun
- The Archdruid Report: Enacting Democracy
- Stephanie McMillan - Destroyer Of World
- the Hipcrime Vocab: America Is A Violent Country
- The Humiliation of Greece » Golem XIV - Thoughts
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Upside of the Fiscal Cliff
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Two Charts You Should See Before Risking a Dime in the Market in 2013
- The Great Spanish Crash - Documentary | ZeroHedge
- Reality economics | Michael Hudson
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): The Temple of Greed is Self-Destructing
- IPCC Leaked Draft Prompts New Internet Flap | Mother Jones
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Climate: Arctic Thermostat Blows Up
- Climate - Dec 19
- New Video: Climate 2013 – the View from AGU « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Record-high tides wash in prospects for more in future | Local News | The Seattle Times
- Senate Intelligence Committee Takes Up "the Pentagon Papers of the CIA Torture Program" Behind Closed Doors: Report Remains Under Wraps
- 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! - YouTube
- US Sends 400 Troops, Patriot Missiles To Turkey In Preparation Of Syrian Hostilities Escalation | ZeroHedge
- PressTV - Soviet-style disintegration awaits US: Gorbachev
- Government Allowed 9/11 | Interview with Sibel Edmonds - YouTube
- Corporations Masquerading as Government (Part II): Which "Government" Can We Trust? | Wake Up World
- Child Casualties As a Result of U.S. Drone Strikes - YouTube
- Brandon Bryant: Drone operator followed orders to shoot a child... and decided he had to quit | Mail Online
- Are We Any Safer Now that the U.S. Intelligence Community Has Come Out of the Shadows? | Alternet
- Big Brother Spying Didn’t Stop Connecticut School Shooter … Or 9/11 - Washington's Blog
- PressTV - The Merchants of death and the Military industrial complex (II)
- Crazy Russian Winter: What happens to boiling water at -41C? - YouTube
- How to Make Your Own Soap
- Collection of Tiny Homes, Off-Grid Cabins, and Shipping Container Houses | Truth is Treason
- Lights Powered by Gravity Brighten Rural Areas : TreeHugger
- Farmageddon: The Unseen War on American Family Farms (2011) | Watch Documentary Free Online
- Four intangible ways to hedge for an uncertain future | The Resilient Family
- How to make everything ourselves: Open modular hardware
- Taking the 'Burbs: Square Yard Gardening
- Winter in the garden: Pruning and composting good ways to prepare for spring » Anderson Independent Mail
- Touring a "Back To Eden" Garden | Peak Prosperity
- The Coming Land Rush in Local Solar. Will it Benefit You?
- How to make compost | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Lighthouse Survival Survival Library
- Free "Are You Ready Guide to Preparedness" - Backdoor Survival
- Is it Possible to Heat Your Home for Free? Almost.
- Yikes! Government Details 6 Most Terrifying Arctic Trends | Mother Jones
- The Untold History of the US: Part One | The Nation
- Koch Brothers Exposed (2011) | Watch Documentary Free Online
- Unless hell freezes over, 2012 will be the hottest year in U.S. history | Grist
- So You’ve Woken Up…Now What? | Wake Up World
- Shareable: Watch "We Are Legion", New Anonymous Documentary
- Keiser Report: Hollywood Accounting, ZIRP and Matt Taibbi - Max Keiser
- The Kings of Pain | It's Not Your Fault
- New inconvenient truth: We’re ‘Gore capitalists’ - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- The growth paradigm is killing us — Transition Voice
- Thom Hartmann & Neil Howe: Are we in the Fourth Turning? - YouTube
- War and peace in a shrinking economy
- Extirpation Nation: How much of the US will be habitable in 50 years?
- Neil Barofsky: Too Big to Jail – Our Banking System’s Latest Disgrace « naked capitalism
- Quantitative Easing Benefits the Super-Elite … And Hurts the Little Guy and the American Economy - Washington's Blog
- CBO Releases Sandy Damage Estimate: At $60.4 Billion, It Would Send US Over The Debt Ceiling | ZeroHedge
- Playing court jester – Nature Bats Last
- Food Patriots
- Facebook Changes Privacy Controls, Forces Users to be Searchable
- Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke | | Rolling Stone
- Climate change: Confessions of a Peak Oiler
- End of year hiatus — Transition Voice
- Moore’s Law, Cheap Electronics and Homeland Security Money Combine to Create Big Brother - Washington's Blog
- Conflict and Change in the Era of Economic Decline: Part 2 -
- Charles Hugh Smith: Essays in Fragility: Shadow Banking, Housing Inventory and Liabilities
- Recognising Reality
- PRoPaGaNDA 101 | ZeroHedge
- Limits to Growth Author Dennis Meadows Says that Crisis Is Approaching - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- What happens when we shock a system?
- The $700 Trillion Joke Part II: Austerity as Political Repression « The Daily Crowd
- New Madrid: The Earthquakes of 1811-1812 - YouTube
- Pesticide Use Increases as GMO Technology Backfires | Wake Up World
- There's Nothing At Stake (Music by LeWanch, Lyrics by JJ3) - YouTube
- Another Year, Another Social Security Shortfall - Decline of the Empire
- Former Powell adviser ‘skeptical’ of ‘politicized’ US intelligence on Syria — RT
- Alternate Unemployment Charts
- Dirty white gold - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
- Foodstamps Soar By Most In 16 Months: Over 1 Million Americans Enter Poverty In Last Two Months | ZeroHedge
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Victory Gardens Past and Future (with Lamanda Joy)
- ClubOrlov: Applied Anarchy Part III: The Design Phase
- Can We Stop Modern-Day Mad Scientists? - Popular Mechanics
- Early Warning: Tuesday Links
- Paul Gilding on the Great Disruption
- Water Rates are UP 18%. Are You Getting Ready for Expensive Water?
- Homemade weaponized drone shoots paintballs at real people | Privacy SOS
- Japan Scrambles Eight F-15 Jets As Chinese Airplane Enters Disputed Island Airspace | ZeroHedge
- The Archdruid Report: Producing Democracy
- The Rise and Fall of Jeremy Hammond: Enemy of the State | Culture News | Rolling Stone
- QE BaSiC PRoCeSSeS: THe RoLE oF "PRiMaRY DeaLeRs" | ZeroHedge
- Question Everything: The Fiscal Quicksand
- We Are Witnessing The Death Of Small Business In America
- From North Dakota to Scotland: Exploring the public bank option
- Stephanie McMillan - Vicious Cycle
- A Commercial in Every Orifice « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Right to Test for Pathogens in Farmed Salmon | Dissident Voice
- There's Nothing At Stake (Music by LeWanch, Lyrics by JJ3) - YouTube
- Another DHS boondoggle: your tax dollars in action | Privacy SOS
- 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! - YouTube
- Hacking the Human Brain: The Next Domain of Warfare | Wired Opinion | Wired.com
- US Plans Audio Surveillance On Buses - Business Insider
- Is it time to write off Europe for the next decade? | Finance
- Disappearing US labor force and goodbye to retirement – Adding 146,000 jobs while 542,000 drop out of the labor force. Understanding the changes in the unemployment rate.
- Unemployment Is Not Going Down: The Employment Rate Has Been Under 59 Percent For 39 Months In A Row
- charles hugh smith-Essays in Fragility: Our One-Off Economy
- Italy Joins The Two-Trillion Debt Club | ZeroHedge
- 2012: The End of the Arctic Era : Discovery News
- World's big trees are dying: Alarming increase in death rates among trees 100-300 years old
- Is Earth f**ked: At 2012 AGU meeting, scientists consider advocacy, activism, politics, and getting arrested. - Slate Magazine
- Arctic Report Card: Dark Times Ahead: Scientific American
- Philippines typhoon deaths rise as president declares state of calamity - CNN.com
- Stubborn US drought could be costlier than hurricane Sandy - CSMonitor.com
- 21 Endangered Animals - Business Insider
- Climate Change News: Crevasses, Bendable ice affecting stability of Antarctic ice shelf
- RealClimate: Some AGU highlights
- Trash, waste, rubbish, garbage - Dec 13
- Poisoning the well: How the Feds let industry pollute the nation’s underground water supply
- The one chart about oil's future everyone should see | Energy Bulletin
- Fossil fuels & fracking lies: spread the word | Energy Bulletin
- Video: What’s REALLY Going On In Syria? - Washington's Blog
- Is America Redefining its Character or its Future Wars? | Veterans Today
- Air Force May Be Developing Stealth Drones in Secret | Danger Room | Wired.com
- Chris Hedges: Obama’s Assault On Our Civil Liberties Far Worse than Bush + Glenn Greenwald: “An Injury to One is an Injury to All” Conference « Dandelion Salad
- TOO BIG TO FAIL OR PROSECUTE « The Burning Platform
- Report: Obama's plan to harvest and store US persons' data faced objections at DHS privacy office | Privacy SOS
- The Surveillance State Grows Another Tentacle | Mother Jones
- Ho, Ho, Ho! 9/11 Was An Inside Job! | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
- Black Soldier Fly Composter / Automatic Chicken Feeder | Garden Pool
- What I Found Interesting This Week 12/8/12
- How to Make Your Own Sugar - American Preppers Network
- Understanding Protein and Protein Sources | Wake Up World
- The Automatic Earth presents a brand new Nicole Foss 4 DVD set | Finance
- Collaboration and co-operation: Sleeping giants of economic shift change
- Psychological Self-Defense for the Newly Unemployed
- Here’s a honey of a post! 17 things you probably didn’t know about honey, but should! | The Survival Mom™
- 50 Questions That Can Help Free Your Mind | Wake Up World
- Dive! The Film - Living Off America's Waste
- Within Reach - Journey to Find Sustainable Community
- Landfill Harmonic film teaser on Vimeo
- Clif Bar's Seed Matters Puts Seed Saving in Public's Hands : TreeHugger
- Seed Matters | The Greatest Story Never Told
- It’ll all turn out in the end. Or will it?
- Collecting Rainwater
- Permanent Publications
- Getting Kids Access to Local Healthy Food
- Are you mentally prepared for SHTF? - Backdoor Survival
- No place sacred: ENERGY (review)
- leecamp.net FREE Comedy Album!!
- U.S. Household Debt Is Totally Out Of Control - Decline of the Empire
- It Just Doesn't Matter - Decline of the Empire
- Ron Paul: "Why I Don't Run As An Independent" | ZeroHedge
- Understanding Our Oil-Related Fiscal Cliff | Our Finite World
- The Drone President - YouTube
- Is This Why Americans Have Lost The Drive To "Earn" More | ZeroHedge
- The Day The Whole World Went Away « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Links of the Month: November 30, 2012 « how to save the world
- Roger Waters Speaks at the UN (video/music) | Veterans Today
- Arctic News: Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm
- Love: our purpose for government, economics, media - Washington's Blog
- We Don't Make This Stuff Up - Decline of the Empire
- Conflict and Change in the Era of Economic Decline: Part 1
- “How To Make Your Life Better… And Other Trivial Matters” – M.O.C. #190
- Time For Bernanke To Retract His Sworn Testimony To Congress | ZeroHedge
- The $700 Trillion Joke: Shadow Banking and the Austerity Crisis « The Daily Crowd
- Saving Capitalism at the Expense of the Planet « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Obscenely Rich Men Bent on Shredding the Safety Net | Alternet
- Charles Eisenstein // Living Without Economic Growth on Vimeo
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Climate: On the Road to Extinction?
