- The industrial food system depends to its peril on cheap oil. | The National Fork
- The Polite Conference Rooms Where Liberties Are Saved and Lost | Common Dreams
- Easy ways to a low energy lifestyle — Transition Voice
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Welcome to the United States of Orwell, Part 1: Our One Last Chance to Preserve the Bill of Rights
- The Phantoms I’ve Killed | Do the Math
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Welcome to the United States of Orwell, Part 2: Law-Abiding Taxpayers Are Treated as Criminals While the Real Criminals Go Free
- INVEST IN YOURSELF: Building Personal Economic Resilience & Community Strength | Energy Bulletin
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Welcome to the United States of Orwell, Part 3: We had to Destroy Democracy in Order to Save It
- leecamp.net/2012/03/where-did-dick-cheneys-new-heart-really-come-from-m-o-c-128/
- How Many Circles Does it Take to Make a Community? « how to save the world
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Welcome to the United States of Orwell, Part 4: "Consumer Protection" Just Another Federal Reserve Power Grab
- Secret Service Failures on 9/11: A Call for Transparency - Washington's Blog
- Gretchen Morgenson: Wall Street Really Does Enjoy a Different Set of Rules Than the Rest of Us - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- Two Beers With Steve - You Didn't Stumble Upon This Podcast... The Universe Has Sent You.
- The Downward Spiral: The “Gun Nuts” Finally Went Too Far
- The First Crack: $270 Billion In Student Loans Are At Least 30 Days Delinquent | ZeroHedge
- Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US | Fairewinds Associates, Inc
- Tokyo Soil - Blanketed With Fukushima Radiation - Would Be Considered "Radioactive Waste" In the United States
- After Being Beaten and Arrested Several Times, Occupier Tries to Reason With Police | AmpedStatus
- Matrix of Rackets - Clusterfuck Nation
- Spot The Odd Labor Market Out | ZeroHedge
- A dark fracking future (response to Randy Udall) | Energy Bulletin
- Peak Oil: Capitalism & Sustainability (Pt 1) - Peak Oil Matters
- ClubOrlov: A Modest Health Care Proposal
- What Is The Economic Value Of Healthy Oceans? - Decline of the Empire
- The Downward Spiral: Converging Trends Porn: Few U.S. Cities Are Ready For Aging Baby Boomer Population
- The Coming Health Care Debacle - Decline of the Empire
- Peak Oil’s Impact: Sociological & Psychological Considerations (Pt 2) - Peak Oil Matters
- Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- Laurel Whitney | BREAKING: Tim DeChristopher Moved To Isolated Confinement
- Ellen Brown: The Shadow Bailout: How Big Banks Bilk U.S. Towns and Taxpayers
- TBTF Get TBTFer: Top 5 Banks Hold 95.7%, Or $221 Trillion, Of Outstanding Derivatives | ZeroHedge
- [KR267] Keiser Report: Muppets Hunting Muppets - Max Keiser
- Financial oligarchy and the new robber barons w/derivatives guru Janet Tavakoli — RT
- Bill Gross: "The Game As We All Have Known It Appears To Be Over" | ZeroHedge
- 10 Reasons Why The Reign Of The Dollar As The World Reserve Currency Is About To Come To An End
- Jesse's Café Américain: MF Global: Forbes Sums It Up Well, And My Take, 'Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here'
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Summer in March, 2012, draws to a close : Weather Underground
- RealClimate: Extremely hot
- Global Warming: What We Knew in 82 - YouTube
- Silent Snow, the invisible poisoning of the world | Earth
- Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point - environment - 27 March 2012 - New Scientist
- Global warming could explode ‘compost bombs’ all over the planet | Grist
- Climate scientists: It’s basically too late to stop warming | Grist
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Summer in March
- The Oil Drum | Tech Talk - Saudi Arabian oil production part 2
- Guest Post: “Peak oil is real and will stunt any economic recovery” by Rex Weyler - Peak Oil Matters
- Hyping American Energy Independence - Decline of the Empire
- Total: may be months to stop N.Sea gas cloud | Reuters
- How to store fuel properly
- Software can make it easier to run a Micro-Farm
- Solar phone charger an easy and cheap way to start with solar — Transition Voice
- Build This Predator-Proof, Portable Chicken Coop for Your Backyard - DIY - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Going to Seed?