- 339: Debt, Demand and Neoclassical Confusion | C-Realm Radiant Sun
- What Are The Risks From Thawing Permafrost? - Decline of the Empire
- “Six Futuristic Things That Will Change The World” – MOC #191
- Exxon Hates Your Children - YouTube
- Consuming Democracy
- 10,000 U.S. Troops – Plus French, British and Nato Soldiers – Get Ready for War Against Syria - Washington's Blog
- The War on Christmas is real, but the aggressor is Fox News — Transition Voice
- Real Estate: Is the Bottom In, or Is This a Head-Fake? | Peak Prosperity
- The Total Animated, Annotated US Debt | ZeroHedge
- Another Goldman Creature Given Vital Government Post | | Rolling Stone
- Fiscal Cliff - Cheat Sheet - Explained in 3D infographics
- Secretary of State Candidate Has a Major Financial Stake in Canadian Tar Sands | OnEarth Magazine
- A World In Denial
- Culture in Decline | Episode #3 "C.V.D." by Peter Joseph - YouTube
- Fracking chemical used in US linked to organ damage - Americas - World - The Independent
- Why Is the Media Ignoring the Mass Sinkholes Around the Country?
- Dispersants Make Oil 52 Times More Toxic … And Delay Cleanup of Oil Spills By Many Years - Washington's Blog
- Screw Earth — Let's Live On Mars Instead! - Decline of the Empire
- House Committee Leaders Deny Climate Change While Extreme Weather Devastates Their States | ThinkProgress
- Chart Of The Day: The Unprecedented Implosion Of European Car Sales | ZeroHedge
- Homeless - Clusterfuck Nation
- Total US Debt Hits $16,369,548,799,604.93; Debt Ceiling Just $63 Billion Away | ZeroHedge
- Food stamps on the rise - Nov. 28, 2012
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Category 5 Super Typhoon Bopha bearing down on the Philippines | Weather Underground
- Testosterone Pit - Home - “Future Generations Have To Deal With The Financial Carnage”
- The end of growth - Dec 4
- The unknown unknowns of the monoculture
- Our Collapsing Economy & CurrencyOur Collapsing Economy & Currency
- Worst Since World War II: 50% Unemployment: Over Six Million Teens and Young Adults Are Out of Work and Not In School
- Jon Stewart’s Epic Takedown of Fox News’ Annual ‘War on Christmas’ - Truthdig
- TAG: More Subsidies for the TBTF Banks? You Bet | ZeroHedge
- Gallup Finds Unemployment Rate Soars Follwing Presidential Election | ZeroHedge
- Banks Are “Where the Money Is” in the Drug War
- Obama Axes CIA’s Climate Change & National Security Center « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Vatican introduces new security measures after Vatileaks scandal - Telegraph
- TSA Seeks Permission to Conduct “Security Assessments” on Highways | Dark PoliticksDark Politricks
- Bob English on Geithner leaving derivatives backdoor open as he walks out the front! — RT
- Guest Post: Mark Carnage | ZeroHedge
- Robert Wiedemer: Awaiting the Aftershock | Peak Prosperity
- Econ4 Video on the Housing and Foreclosure Crisis (With Your Humble Blogger in a Supporting Role) « naked capitalism
- Carbon Math: Bill McKibben versus John Hofmeister
- U.K. Floods to Cost Insurers as Much as $800 Million, PwC Says - Bloomberg
- Road collapses into the ocean following Super Storm Sandy - YouTube
- Burning the Candle at Both Ends « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Why the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam « naked capitalism
- 16 Irrefutable Signs That Climate Change Is Real - Business Insider
- Why Are Cows Tails Dropping Off?
- Tenacious U.S. Drought Worsens, To Last Through Winter | Climate Central
- Washington State Plans for a More Acid Ocean : Discovery News
- Megastorms Could Drown Massive Portions of California: Scientific American
- A human-caused climate change signal emerges from the noise
- Taking Stock: World Fish Catch Falls to 90 Million Tons in 2012
- Climate Science Predictions Prove Too Conservative: Scientific American
- Daily Kos: CNN Losing Bradley Manning Story: Manning Was Reporting a War Crime, "The Van Thing"
- Seismic Evidence Implies Controlled Demolition on 9/11 - Washington's Blog
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership: What "Free Trade" Actually Means
- Yes, the FBI and CIA can read your email. Here’s how | Dark PoliticksDark Politricks
- Absolutely Shocking! | Science and Technology
- Top NSA Spying Chief: “If You Ever Get On Their Enemies List, Like Petraeus Did, Then You Can Be Drawn Into That Surveillance” - Washington's Blog
- The Terror Tuesday Trinity: NDAA, Guantanamo, drone strikes | Privacy SOS
- Cops to Congress: We need logs of Americans' text messages | Politics and Law - CNET News
- US Senate vote pushes for Pentagon military action in Syria — RT
- They Can Hear You Now: Verizon Patent Could Listen In On Customers « CBS DC
- Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History - Washington's Blog
- California Eyeing Drone Surveillance | Threat Level | Wired.com
- [VIDEO] Drones that can fly through doors and windows
- New Documents Show Military Is Flying Drones Throughout US | Dark PoliticksDark Politricks
- Update On Potential War Against Syria - Washington's Blog
- Newly Released Drone Records Reveal Extensive Military Flights in US | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Feinstein amendment doubles down on NDAA's assault on constitutional rights | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Rural Coops Show the Way to Urban Job Growth
- Saving Seeds: 7 Reasons Why and Dozens of Tips for How - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- BEST of Permaculture Online November 1012 | Permaculture Magazine
- Homestead Survival: Homemade Square Gardening PVC Watering System & Dibbler Project
- Creating a sense of place by investing locally
- Starting a Resilience Circle
- How Prepared Are You | Doomsday Preppers | Survey | Nat Geo | THE DAILY PREP
- Get Stuff Free Or Really Cheap Without Getting Spammed | Inspire Wild
- It Is Not All Doom & Gloom: A Rare Positive Post
- A Human Powered Water Pump you Have to See
- All About Knots | Preparedness Advice Blog
- The Creator’s Natural Antibiotics | Ready Nutrition
- What You Can Do about GMOs | Transition US
- First Aid Evaluation Flowchart
- The Top Ten films as chosen by Transition initiatives! » Transition Culture
- How to Build a Natural Stream Pond - Do-It-Yourself - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- 10 Ways to Prepare Your Community for Economic Collapse
- YERT DVD Launch Party Hangout - Coming Soon! - YouTube
- Extreme Urban Gardening: Straw Bale Gardens
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- We're Headed For A Disaster Of Biblical Proportions - Business Insider
- Urban agriculture: Flint River Farm documentary
- Why So Secretive? The Trans-Pacific Partnership as Global Corporate Coup
- Struggles, new and old, emerge in Sandy's wake
- Stephanie McMillan - Just Begging
- THIS Is Where Occupy Is Going – MOC #188
- Modernity Bites - Clusterfuck Nation
- The Four Horsemen of Banking | Veterans Today
- Study: Predicted 6ºC Rise by 2100 Should End "Business as Usual" | Common Dreams
- Chris Hedges: Stand Still for the Apocalypse - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
- New Scientist Special Report: 7 Reasons Climate Change Is 'Even Worse Than We Thought' | ThinkProgress
- Top 25 Censored Stories Of 2013 and a List of Independent Alternatives to the Corporate Media
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership: What ‘Free Trade’ Actually Means
- Welcome To The New Normal: Poor, Not Special, But Here And Not There, By Carolyn Baker « Speaking Truth to Power
- The Scariest Chart Of The Quarter: Student Debt Bubble Officially Pops As 90+ Day Delinquency Rate Goes Parabolic | ZeroHedge
- Cabot Institute Annual Lecture 2012 - YouTube
- Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan Apparently Can't Remember Anything | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- Comments on Guy McPherson at Bluegrass Bioneers 2012 « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Fiscal Cliff and the Grand Bargain
- PBS Raises Modern Day Dust Bowl Questions | Big Picture Agriculture
- What “Bringing American Democracy to the Rest of the World” Really Looks Like - Washington's Blog
- “The Most Powerful Psychopaths In The World” – MOC #189
- Chart Of The Day: The Wageless, Savingsless US Consumer | ZeroHedge
- Sixteen Percent of the U.S. Soybean Crop is Used for Biodiesel | Big Picture Agriculture
- Goodbye Petrodollar, Hello Agri-Dollar? | ZeroHedge
- Satan's Little Helper - Decline of the Empire
- On the Edge with Gregor Macdonald - Max Keiser
- The Future Horror Show of Capitalism « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Could A Huge Solar Flare Knock Out Our Entire Grid? | Video | TheBlaze.com
- Occupy: The Movie - Completion Funding by Occupy: The Movie — Kickstarter
- A Must-Read on Meeting the Future Challenges of Global Food Production | Big Picture Agriculture
- The New Future of Energy Policy | Peak Prosperity
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Is This Recovery "Self-Sustaining" or Merely a Mind Trick?
- The 0.1% Circles the Wagons: Buffett Pumps for Dimon as Treasury Secretary « naked capitalism
- Without growth
- ClubOrlov: A Royal Pain in the Ass
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Postcards From The Future
- Video: NOAA scientists on high alert for 2013 solar maximum
- Grayson: Walmart is ‘the largest recipient of public aid in the country’ | The Raw Story
- World Energy Report 2012
- Stephanie McMillan - What Army
- Drought-Parched Mississippi River Is Halting Barges - Bloomberg
- FOCUS | Top US Healthcare Giant: GMOs Are Devastating Health
- Cost of Coastal Living to Climb Under New Flood Rules - NYTimes.com
- Ayn Rand Was NOT a Libertarian - Washington's Blog
- Stephanie McMillan - Guns Of Democracy
- Limits to Growth: An alternative history
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): Who Wants A Millunaire?
- Sneaky Exchanges And HFT | ZeroHedge
- Matt Taibbi: Electing Jamie Dimon To Be Treasury Secretary Would Be 'Revolution-Provoking Decision'
- Preventing Armageddon Would Cost Only $100 Million … But Congress Is Too Thick to Approve the Fix - Washington's Blog
- Goldman Sachs Completes Economic Takeover of Europe | Dark PoliticksDark Politricks
- Confirmed: US planned to nuke the moon — RT
- TSA Claims It Is Above Congressional Oversight | Dark PoliticksDark Politricks
- Biotech industry wants organic farmers to pay for GMO contamination of their own crops | Dark PoliticksDark Politricks
- Goldman Wins Again As European Union Court Rules To Keep ECB Involvement In Greek Debt Fudging A Secret | ZeroHedge
- Over the Fiscal Cliff - Professor Steve Keen - YouTube
- Home Equity Lines Of Credit Are Back As The Worst Of The Housing Bubble Worst Returns | ZeroHedge
- Bank of Japan Posts Whopping ¥233 Billion Loss As Its Soaring Balance Sheet Hits Record ¥156 Trillion | ZeroHedge
- 338: Comicbook Economics | C-Realm Radiant Sun
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: When Escape from a Previously Successful Model Is Impossible
- Ugly Q3 GDP Confirms Personal Consumption Collapsing; Headline "Growth" Driven By Government, Inventory Accumulation | ZeroHedge
- NY Fed Mortgage Debt Data Says No US Recovery | Finance
- 5 Crucial New Findings About Climate Change | Alternet
- Climate Change: Do the Math « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Dust Storm along the Kansas-Colorado Border : Natural Hazards
- Hopes of Home Fade Among Japan’s Displaced - NYTimes.com
- Rising Seas, Vanishing Coastlines - NYTimes.com
- Industrial Civilization’s Last Frantic Binge on Carbon Energy « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Melting permafrost 'will DOUBLE carbon and nitrogen levels in the atmosphere': Experts' new warning on climate change | Mail Online
- Climate Change Threatens to Create a Second Dust Bowl: Scientific American
- New Video: Sandy and the Age of Superstorms « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- NBCNews.com video: Tsunami debris washes up in Hawaii
- Dissolving Sea Snails! - Decline of the Empire
- Polar Ice Sheets Shrinking Worldwide, Study Confirms
- Keeping Peak Oil Reality In Mind # 18: Deny & Delay [Pt. I] - Peak Oil Matters
- The Oil Drum | Russian oil production to 2020
- An analysis of World Energy Outlook 2012 as preparation for an interview with Science | ASPO International | The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
- Sibel Edmonds’s Secrets | The American Conservative
- 50. The 3 Coming False Flag Attacks - YouTube
- The Peak Oil Crisis: Descent Into Chaos
- Russia Sends Warships To Gaza Coast | ZeroHedge
- The Expanding Surveillance Society: Getting You to Buy Into Being Monitored « naked capitalism
- White House Presses for Drone Rule Book - NYTimes.com
- The Osama bin Laden Myth
- Who is this man? | Privacy SOS
- Home Sweet Shipping Container: Detroit Housing Project - ABC News
- Building Resiliency with GoalZero | Peak Prosperity
- Food Storage | Peak Prosperity
- Steven Harris Website
- Chainsaw Maintenance | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Strategic Relocation The Film FULL VERSION HQ - YouTube
- Local government is the place to fight gridlock in Washington — Transition Voice
- Healing Boo-Boo Salve - aka Homemade Natural Neosporin
- Green Illusions Book
- Eat Well Guide :: Local, Sustainable, Organic Food
- A Good List of Hand Tools You Need to Work Without Electricity. | Preparedness Advice Blog
- The Endangered Repairman
- The Top 10 Documentaries from 2011 that could Change the World
- 500 showers from one pile of compost | The Resilient Family
- How to Build Irrigation-Free Raised Beds with Hugelkultur : TreeHugger
- Can I use a storm-water pond as a back-up source of water? | The Ωmega Man Journal
- Collapse Occupations…Educate and Equip Yourself Today » Catastrophe Network
- Anonymous web browsing and surfing
- Relocating to Canada | The Modern Survivalist
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
- The Third Industrial Revolution – Nature Bats Last
- The End of Capitalism and the Extinction of Mankind « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Hostess Twinkies Bite The Dust - Decline of the Empire
- Naomi Klein on Bill Moyers: Hurricanes, Capitalism & Democracy « naked capitalism
- A “Second American Revolution” to Restore the Constitution and the Rule of Law? - Washington's Blog
- Optimism Bias: What Keeps Us Alive Today Will Kill Us Tomorrow | Finance
- One Year After the Occupation | BillMoyers.com
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Nightmare Scenarios for Obama's 2nd Term
- ‘War’ word origin is ‘confusion’: how 1% wage war on 99%, how to end war - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.com
- “How To Make Renewable Energy More Dangerous” – MOC #187
- Mitch Feierstein: The Fed's Nuclear Balance Sheet. Stand Back: This Baby's Going to Explode
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership: This is What Corporate Governance Looks LikeThe
- National Security State - YouTube
- But What Will We Eat at the Apocalypse Now? – Casaubon's Book
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Collapse and the Sorites Paradox
- Chris Hedges: Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
- The Oil Drum | Peak, What Peak?
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): How To Turn Your Country Into A Ponzi Scheme
- Collapsing Into Gaia: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Collapse
- REVISIT The Speech Obama Needs to Give
- The International Banking Cartel (I) - YouTube
- The International Banking Cartel (II) - YouTube
- Production, Entropy and Monetary Macroeconomics - YouTube
- Be like a snowball | The Resilient Family
- Monsanto Co. seeks to take over Mexico's heartland with GM maize
- The World Bank's Dire Climate Warning - Decline of the Empire
- Speaking in Louisville, and a couple essays – Nature Bats Last
- The Hidden Costs of a Big Mac « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- The Bit Heard Round the World? Wordpress Begins Accepting Bitcoin - Silver Vigilante
- Rolling Jubilee highlights the need for conversations on debt cancellation
- War In Gaza: Why Now? - Washington's Blog
- Wal-Mart Workers' Black Friday Strike - Businessweek
- Emil Her Many Horses: Remembering Lakota Ways (PHOTOS)
- The American illusion of water abundance - latimes.com
- ‘Anonymous’ crashes hundreds of Israeli websites over Gaza air assault | The Raw Story
- Bye-bye $105 bn! Taxpayers' money bailing out banks gone for good? - Max Keiser
- Protesting Spanish Cops: "Forgive Us For Not Arresting Those Truly Responsible For This Crisis: Bankers & Politicians" | ZeroHedge
- Top Economic Advisers Forecast World War - Washington's Blog
- 7 economic nightmares for Obama's 2nd term - CBS News
- Question Everything: Does Humanity Have a Death Wish?
- New Mile-Long Oil Slick from BP’s Gulf Macondo Well - Washington's Blog
- Epic Disappointment - Clusterfuck Nation
- Shadow Banking System Larger than at the Start of the Financial Crisis - Washington's Blog
- The futility of fighting for human survival gives life meaning — Transition Voice
- War in Gaza = War Over Natural Gas? - Washington's Blog
- Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don’t Work | Our Finite World
- The US Grid: Vulnerable in the Age of Terror and Superstorms « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Has Climate Change begun to Destroy Property Values? « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- ClubOrlov: The Practice of Anarchy
- charles hugh smith-Our Dust Bowl Economy
- Existentialists saw only absurdity because they forgot nature — Transition Voice
- Initial Claims Over 400K For Second Week In A Row, Hurricane's Fault Again | ZeroHedge
- NASA Playing Coy With Mars Rover Secret Discovery - YouTube
- Ben Bernanke Confronted on Secret Federal Reserve Bailouts - YouTube
- N. Dakota to study ethics of using aerial drones - Houston Chronicle
- The Day the World Ended - WW3 Simulation - YouTube
- Dust Bowl revisited
- How the Israeli Army Used Social Media To Brag About an Assassination | Mother Jones
- Farmers Told To Buy Insurance If They Don't Want To Get Sued By Corporations | ThinkProgress
- Kyle Bass: Fallacies Such As MMT Are "Leading The Sheep To Slaughter" And "We Believe War Is Inevitable" | ZeroHedge
- SWAT team fires semi-automatic weapons at unarmed teenage girl — RT
- ‘Anonymous' crashes hundreds of Israeli websites over Gaza air assault - StumbleUpon
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Understanding the "Exorbitant Privilege" of the U.S. Dollar
- Global Shadow Banking System Rises To $67 Trillion, Just Shy Of 100% Of Global GDP | ZeroHedge
- SOLA 5.3 Fractional Reserve Theft - YouTube
- The World Wide Web Of Debt | ZeroHedge
- Jesse's Café Américain: A Short Video Primer on the US Debt and Deficit, Hubris, and the Credibility Trap
- Economics - Nov 22
- Fitch downgrades Sony, Panasonic to junk - Nov. 22, 2012
- 88 percent of Americans say the U.S. should try to reduce global warming: Yale survey
- Drought persists in High Plains despite recent rain - U.S. News
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Lessons from 2012: Droughts, not Hurricanes, are the Greater Danger | Weather Underground
- Fogponic Unit Stacks Vertically to Grow More Veggies in Less Space : TreeHugger
- Orion Magazine | Trebbe Johnson, Lily Yeh, and Glenn Albrecht Discuss Solastalgia
- Wit's End: This Impostor
- German TV: 42% of Fukushima children now with thyroid disorders — Official blames too much seafood? (VIDEO)
- Iowa scientists: Climate change caused the drought - CBS News
- Why the U.S. Can't Stop Climate Change Alone (in 2 Graphs) - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Dirty Overload - Overpopulation to the Tar Sands
- The History of Climate Change Negotiations in 83 seconds - Aftenbladet.no
- Caldicott in Japan: “Incredibly rare” thyroid abnormalities found in 40% of Fukushima children — Indicates a really high dose of radiation, higher than at Chernobyl (VIDEO)
- While US Sleeps, Germany Builds the Renewable World « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Oil - Nov 19
- Peak oil won't be stopped by today's North American oil bubble — Transition Voice
- War Clouds Over Gaza Again
- Israel and the U.S. CREATED Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda - Washington's Blog
- Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Guest Post: Betray Us | ZeroHedge
- Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants | Politics and Law - CNET News
- Puppet State America
- 29 Signs That The Elite Are Transforming Society Into A Total Domination Control Grid
- Israel, The West Bank, and War News
- US: we initiate terrorism to create terrorists to overthrow governments - Washington's Blog
- The Archdruid Report: In the Twilight of Empires
- The US-Israeli Attack on Gaza | Global Research
- Obama Weaves Web of Deceit on Gaza War | Alternet
- Government To Double Its Domestic Drone Fleet - Business Insider
- Student Suspended for Refusing to Wear a School-Issued RFID Tracker | Threat Level | Wired.com
- Israel's War on Truth | Brainwash Update - YouTube
- Electronic tracking: new constraint for Saudi women - FRANCE 24
- More on Securing Your Home | Preparedness Advice Blog
- 197 Neat Free Survival Downloads | The Modern Survivalist
- The Rush to Resilience: 'We Don't Have Decades Before the Next Sandy' - Jobs & Economy - The Atlantic Cities
- Collapse (2009) | Watch Documentary Free Online
- Free World News Desk Sundays 11.18.12 | CollapseNet
- Best Solar Chargers to Have for Emergencies : TreeHugger
- Resilience: Why so many parents today are getting it wrong
- How to Grow Your Own Superfoods Indoors | Wake Up World
- Living Machine
- Feeding Compost Worms: What, When, & How {Guest Post} | The Prairie Homestead
- Prepper Ideas » Blog Archive » Checklist for Family Preparedness
- Prepper Ideas » Blog Archive » Survival Fighting
- How to build My 50 Dollar Greenhouse » The Door Garden
- Speak the Truth to Power: Back Bill Black - YouTube
- Sandy Aftermath and the Fragility of Complex Systems « naked capitalism
- Voting for a Third Party Candidate Is NOT a Wasted Vote - Washington's Blog
- It’s Not Dystopic Science Fiction Anymore… « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Stephanie McMillan - Advertisers Lose Patience
- Romney-Ryan the only choice to collapse society & save the planet — Transition Voice
- Chart Of The Day: America's Geriatric Work F(a)rce | ZeroHedge
- What no candidate says about energy and the economy - The Hill's Congress Blog
- Paul Street’s List of the Top Eight Issues Facing Modern Civilization « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Chris Hedges: The S&M Election - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
- Question Everything: Who will win???
- The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse
- We cannot avoid the global crisis… but we can deal with it
- charles hugh smith-Weblog and Essays
- Ron Paul: "Pure Democracy Is Dangerous"... When It's Purchased | ZeroHedge
- More Evidence of Overly Conservative IPCC Estimates Hiding the Coming Catastrophe « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Teenage Girls Invent Pee-Powered Generator : TreeHugger
- Video: Permaculture-Ecological Engineering Modeled on Nature | Global Warming is Real: Climate | Energy | Sustainability
- Hurricane Sandy Reveals a Life Unplugged - NYTimes.com
- Real Danger of “Obamacare”: Insurance Company Takeover of Health Care - Thoughts - Nomi Prins
- Higher Intelligence and the Descent of Man « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- "The Worm Turns" As Chevron 'Infected' By Stuxnet Collateral Damage | ZeroHedge
- Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered? - Washington's Blog
- It’s the interest, stupid! Why bankers rule the world
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Case for a Constitutional Convention in 2016
- Guest Post: John Michael Greer: If the Four Horsemen Arrive, Offer Beer | ZeroHedge
- Growth Crisis in Global Economy Censored Beneath US Election Fever « The Daily Crowd
- The Yes Men in the Rockaways: The Occupy Sandy Relief Effort « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- A Look in the Mirror - Clusterfuck Nation
- Our dependence on oil puts a glass ceiling on economic recovery
- Stephanie McMillan - All I Got
- New C.I.A.-Commissioned Report on Climate Change Stresses to Civilization « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Open Doors « KatieSpeak
- Gold & the Dollar are Less Correlated than Everyone Thinks | Peak Prosperity
- The Anatomy of a Breakdown | Ready Nutrition
- “Wow. Everyone should be doing this!” I Agree.
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Welcome to the Nuthouse: How Private Financial Fiat Creates a Public Farce
- Going Green? 12 Ways to Reduce Your Impact on the Food, Water and Energy Nexus on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- The sufficiency economy: envisioning a prosperous way down
- IEA acknowledges fossil fuel reserves climate crunch - The Price of Oil
- The United Sociopaths of America (The Joe Rogan Experience) - YouTube
- IEA Oil Forecast Unrealistically High; Misses Diminishing Returns | Our Finite World
- Chart Of The Day: The Fiscal Cliff For The Rest Of Us | ZeroHedge
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Nearly-Free University
- The Archdruid Report: Deterrence in an Age of Decline
- “The Top Secret Deal Between 11 Countries That Will Affect Your Life” – MOC #186
- Back Bill Black | Justice is the Foundation of Stable Economy
- Shock Doctrine, American-Style: Hurricane Sandy Devastation Used to Push for Sale of Public Infrastructure to Investors « naked capitalism
- Step Aside Apple Line, Here Comes The Gas Line: Photo Album Of A Nation Waiting, Waiting, Waiting | ZeroHedge
- The real struggle begins: Europe descends into fascism
- Early Warning: Hurricane Hits Just-In-Time Economy
- Ravaged Staten Island: Torn Apart, Comes Together | Common Dreams
- SHOCK: 72 Hours After Grid-Down: Starvation, Supply Shortages, Food Lines, No Clean Water, No Gas, Transportation Standstill *Independent Reports, Pics, Video*
- [41] Ralph Nader: Don't Vote for Evil, US Double Standards, Vote for CA Props - YouTube
- The World's 20 Richest People: 20. Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud - Bloomberg
- Three US states poised to legalise cannabis and defy 'war on drugs' | Society | The Observer
- Max Keiser: 'Barack Obama is clueless. Mitt Romney will bankrupt the country' - Americas - World - The Independent
- Evidence of Electronic Vote Fraud Pours In from Both Liberal and Conservative Sources - Washington's Blog
- Election 2012: How The Winner Will Destroy America | ZeroHedge
- Did Hurricane Sandy Cause $36.5 Trillion In Damage? | Finance
- Much Ado About Nothing
- They Aren’t “Third Parties” … They Are SECOND Parties, Since the GOP and Dems Act as ONE Party On The Core Issues - Washington's Blog
- Guest Post: Colorado Legalizes Marijuana: Your Move Eric Holder | ZeroHedge
- Stephanie McMillan - Lies
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Odd-Even Gas Rationing Hits NYC; Only 25% of Stations Operational, Full Production Weeks Away; Why Rationing Won't Work; Insanity Over Price Gouging
- Did Sandy offer a peek at peak oil?- MSN Money
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): Un-Civilization
- Arthur Kill Correctional Facility, Staten Island Prison, Might House Residents Displaced By Sandy
- A Collection of Responses to Stanford' s Organic Food Study: Organic Food Is Worth It - Natural Health - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- US military warned to prepare for consequences of climate change | World news | guardian.co.uk
- Foodstamps Surge By Most In One Year To New All Time Record, In Delayed Release | ZeroHedge
- Early Warning: Cement Production: China and Elsewhere
- California’s Prop 37 Scandal: Resolution and Healing Amid the Corruption | Wake Up World
- The Archdruid Report: The Post-American Future
- 100,000 N.Y. Homes, Businesses Face Months Without Power - Bloomberg
- Wall Street Offers a Second Career for Former Politicians
- On the Edge with Michael Panzner - Max Keiser
- Drums Beating to Privatize Social Security « naked capitalism
- Ten Health Ranger predictions about December 2012 and the first half of 2013
- Stephanie McMillan - Equal Opportunity
- Hurricane Sandy and the Disaster-Preparedness Economy - NYTimes.com
- Breast Milk Secrets That The FDA Doesn’t Want You To Know | Wake Up World
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): Disposable Society
- “Are We Stuck In Permanent Childhood?” – M.O.C. #185
- A tribute to Roscoe Bartlett
- Bill Black: Wall Street Uses the Third Way to Lead its Assault on Social Security « naked capitalism
- Low-Carbon Future?
- Peak Moment 222: Applying a peak oil filter to financial choices
- Stephanie McMillan - Has Or Has Not
- US Postal Service, Costing $250 Million Daily, Posts Record $15.9 Billion Loss, May Run Out Of Cash Soon | ZeroHedge
- 'All Options on the Table' as Israel Launches 'Operation Pillar of Cloud' | Common Dreams
- Petraeus resignation: ‘Scandal may be political not sexual’ — RT
- Chart Of The Day: One Quadrillion Or Bust | ZeroHedge
- Millions of GMO Mosquitoes Released Without Risk Assessment or Oversight | Farm Wars
- College Park man fights to keep vegetable garden in front yard | News - Home
- House Republicans Find Corzine Guilty Of MF Global Collapse, Missing Funds; Democrats Refuse To Endorse Findings | ZeroHedge
- 'U.S. Per Person Debt Now 35 Percent Higher than that of Greece' - BlackListedNews.com
- Economy Stinks for Many, But It's Crushing Millennials - US Business News - CNBC
- The "New Normal" In Pictures in [Market-Ticker]
- Extreme Global Weather: ‘the Unprecedented Is the New Normal’ | Around the World - Yahoo! News
- Worst Case Climate Projections Likely: Study | Common Dreams
- Tokyo Bay cesium even higher than levels reported off Fukushima — Nearly entire sea floor contaminated by 2014 (VIDEO)
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Sandy the 11th U.S. billion-dollar disaster of 2012 | Weather Underground
- Climate Change Faster Than Predicted: Scientific American
- Rising Sea Level May Trigger Groundwater Floods | Climate Central
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Kevin Anderson: What They Won't Tell You About Climate Catastrophe
- Museletter #246: Gas Bubble Leaking, About to Burst | Richard Heinberg
- Could ‘economic peak oil’ rival the banking crisis? | RTCC - Responding to Climate Change
- Build Your Own Solar Charger with Voltaic's DIY Kits | Peak Prosperity
- A Prepping Manual: Preparing for the Worst | SilverDoctors.com
- Prepper Ideas » Blog Archive » Build Your Own 12 VDC Engine/Generator
- 44 Really Cool Uses of Paracord for Survival | Wake Up World
- Running an Inverter off a Prius for Backup Power | Peak Prosperity
- How to Buy Farmland, Even If You Think You Can’t - Modern Homesteading - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Urban Homesteading: Heirloom Skills For Sustainable Living
- Fiona Ward introduces the REconomy Project » Transition Culture
- How Basic Can You Get? List #5 | The Survival Mom™
- 18 Medicine Cabinet Essentials: A 1935 Slant « Rural Spin
- Rain Barrels, Chicken Coops, and Solar Panels
- Land Destroyer: Organic Farming: The Choreography of Polyculture
- Household Items That Can Be Used as Organic Fertilizer | The Survival Mom™
- 101 unusual things to stock for TEOTWAWKI that you won’t see on many other lists
- The Core Kit: First Aid and Beyond, by Jason J. - SurvivalBlog.com
- The Elements of Community? « how to save the world
- Endless hot water without power! | Peak Prosperity
- 5 Ways to Eat Kale - Food Matters - Natural Home & Garden
- Using Chickens to Plant a Food Forest : TreeHugger
- Awesome DIY Project - How to build a plastic bottle greenhouse! - LPC Survival
- PREPPING MISTAKES: 6 Mistakes Preppers Make That Can Get You Killed
- Guide to DIY Kit Homes - Green Homes - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Ecological models for community development — Transition Voice
- The Making of a Hugelkultur Bed
- How to Grow All Your Food on a Tenth of an Acre : TreeHugger
- How To Build A Bicycle Generator
- David Attenborough On Climate: 'The Most Powerful Nation In The World Denies What The Rest Of Us Can See Very Clearly' | ThinkProgress
- Charles Hugh Smith: About Raising Taxes as the "Solution" to the Fiscal Cliff....
- On the Edge with Nicole Foss - Max Keiser
- A sobering report from the EcoSummit 2012A Prosperous Way Down
- Crowds Confront Global Debt Crisis in National Police Conflicts « The Daily Crowd
- Why the U.S. is NOT the new Saudi Arabia | Energy Bulletin
- Charles Hugh Smith: Why Energy May Be Abundant But Not Cheap
- The Life (So Far) Of Hurricane Sandy | ZeroHedge
- Chris Hedges: Why I’m Voting Green - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
- The Global Banking ‘Super-Entity’ Drug Cartel: The “Free Market” of Finance Capital
- Bill McKibben, Jeff Masters and Greg Jones on Democracy Now | 350.org
- Anticipating the Devolution of Big Government | Peak Prosperity
- A “Fossil-Fueled Storm” Calls for an Immediate Crash Course on Climate Change « naked capitalism
- Econ4 Discusses Jobs and Job Creation « naked capitalism
- Eric Sprott On America's Great Endangered Species: "The 99%" | ZeroHedge
- Koch Brothers and the Road to "Citizens United" - YouTube
- 9 scenarios and all lead to stock plunge - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Life in a Petri Dish « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Conversations That Matter « how to save the world
- Only Global Banks Will Benefit From A Cyber-Attack On The U.S. | ZeroHedge
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Financial Super-Storm of 2013
- The Machines want your job | Dailycensored.com
- ADP "Cancels" 365,000 Private Jobs Created In 2012 | ZeroHedge
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): Another Inconvenient Reality
- Sandy forces climate change on US election despite fossil fuel lobby | Bill McKibben | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- “How Hurricane Sandy Is A Good Thing” – MOC #183
- Japan quake-hit nuclear plant may still be leaking radiation into sea | Agricultural Commodities | Reuters
- In Amerika There Will Never Be A Real Debate
- Election 2012 — Terrifying Prospects - Decline of the Empire
- Dead Sea’s Record Loss Grows With Potash Makers Demand - Bloomberg
- Layoffs rise as firms retrench due to earnings
- Halloween and Eco-Apocolypse « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- More than a Dozen Nuclear Plants Near Hurricane Sandy’s Path Brace for Impact - Washington's Blog
- Budget cuts push Spain jobless to 25 percent | Reuters
- We’re all guinea pigs: Film explores effects of living among untested chemicals | Grist
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Sandy likely to be a multi-billion dollar disaster for the U.S. | Weather Underground
- The New Normal: From An Epic Drought in Nebraska to a Deluge in New York City
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): Cliff Diving
- The Downward Spiral: Storm Warning
- Israel Conducts Air Strike On Sudan Missile Base In 'Dry Run' For Iran Attack | ZeroHedge
- Playing the Lyre as Rome Burns | It's Not Your Fault
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: EU Bureaucracy has Lost Control of Italy; Social Mood Turns Black
- Hurricane Sandy May Score a Direct Hit On Spent Fuel Pools at Nuclear Plant - Washington's Blog
- Stephanie McMillan - Good Jobs
- The Future Children Project - YouTube
- "Zeitgeist Revolution" Breaking the Set Interview about The Zeitgeist Movement - YouTube
- Frankenstorms and the Fukushima Factor | Common Dreams
- Sandy and digital snow days - A Prosperous Way DownA Prosperous Way Down
- As The Hurricane Damage Tally Begins, Here Is Who Pays | ZeroHedge
- Global Economic Collapse: Causes and Some Potential Outcomes, by C.D.W.T. - SurvivalBlog.com
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): The Party Is Over
- Photos: Superstorm Slams East - weather.com
- Is Sandy a taste of things to come? - CNN.com
- There Are THREE – Not One – Wellheads at BP’s Macondo Gulf Oil Spill Site - Washington's Blog
- Nuclear power plant problems multiply — Transition Voice
- Sandy Total Loss Estimate: Up To $100 Billion | ZeroHedge
- Sandy wipes out biggest beekeeping operation in New York City | Grist
- Early Warning: Avoiding Defeatism on Climate Change
- Incredible devastation seen near NJ nuclear plant in new aerial footage from Air Force (VIDEO)
- The Rich Create Bubbles, Not Jobs « naked capitalism
- How It Could Happen, Part Five: Dissolution
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The New Facebook Buttons: Promote, Despise, Abandon
- Part II - Rigged Elections for Romney? | Dailycensored.com
- Wary of Future, Professionals Leave China in Record Numbers - NYTimes.com
- The Resilience Imperative | New Society Publishers
- Hit by crisis, Greek society in free-fall - CBS News
- Barclays Fined Record Amount For Channelling Enron, Manipulating California's Electricity Market | ZeroHedge
- Hurricane Sandy Satellite Photos: Before And After | ZeroHedge
- It’s The End of the World As We Know It
- Lookit them Yo Yos! That’s the Way Ya Do it!!!!!!! Music Channel Breaks Glass on Climate Emergency « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Hacking the President’s DNA - Andrew Hessel, Marc Goodman and Steven Kotler - The Atlantic
- Activists and homeowner evicted from foreclosed house by SWAT team - Denver Progressive | Examiner.com
- HERE’S YOUR GDP « The Burning Platform
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Retail Sales in Spain Plunge 10.9%, Largest Drop on Record; All Pain, No Gain
- The Incredible Shrinking Half-Life Of Central Bank Action | ZeroHedge
- Chicago PMI Misses After Early Leak, Contracts; Employment At 33 Month Low | ZeroHedge
- Wiping out species decreases resilience to climate change
- Frankenstorm: Has Climate Change Created A Monster? : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR
- unpredictable Wit's End
- We Are All from New Orleans Now: Climate Change, Hurricanes and the Fate of America's Coastal Cities | The Nation
- NASA warned New York about hurricane danger six years ago | Grist
- Watch: Television News Starts Covering The Link Between Climate Change And Superstorm Sandy | ThinkProgress
- Wit's End: What Happened to the Power?
- It's Global Warming, Stupid - Businessweek
- The Top 10 Documentaries about Climate Change
- Climate-changing methane 'rapidly destabilizing' off East Coast, study finds - U.S. News
- Gulf Stream might be releasing seafloor methane | Environment | Science News
- Shale oil: The latest insights
- Renewable Energy: The Vision And A Dose Of Reality | Energy
- Water Delivery Accounts for 12.6 Percent of U.S. Energy Consumption: Report
- Oil - Oct 31
- IMF study: Peak oil could do serious damage to the global economy
- New Justice Department Documents Show Huge Increase in Warrantless Electronic Surveillance
- US military expands drone program in North Africa - YouTube
- Drone-murders of Americans ‘Totally right, totally Constitutional’: Homeland Security Chairperson - Washington's Blog
- Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- 3 Reasons U.S. Drone Policy is Really Freakin' Scary - Reason.com
- Court OKs warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras | Politics and Law - CNET News
- Solutions Series Guides | Bay Localize
- Letter Re: Circulated Pre-1965 Silver Coinage Pricing - SurvivalBlog.com
- Hemp Repairs DNA! | Wake Up World
- Inform Yourself « Transition Brockville
- Health Benefits of Lemon Water « Chef Marcus Samuelsson
- Sunlight in a Pipe: New Natural Lighting System
- 10 low tech ideas for storms and emergencies — Transition Voice
- Self Reliant Network: How to Clean Whole Fish
- Individual Preparedness Plan: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats « Survival Sherpa
- Wall of Films! | Films For Action
- 21 DIY Emergency Preparedness Hacks
- Your job is at risk... And here's why that's a good thing | The Resilient Family
- 11 Ways to Use a Pumpkin | Peak Prosperity
- Expert Advice for Greenhouse Growing
- Reducing Your Exposure to Oil Prices | Peak Prosperity
- The Preparedness Review - TPR - Fall 2012 | The Preparedness Review
- Two essential home improvements – fire and water | Survival 5×5 – Five Dimensions of Survival Preparations
- The Resilience Imperative - Buy It Here! | Canadian Centre for Community Renewal
- DSIRE: Database of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Solar Incentives, Rebates, Programs, Policy
- Human Powered Machines | Peak Prosperity
- www.wisconsinlocalfood.com/olc menus/mflf/Building_Local_Food_Networks_Toolkit_final.pdf
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
10/26/12 – THE 2ND LAW
All natural and technological processes proceed in such a way that the availability of the remaining energy decreases.In all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves an isolated system, the entropy of that system increases.
Energy continuously flows from being concentrated, to becoming dispersed, spread out, wasted and useless.New energy cannot be created and high grade energy is being destroyed. An economy based on endless growth is
Unsus-Unsustain- unsustain- unsust-Unsus-unsustaina- unsustainable
Unsus-unsustain- unsustain- unsust-Unsus- unsus-
You're unsustainable
Unsustaina- unsustainable
The fundamental laws of thermodynamics will place fixed limits on technological innovation and human advancement.In an isolated system the entropy can only increase. A species set on endless growth is
Unsus-Unsustain- unsustain- unsustUnsus-unsustaina- unsustainableUnsus-unsustain- unsustain- unsust-Unsus- unsus-
You're unsustainable
- Charles Hugh Smith: Narcissism, Consumerism and the End of Growth
- Hair of the dog, or, the limits of technologyA Prosperous Way Down
- Bill Moyers: Plutocracy Rising « naked capitalism
- Climbing The Ladder Of Awareness, By Paul Chefurka « Speaking Truth to Power
- Wake Up! Our World Is Dying and We're All in Denial | Alternet
- Daily Show Fail | Weapons of Mass Distraction - YouTube
- Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Bank? An Uncensored Investigation of the U.S. Federal Reserve - 1 of 8 - YouTube
- GMO Ticking Time Bomb - YouTube
- GMO Ticking Time Bomb - Part 3 - YouTube
- Big Oil is More Than Big Trouble for the Environment
- Snake Garden - Clusterfuck Nation
- Sheila Bair Warns Us About The Next Financial Crisis, Here’s How to Avoid It
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Three-and-a-Half Class Society
- The buzz about pesticides : Nature News & Comment
- The Great “Smart Meters” Hoax. Electromagnetic Fields Are Real And Dangerous To Our Health | Wake Up World
- German Court Demands Bundesbank Audit Sovereign Gold Holdings | ZeroHedge
- Gas Bubble Leaking, About to Burst
- In a Bad Spot | Peak Prosperity
- Before the Election was Over, Wall Street won - Thoughts - Nomi Prins
- Frankenstein Economics is killing capitalism - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Resilience.org is live! | Energy Bulletin
- Handcuffing Democracy: Jill Stein Sues Presidential Debate Commission | Common Dreams
- Putting It Into Perspective: One Week Of QE 3 In Minimum Wage Job Terms | ZeroHedge
- Charles Hugh Smith: Generational Wealth and Upward Mobility
- Data Highlights - 32: By the Numbers – Data Highlights from Full Planet, Empty Plates | EPI
- “Wait, WHO Owns The F***ing Voting Machines?!” – MOC #181
- Frontline: Climate of Doubt « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- An Economic Theory of Limited Oil Supply | Our Finite World
- The Top 18 Economic Documentaries » Monty Pelerin's World
- Insurance Giant Study Warns “Extreme Events a Game Changer” « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Stephanie McMillan - Conquered Everything
- The Dark Age Of Money | ZeroHedge
- President Declares ‘War on Entropy’
- NRC Whistleblowers: Risk of Nuclear Melt-Down In U.S. Is Even HIGHER Than It Was at Fukushima - Washington's Blog
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Google Insiders Bail Prior to Stock Plunge
- A Hard Winter is Coming | The Conflicted Doomer
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): The Last Days of the U.S. Empire
- A Simple Fix for Farming - NYTimes.com
- Fukushima Update: Unit 4 Is Sinking … Unevenly - Washington's Blog
- Police protection or citizen censorship? Spain to ban photos and videos of cops — RT
- Beans Rice and Gold: GM Wheat May Damage Human Genetics Permanently
- The Student Debt Atrocity Just Gets Worse And Worse - Decline of the Empire
- Rising Energy Costs May Usher in U.S. Freight Rail Revival: Scientific American
- RefuseToFight: Here's a little preview of ...
- Earthquake-Causing Fracking to Be Allowed within 500 FEET of Nuclear Plants - Washington's Blog
- Asking Richard Heinberg: Is the world running out of oil? | Washington Times Communities
- For energy & climate, Obama dismal, but better than Romney — Transition Voice
- Stephanie McMillan - Hating Capitalism 1
- 'Bailouts' are a means for total subjugation to EU control - Nigel Farage - YouTube
- Obama vs. Romney III: “I got nuthin’,” but there’s a reason for that « naked capitalism
- Boiling Frogs and Fear of Fossil Fuel Withdrawal « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Neil Barofsky on Pandit and Obama Administration Bankster Friendliness on Bill Moyers « naked capitalism
- 300 Fake Perth Mint Gold Bars Discovered in Australia As Chinese Gold ‘Forgery Factory’ Uncovered - Max Keiser
- The Coming Age of Geo Scarcity and Geo Destinies - YouTube
- It's Not What You May Think
- 6 Largest Pesticide Corporations Funding Effort to Try to Defeat GMO Labeling Proposition 37 | Wake Up World
- Brendan DeMelle | Delta Boys: Powerful Documentary Chronicles Niger Delta Oil Struggle
- How it could happen, part four: crossing the line
- Why Did The Bundesbank Secretly Withdraw Two-Thirds Of Its London Gold? | ZeroHedge
- the Hipcrime Vocab: United States = Saudi Arabia?
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Fiscal Cliff and Demographic Drag
- Fukushima Fish Still Glowing As Brightly In The Dark One Year Later | ZeroHedge
- Raj Gupta Gets Two Years | ZeroHedge
- Plan for hunting terrorists signals U.S. intends to keep adding names to kill lists - The Washington Post
- Bill Gross Warns "Very Likely' Central Banks Will Cause 1987-Like Crash | ZeroHedge
- US Hyperinflation Is A Myth | Finance
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Is the Fed in Control? If So, Control of What?
- Modern American Economic History in a Few Charts « naked capitalism
- 97% Owned (2012) | Watch Documentary Free Online
- Jesse's Café Américain: Currency Wars Part II
- The Central Fact that Folks Don’t Get about Fannie and Freddie’s Role in the Crisis - New Economic Perspectives
- We Speak About High Frequency Trading and Goldman’s Greg Smith on BNN « naked capitalism
- Video: Rocky Mountain Institute Annual Report | Global Warming is Real: Climate | Energy | Sustainability
- Tar Sands in Canada are world's third-largest oil reserve with 173billion untouched barrels | Mail Online
- Iron Fertilization: Savior to Climate Change or Ocean Dumping? – News Watch
- Ocean geoengineering scheme condemned by scientists – ‘The consequences of tampering with nature at this scale are not predictable’
- All hope abandon ye who enter here...
- 190m tonnes of ice a day has sea rising 1mm a year
- Greedy. Lying. Bastards. The Movie. « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Graph of the Day: Oceanic pH, 24 million years BP – Present
- One fracking minute: an animated explainer on hydraulic fracturing | Marketplace.org
- Climate-changing methane 'rapidly destabilizing' off East Coast, study finds - U.S. News
- Antarctica's Weird Warming - YouTube
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- US to sell Arctic land leases in November for oil, gas production | Reuters
- Crash_Watcher: Predicting Global and Regional Petroleum Consumption Trends Part 6: North America
- BP on brink of $15b Russian oil deal
- The peak oil crisis:the end game | Energy Bulletin
- ODAC Newsletter Oct 26
- Lew Rockwell explains how the Fed enables war, empire, and destroys the middle class — RT
- A Decade After 9/11, Police Departments Are Increasingly Militarized
- US drone attacks: CIA chiefs face arrest over horrific evidence of bloody 'video-game' sorties | Mail Online
- U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War - Washington's Blog
- Kill-list 2.0: Obama’s ‘disposition matrix’ maps out extrajudicial murders for years to come — RT
- Presidential Debates Prove that Obama and Romney’s Foreign Policy Is Virtually Identical - Washington's Blog
- The SAME Unaccountable Government Agency Which Spies on All Americans Also Decides Who Gets Assassinated by Drones - Washington's Blog
- Prepping and Reality | Peak Prosperity
- Food.Farmer.Earth - YouTube
- RVs and Camping Trailers Provide Multiple Backups on a Budget, by Judy C. - SurvivalBlog.com
- The Elephant in the Rooms « how to save the world
- Minimize and Downsize with Tiny Home Living – 10 steps to reducing consumption | Permaculture Magazine
- We The Tiny House People (2012) | Watch Documentary Free Online
- 44 Really Cool Uses of Paracord for Survival - Backdoor Survival
- Robert's Projects: Root Cellar
- Homestead Blessings: Put Your Chickens To Work
- Year-Round Gardening: Our Best Plans for Greenhouses, Hoop Houses, Cold Frames and More - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Medical Prepping in Three Months: A Guide to Safeguarding Your Family -- Part 1 of 2, by Dr. Cynthia J. Koelker - SurvivalBlog.com
- Building the Almost Free DIY Rocket Stove | Wake Up World
- Charles Hugh Smith: A Non-Corporate Model for the Localized Economy: Guilds
- How to use | Sun Oven® | The Original Solar Oven & Solar Cooker
- Food Storage: 20 Crops That Keep and How to Store Them - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- How to Avoid Theft from Your Rural Property – A Checklist | Modern Homesteading | Stylish Self-Sufficient Living | Homesteading | City to Country | City and Country Life | Homesteading Blog | Moving to the Country Blog | How to Homestead
- How To Test pH Levels In Soil: {Gardening} : TipNut.com
- How to Start a Community Currency
- The EarthLines Review
- Ralph Nader- The 17 Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future Q&A
- Stress, Anxiety and Depression in a SHTF World | Ready Nutrition
- 9 Ways to Make Fire Without Matches | Peak Prosperity
- Permaculture Magazine - #74 - PDF download - Current issue - Permaculture Magazine | Green Shopping
- How to Make Compost - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Feed your soil — and the rest will follow | Grist
All natural and technological processes proceed in such a way that the availability of the remaining energy decreases.In all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves an isolated system, the entropy of that system increases.
Energy continuously flows from being concentrated, to becoming dispersed, spread out, wasted and useless.New energy cannot be created and high grade energy is being destroyed. An economy based on endless growth is
Unsus-Unsustain- unsustain- unsust-Unsus-unsustaina- unsustainable
Unsus-unsustain- unsustain- unsust-Unsus- unsus-
You're unsustainable
Unsustaina- unsustainable
The fundamental laws of thermodynamics will place fixed limits on technological innovation and human advancement.In an isolated system the entropy can only increase. A species set on endless growth is
Unsus-Unsustain- unsustain- unsustUnsus-unsustaina- unsustainableUnsus-unsustain- unsustain- unsust-Unsus- unsus-
You're unsustainable
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- On the Edge with Charles Hugh Smith - Max Keiser
- Why Are Americans So Easy to Manipulate and Control? | Alternet
- Voting the “Lesser of Two Evils” is a Wasted Vote for the Status Quo « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Future of America Is Japan: Runaway Deficits, Runaway Debts
- “I Went To The Cayman Islands To Investigate Mitt Romney’s Tax Havens” – MOC #178
- The 2012 US Presidential “Non-election”: Which Brand of “Fascism” this Time? | Global Research
- PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts
- For About $20, Cardboard Bicycle Could 'Change The World,' Inventor Says : The Two-Way : NPR
- Who Bought Your Politician? Check With Our Embeddable Widget | Threat Level | Wired.com
- President Obama Has Turned Journalists into Criminals « Amber Lyon
- Politics as street magic | The Resilient Family
- Future Hunger Games « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- When science is a conveyor of bad news | Energy Bulletin
- Stephanie McMillan - Patent That Sucker
- Scapegoat-in-Chief: The Race for the Oval Office
- "Why You Don't Even Know That A Presidential Candidate Was Arrested Last Night" - MOC #179 - YouTube
- Arrested Green Party VP nominee Cheri Honkala describes her detention by Secret Service - YouTube
- Presidential Candidate JILL STEIN on War on Drugs, Women's Rights, and more... - YouTube
- Realty Storms Back As Initial Claims Explode Higher By 46K From Last Week's Upward Revised Aberration | ZeroHedge
- With Profound Respect and Gratitude « Julia Butterfly Hill’s Weblog
- Jesse's Café Américain: Bill Moyers Fact Checks Bill O'Reilly's Misinformed Demagoguery
- Why A Balanced Budget Is Impossible In America | ZeroHedge
- Rise of the Machines - USA - YouTube
- "Mitt Romney's Bailout Bonanza: How He Made Millions from the Rescue of Detroit" (1 of 2) - YouTube
- James Howard Kunstler on "The Long Emergency" | The Survival Podcast
- First the EU, next Frankenstein? Nobel Committee’s decision ‘farcical’ – RT’s Max Keiser — RT
- Denmark Reaches 2020 Goal for Solar. Only 8 Years Early. « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- VERY STRANGE John Deere’s Gloomy “Farm Forward” Video | Big Picture Agriculture
- Swedish eco-village hosts role-play of life after peak oil | Energy Bulletin
- Walmart's Response Plan For Its Labor Strikes - Business Insider
- 21 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is About To Go To A Whole New Level
- Chinese Exporters Fear Grim Outlook - Business News - CNBC
- Crisis of Civilization, Gore for Peace, SERCO Owns the World - YouTube
- Up to 1,000,000 sieverts per hour outside Fukushima Unit 1 containment vessel — Still too hot to attempt measuring other areas (PHOTO & VIDEO)
- History of Iran & USA in 10 min, Every American must watch this!! - YouTube
- Auction 2012: Two-Party Oligarchy Vs. The People - Washington's Blog
- Our World is Changing: Looking Beyond 'the 2012' - YouTube
- JRE #276 - David Seaman, Abby Martin, Dell Cameron, Brian Redban on Vimeo
- Obama Rep. Schultz on The NDAA and Secret Kill List - YouTube
- The next euro storm is in Italy - Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch
- The Global Water Crisis - Business Insider
- 5 Ways America Is Being Hollowed Out by Unfettered Corporate Greed | Alternet
- Off the Cuff: Picking Our Poison | Peak Prosperity
- The Presidential Debates Are Nothing But Scripted Beauty Contests - Washington's Blog
- The Archdruid Report: How It Could Happen, Part Three: To The Brink
- Testosterone Pit - Home - Fear of Impending Economic Collapse Or Just Manipulation?
- Drought brings record U.S. cost for crop insurance subsidy | Reuters
- Jill Stein’s Green New Deal, Think Tanks Run Congress | Disinformation
- Fossil Fuel Lobby Targets Matt Damon’s New Film About Fracking : Living Green Magazine
- How to survive a global deceit crisis « Lack of Environment
- Binders Full of Women, and Two Women Bound | Common Dreams
- Heather Roff: A Brave New World of War: Cyber Warfare & Defense in Depth
- The real jobs numbers: 41 percent of America unemployed, one-third doesn't want work at all — RT
- BP Oil Spill: Case NOT Closed - Washington's Blog
- Global Economic Distress 3.0 Looms as Emerging Markets Falter - Bloomberg
- Where Stock Prices Are Headed Over the Next Year | Peak Prosperity
- Introducing New Video Series, The Bottom Line « naked capitalism
- Household Net Worthless: Poverty Here We Come | Finance
- Warmest Year On Record: September Bookends The Hottest 12 Months To Date
- Scientists uncover diversion of Gulf Stream path in late 2011; Warmer waters flowed to shelfbreak south of New England
- An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Global Warming Impacts: How We Know Inaction Is the Gravest Threat Humanity Faces | ThinkProgress
- The Coral Reef Crisis Threatens Nature's Ability To Help Us Deal With Climate Change | ThinkProgress
- Nigeria flood disaster ‘worst since 1948’ – More than 600,000 people displaced, 589 square miles of farmland destroyed – Crocodiles and hippos washed into homes
- World's biggest geoengineering experiment 'violates' UN rules | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Negative impact of nutrients on coastal ecosystems: Environment begins 'falling apart' in less than 7 years
- Extinction from global warming: Changing interactions between species may be more dangerous than high temperatures alone
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- The Short Story of Carbon Man and Industrial Civilization « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- For War with Syria: Need Ignition? Let’s Just Make it Up, Cook it Up, Set it Up!
- The REAL Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan (It Was Not To End the War Or Save Lives) - Washington's Blog
- Koch Brothers Rounding Up Employees' Votes | Common Dreams
- Green Party candidate: Police handcuffed me to a chair for eight hours - StumbleUpon
- Congressman and Chairman of the House’s Homeland Security Committee: Terrorist Threat Worse Now than Before 9/11 - Washington's Blog
- CIA seeks to expand drone fleet, officials say - The Washington Post
- Make Me! - A Prosperous Way DownA Prosperous Way Down
- 10 Reasons to have 9 Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils in your Survival Kit | The Survival Momâ„¢
- Survival Tablet: Part 2 - Digital Content
- 16 Foods That’ll Re-Grow from Kitchen Scraps | Wake Up World
- Multimedia extravaganza and another offer to help – Guy McPherson's blog
- Rechargeable Batteries - YouTube
- Your help needed! New book about Transition needs your projects … in a sentence » Transition Culture
- Build Resilience with these 3 Top Strategies — Transition Voice
- A Solar Energy System That You Can Put Together in Your Garage
- A Rain Water Harvesting Methodology | Peak Prosperity
- Permanent Publications
- The Homestead Survival: Aromatherapy Essential Oil Reference Chart- Super nice PDF - gives you the properties of and the uses for each oil.
- 7 Foods Experts Won't Eat | Wake Up World
- Bill Mollison - In Grave Danger of Falling Food | Permaculture Magazine
- Acorns and the Forager’s Dilemma | Peak Prosperity
- 20 Clever Uses for Duct Tape : TreeHugger
- Comprehensive Survival Food Storage Guide | Food Freedom News
- Permanent Culture Now
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
10/13/12 – WE ARE THE 99% EDITION
- Renee Parsons: Pentagon Study Cites Climate Change as National Security Threat
- Ron Paul: “What I Fear The Most Is A False Flag – Something Happening Where One Of Our Ships Goes Down, Or There A Plane Goes Down, And Of Course It HAD To Be The Iranians, You Know, For Sure, For Certain” - Washington's Blog
- The end of economic growth - Richard Heinberg in Australia | Energy Bulletin
- The Peril of Obama’s “Man Crush” on Geithner is exposed by the Debate - New Economic Perspectives
- Do The Many Really Have to Obey the Few? Asking Permission From the Government | Wake Up World
- Peak Oil + Peak Phosphorus = Peak Population « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Who Destroyed the Economy? The Case Against the Baby Boomers - Jim Tankersley - The Atlantic
- Greek PM: society will disintegrate without urgent financial aid | World news | guardian.co.uk
- The Last Land Grab - Decline of the Empire
- How we misjudge the risks of oil depletion and climate change | Energy Bulletin
- Wit's End: Spill the Scarlet Rain
- Obama Drone King, Dictators Sponsor CNN, Venezuela's Elections | Breaking The Set - YouTube
- Chris Martenson on what job numbers, the Fed, and a drop in oil prices are hiding! — RT
- The Wars in the Middle East and North Africa Are NOT Just About Oil … They’re Also About GAS - Washington's Blog
- Charles Hugh Smith: The World's Largest Money-Laundering Machine: The Federal Reserve
- Empty Pagentry - Clusterfuck Nation
- Apple's wireless phone disabling patent - YouTube
- Vandana Shiva: corporate monopoly of seeds must end | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional
- Wall St.'s Next Profit Scheme -- Buying Up Every Piece of Your Home Town | Alternet
- The Future of American Housing – McMansion withdrawal, rethinking commutes, designing housing with lower incomes in mind, and the impact of a fully subsidized mortgage market. » Dr. Housing Bubble Blog
- Empire collapse may be the best news yet — Transition Voice
- Nanex: Investors Need to Realize The Machines Have Taken Over | Peak Prosperity
- Charles Hugh Smith: Energy Higher, Earnings Lower
- Underestimating the dangers of peak oil and climate change - CSMonitor.com
- No Bailout for Mass Extinction and the Collapse of Industrial Civilization « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Finding Authentic Happiness | Peak Prosperity
- The Downward Spiral: Does Obama Really Want Out?
- The Demonization of Muslims is “Completely At Odds with America’s Founding Principles” - Washington's Blog
- NOAA Bombshell: Warming-Driven Arctic Ice Loss Is Boosting Chance of Extreme U.S. Weather | ThinkProgress
- Bitcoin 2012 | Documentary - YouTube
- We’re In a Slow Motion Collapse, TAKE Advantage of the Time Available
- Why Growth Is Ending (the elevator pitch)
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- Ironically, Sanctions Success Strengthens Iran’s Strait of Hormuz Trump Card « naked capitalism
- Top Ten Weirdest Food Ingredients | Wake Up World
- JRE #273 - Amber Lyon, Brian Redban on Vimeo
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: September Jobs +114,000; Unemployment Rate 7.8%; Part-Time Workers +582,000; Initial Reaction and Election Impact
- The Bloodbath of the Automobile Age « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Coming To A Gas Station Near You? | ZeroHedge
- Actually, There Is No Hyperinflation In Iran - Business Insider
- Sinkhole explosive methane officially life threatening, residents not told - National Human Rights | Examiner.com
- New flyover footage shows road dissolving into giant Louisiana sinkhole - National Human Rights | Examiner.com
- This is not a recession it’s a robbery with Max Keiser - Max Keiser
- Spain's Desperate Economic Situation - Business Insider
- BBC News - The US middle class families without enough to eat
- Gallup Goes To Town On BLS Massagery | ZeroHedge
- Alert! Unit 4 is sinking - ENENews report - YouTube
- The Largest Economy In The World Is Imploding Right In Front Of Our Eyes
- Bill O'Reilly vs. Jon Stewart: The Full Mock Debate | ZeroHedge
- Four fiscal cliffs ahead, and a jobs war - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Gerald Celente a Sneak Peek of the Autumn Trends Journal
- Monsanto lawsuit heading to Supreme Court — RT
- Rethinking Columbus: Towards a True People's History | Common Dreams
- Iran sanctions now causing food insecurity, mass suffering | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- The US presidential debates' illusion of political choice | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | The Guardian
- USA TODAY analysis: Nation's water costs rushing higher – USATODAY.com
- 12 Low-Tech Tools You'll Always Use | Rodale News
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: FOOD AND REVOLUTION
- Thousands of Greek protesters tell Merkel she is not welcome | Reuters
- Legalising marijuana: most Americans get it, so when will our politicians? | Gary Johnson | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Stephanie McMillan - Theory Is Important
- Right-Wingers Would Be Shocked to Learn That Islam Has Been Part of American History Since Its Founding | Alternet
- EUobserver.com / Environment / Leaked EU nuclear stress tests reveal hundreds of defects
- Cash-strapped farmers feed candy to cows - Oct. 10, 2012
- Heroic Endeavor: The Seed Farm on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- The Archdruid Report: How It Could Happen, Part Two: Nemesis
- America’s Moral Degeneracy Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- They Eat Their Young « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Report: Climate change behind rise in weather disasters
- The Downward Spiral: The Most Ironic Nobel Peace Prize Yet?
- Tepco Admits It Knew of Problems at Fukushima BEFORE the Earthquake Hit - Washington's Blog
- Mysterious Algorithm Was 4% of Trading Activity Last Week - CNBC.com - US Business News - CNBC
- Activist Post: Will The Chinese Renminbi Replace The U.S. Dollar As The Primary Reserve Currency Of The World?
- S&P Downgrades Spain, Citing Region Backtracking on Bank - Bloomberg
- Nigel Farage on the Rise of UKIP, the fall of Europe and the parallels in the US — RT
- What Happens When The Core Starts To Rot | Finance
- US Debt Growth Too Much For Congressional Budget Office
- October 5 News: 'Once Again We Are Decades Ahead Of Schedule,' Says Michael Mann About Looming Sea Level Rise | ThinkProgress
- Vlogging the Climate Disaster » Survival Acres Blog
- Rob Stewart's Revolution at TEDx | Revolution videos and movie clips
- New York Times Story Bizarrely Downplays Impact of Ocean Acidification « naked capitalism
- Oceans' rising acidity a threat to shellfish — and humans - latimes.com
- David Crews: How Environmental Contamination Has Changed the Course of Evolution
- Great Barrier Reef Loses More Than Half its Coral Cover | Climate Central
- Climate Issue Refuses to be Ignored « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Tipping Points for Runaway Climate Change, Part Two « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- Coming oil supply crunch evades Obama and Romney — Transition Voice
- Calif. gas prices will rise, then fall next week
- California sees record gas prices as police deal with fuel bandits - latimes.com
- The story of plenty is yet to be realised - FT.com
- Peak Oil Reality: In Case You Missed These [# 7] - Peak Oil Matters
- Senior American Spy: The U.S. Is Turning Into East Germany (9-Minute Video) - Washington's Blog
- Trapwire, Wikileaks, & the NDAA (Joe Rogan & David Seaman) - YouTube
- The US War With Afghanistan Just Entered Its 12th Year - Business Insider
- Let This Be A Warning America: When the Riots Start the Government's Response Will Be Brutal *Video*
- U.S. and Israel 'considering joint aerial strike' against Iran's nuclear facilities using bombers and drones | Mail Online
- The World’s Most Destabilizing Force « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Bubble Wrap Window Insulation
- How To Make A Candle With An Orange | Peak Prosperity
- resources
- Building Soil, Building the Future - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- 13 Great Posters on Preserving Food, When It Was Life or Death : TreeHugger
- 10 Simple Steps Toward Self-Sufficiency | Wake Up World
- The Best Medical Kit I Have Seen | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Preparing the Winter Garden - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Print - Know Your Stuff: The 110 Best DIY Tips Ever - Popular Mechanics
- The Amazing Potato
- The Evidence-Based Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits | Wake Up World
- Zines | Doing It Ourselves
- Good Prepper Accounts on Twitter « Ready For Anything Preparedness Store
- How Long Will It Keep? - Off The Grid News
- 12 Low-Tech Tools You'll Always Use | Peak Prosperity
- Press For Truth Presents: "The Turning Point" (Official Trailer) - YouTube
- JeBouffe Home Canning Step by Step Guide | Peak Prosperity
- How To Make Knots | Peak Prosperity
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
- Is climate change a euphemism for growth? - A Prosperous Way Down
- Links for the Month: September 30, 2012 « how to save the world
- Keeping the Machine Well Fed « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Main Show Only - Social Collapse - Coast to Coast AM - YouTube
- Geoengineering: Dangerous Proposal Or Lethal Reality? – Guy McPherson's blog
- 3 Time Emmy Award Winning CNN Journalist: Mainstream Media Takes Money from FOREIGN Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda - Washington's Blog
- The Water Food Energy Nexus: An Animation on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- Debt Riots and Anti-US Protests Power Anger Over Government and Investor Corruption « The Daily Crowd
- Money Changer’s Serenade | Common Ground
- M.O.C. Exclusive Interview with THE YES MEN’s Andy Bichlbaum!
- Spain on the Brink | The Nation
- Presenting Spain's Economic Collapse In Context | ZeroHedge
- 'We Are The 99 Percent': Tom Morello, Serj Tankian & Tim McIlrath Sing Occupy Anthem (2012) - YouTube
- Religious Leaders Slam Bankers - Washington's Blog
- HFT: Still Dancing Around The Issue in [Market-Ticker]
- Charles Hugh Smith: If You Prop Up an Artificial Economy Long Enough, Does It Become Real?
- 2012 Maker Faire Presentation + 3 Ways to Turn Ideas into Products
- Economy paying dearly for the high cost of energy
- War and the Passage of Light | Wake Up World
- Monsanto/govt orgy, war on transparency, patriotism or extremism — RT
- Iraq: Ten Years, a Million Lives and Trillions of Dollars Later | Common Dreams
- The War Between Credit and Resources | Peak Prosperity
- Ecoshock Show Notes: Tough Transition
- Speaking at TEDx Madrid by Skype » Transition Culture
- "Legalized Plunder of the American People" - G. Edward Griffin - YouTube
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Positive Power of Crisis
- Reality TV Has Become the Real World for Americans « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- “The TRUTH About The Mayan Prediction The World Will End In 2012″ – MOC #177
- Question Everything: What Can the Next President Do?
- For sale: Ocean floor, ready for drillin’ | Grist
- The root of Europe's riots | Ha-Joon Chang | Comment is free | The Guardian
- In Full Flight - Clusterfuck Nation
- Spain, Portugal hit with anti-austerity protests - World News
- The Downward Spiral: So Paul Ryan is a Hunter? Who Gives a Shit?
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- One Per Cent: Hijacked smartphone camera spies on your world
- Golden Dawn’s Popularity Rising Rapidly in Greece - NYTimes.com
- uprisingradio.org » Obama’s America: 2016 – a Debate between Dinesh D’Souza and Chris Hedges
- Climate change is already damaging global economy, report finds | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- The Tide Turns: Monsanto's GM Corn Suspended In Russia | Wake Up World
- Will The Collapse Of Spain Put Romney In The White House? | Finance
- As Iran Rial Implodes By 20% In One Day, Follow The Death Of A Currency In Real Time | ZeroHedge
- United States of ALEC | Moyers & Company | BillMoyers.com
- More college students defaulting on student loans
- Hantavirus in Yosemite may be shape of things to come
- How the NY AG built his RMBS case against JP Morgan for Bear Stearns Sins « TERI BUHL
- Pay for Comments - Confessions of a Paid Disinformation Internet Shill | Wake Up World
- 7 Deadly Sins America Commits Against Its Own People | Alternet
- Miami Beach gets rising seas sticker shock - South Florida Business Journal
- Paul Craig Roberts: The Israel - Iran Conflict is Not About Nukes, but Water! - YouTube
- The Energy-Water Nexus | Do the Math
- Cynthia McKinney On Leadership | Global Research
- ‘Degrowth is not a liberal agenda: Relocalisation and the limits to low energy cosmopolitanism’ | Energy Bulletin
- How GMOs Unleashed a Pesticide Gusher | Mother Jones
- ‘Bahrain buys favorable CNN content’ — RT
- Chart Of The Day: America's Debt Crisis - Who Really Is Responsible? | ZeroHedge
- Early Warning: Partisanship on the Environment
- The peak oil crisis: global dynamics | Energy Bulletin
- Jesse's Café Américain: Déjà Vu All Over Again
- The Archdruid Report: How It Could Happen, Part One: Hubris
- Top Nuclear Experts: Technology Doesn’t Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima - Washington's Blog
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Hyperinflation Hits Iran; Monthly 70% Inflation Rate; Reflections on Economic Warfare
- The Coming Energy Shortage Will Exacerbate PEAK GOLD & SILVER | SilverDoctors.com
- NEW 4-Mile Long Oil Slick Near BP’s Gulf Oil Well - Washington's Blog
- Warning: Genetically Modified Humans | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network
- GM crop technology backfires as farmers need more pesticides
- It's Not America Anymore
- Guess Who Was The Biggest Beneficiary From The Fed's POMO Bonanza | ZeroHedge
- Bahraini court confirms jail terms for medics who aided protesters — RT
- Scientists create GM cow to cut milk allergies in children - Science - News - The Independent
- Court extends stop on order blocking indefinite detention law - POLITICO.com
- Monsanto enters pharmaceutical business, acquires key 'gene silencing' technology for use in humans
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Source of High Inflation: Government Spending
- Banks reap profits on mortgages after QE3 - FT.com
- Romney, Obama both stock-market killers - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: US CEOs Sharply Reduce Expectations for Economic Outlook, Hiring; Third Largest Plunge in 6-Month Expectations in History; Reflections On "Uncertainty"
- Culture in Decline | Episode #2 "Economics 101" by Peter Joseph - YouTube
- QE Infinity: What Is It Really About? « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: French Economy Implodes
- Image of the Day: Massive Storm Strikes Alaska (Again) | Climate Central
- Epic 'Dust Bowl Of 2012' Expands Again | ThinkProgress
- Ocean acidification emerges as new climate threat - The Washington Post
- Global Warming? Paul Ryan? No Contest! - Decline of the Empire
- Weathergirl Goes Rogue 2: Still Hot, Still Crazy - YouTube
- Half of Great Barrier Reef Lost in Past 3 Decades - Yahoo! News
- Fairewinds Energy Education | Moving Energy Education Forward
- U.N. summit: What the U.S. media fails to report about Iran - Madison Independent | Examiner.com
- Obama Cabinet Flunks Disclosure Test With 19 in 20 Ignoring Law - Bloomberg
- War Power Abuse Makes Iran Conflict More Likely - Truthdig
- moccupychi on USTREAM: .
- European Court Ruling Opens Door for Extradition to Torture Conditions in US Federal Prisons
- White House secret meetings examine al-Qaeda threat in North Africa - The Washington Post
- 'Every Person Is Afraid of the Drones': The Strikes' Effect on Life in Pakistan - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
- Special Report: The casualties of Chesapeake's land grab across America | Reuters
- The EyeOpener- Iran is Already Under Attack
- U.S. Military May Consider You a Potential Terrorist If You Are Young, Use Social Media, Or Question “Mainstream Ideologies” - Washington's Blog
- Why You Should Be Outraged About The Ruling To Keep The National Defense Authorization In Effect - Business Insider
- A Guide to Seed Saving, Seed Stewardship & Seed Sovereignty | Green Shopping
- Endless hot water without power! - YouTube
- Watch Simplicity, Joy and Social Change | Peak Moment TV Episodes | Blip
- Ask the Adviser: Investing for Retirement | Peak Prosperity
- The Farm Life Draws Some Students for Post-Graduate Work - NYTimes.com
- Yes, storm clouds are brewing. Here’s what you need to do NOW! | The Survival Momâ„¢
- Low-Cost Root Cellar: Bury a Boat! - Modern Homesteading - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Fall Gardening Tips - Money Saving Gardening Tips - The Daily Green
- Solutions to peak oil – part III: 9 steps you can implement short term to get ready.
- The Essential Gardening and Food Resilience Library | Peak Prosperity
- Local energy easier said than done — Transition Voice
- Schumacher Natural Building Course 2012 on Vimeo
- WEBINAR: How to Start a Time Bank & Skill Exchange
- Transition in an Age of Austerity - EcoLabs
- Emergency Preparedness for Worldwide Crises
- A September Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition » Transition Culture
- Two Year Anniversary of Transition Voice — Transition Voice
- Living Off Grid - Free Range Chickens?
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/