- Did You Know? Vinegar Can Replace RoundupMid-Atlantic Gardening
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Sign up for the Post Peak Living Newsletter http://www.postpeakliving.com/newsletter/2012-03-14
For in depth daily postings visit
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
For in depth daily postings visit
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- [ Episode #38 // Hard Times ]
- The Rolls Report—3.21.2012 | Davos World Economic Forum – For Bloggers, Davos WEF 2012 for Economic Bloggers
- Tom Murphy Interview: Resource Depletion is a Bigger Threat than Climate Change
- KILL KILL KILL KILL « The Burning Platform
- Nothing Shocks Us Anymore - Decline of the Empire
- The Resilient Family » Complexity Theory and System Collapse
- 90 Degrees in Winter: This Is What Climate Change Looks Like | The Nation
- "How To Stop Ourselves From Being Destroyed From The Inside" - M.O.C. #127 - YouTube
- MF Global’s Corzine Ordered Funds Moved to JPMorgan, Memo Says - Bloomberg
- MF Global CEO Jon Corzine Personally Ordered Illegal Raiding of Customer Funds - Washington's Blog
- End of Empire News: Saturday Documentary! March 24, 2012
- The Downward Spiral: Spoiled Rotten Nation Not Sure Who To Blame For High Gas Prices
- Big Banks Continue to Suck at the Government Teat With Never-Ending Stealth Bailouts
- Peak oil realities are staring us in the face — Transition Voice
- Who Wants to Run the World? | Think Tank | Big Think
- Crude Declines on Stockpile Release Speculation, China - Bloomberg
- Fault Lines: History of an Occupation | AmpedStatus
- Climate change could reduce economic value of oceans by $2 trillion per year
- The Downward Spiral: Public Opinion Poll on Energy Issues Shows How Clueless The Public Really Is
- CEOs Contemplate the Occupy Movement | The Nader Page
- David Crews: Our Contaminated World
- How much will it cost to save our economy’s foundation? | Energy Bulletin
- World Water Day: Valuing Water by Fixing the Leaks | Planetsave
- REAL UNEMPLOYMENT « The Burning Platform
- What $5 Gas Means For The American Economy
- The Deadly Scramble for the World's Last Resources | Julian Brookes | Politics News | Rolling Stone
- The Giant, Underestimated Earthquake Threat to North America -- Earth Changes -- Sott.net
- US Suburbs Face Twin Perils Of Climate Change And Peak Oil
- Founder of the Slow Money Alliance Tries to Remind Investors of a Place Called “Here” | The EnvironmentaList | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island Institute
- The Energy Omnivore’s Dilemma
- The new black gold: U.S. farmland - The Globe and Mail
- Keiser Report: Selective Amnesia for Brokers & Murderers (E266) - YouTube
- TBTF Sheriff Bill Black on MF Global cover-up — RT
- Wall Street Confidence Trick: The Interest Rate Swaps that Are Bankrupting Local Governments « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- FedEx Growth Outlook
- Guest Post: The One Chart That Says It All | ZeroHedge
- [KR265] Keiser Report – Unbanked & Unworthy - Max Keiser
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Atlantic Magazine Cover Proclaims Ben Bernanke "THE HERO"
- Financial Armageddon: So High
- charles hugh smith-About That $20 Trillion in Public Debt....
- 10 Signs That America Is On The Verge Of A Horrible Municipal Debt Crisis
- ‘Dangerously High’ Tree Pollen Makes For Miserable Allergies « CBS Chicago
- Flora and Fauna Feel the Effects of an Early Spring | Climate Central
- Extreme Weather Becomes the Norm in a Warming World | Global Warming is Real: Climate - Energy - Sustainability
- Two Speed Spring – Warm and Hot « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Our Hero: Josh Fox, director of Gasland on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- Wit's End: Ringside Seats at the Finish Line
- Image of the Day: Cherry Blossoms Hit Premature Peak | Climate Central
- Manmade Climate Change Accelerated In 2001-2010, World Meteorological Organization Reports | ThinkProgress
- Oil production and gas prices – Associated Press Interactive
- Scoring the rhetoric on Obama’s energy policies | SmartPlanet
- The Peak Oil Crisis: Parsing the Bakken | Energy Bulletin
- Peak Oil Denial: Looking Left and Right (Pt 3) - Peak Oil Matters
- CHARTS OF TRUTH « The Burning Platform
- 20 Experts Who Say Drilling Won't Lower Gas Prices | ThinkProgress
- Oil Prices at $200 a Barrel? Some Think It's Coming - US Business News Blog - CNBC
- Crash_Watcher: Part 3: Inter-Regional Trade Movements of Petroleum in North America
- U.S. plans funding for small reactors - UPI.com
- Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War | Watch Now
- Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- THE MILITARIZATION OF THE FAR-EAST: US Threatens China's Major Cities: America's Strategic Naval Base in Korea
- Chinese leaders order internet whitewash amid rumours of attempted military coup | Mail Online
- Zakaria: Incarceration nation – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs
- 6 months later: no White House, DOJ explanation for assassinating Americans at will - Washington's Blog
- Obama Administration Releasing New Rules To Expand Ability To Hold Citizens' Data
- 302: Beautiful, Glorious Limits | C-Realm Radiant Sun
- Links of the Month: March 21, 2012 « how to save the world
- Koch Brothers Exposed
- End of the Road Documentary Trailer | CollapseNet
- Rocket Stove | Preparedness Advice Blog
- The (En)Rich List | A Wealth of Inspiration!
- 81 things you can compost | MNN - Mother Nature Network
- All Circuits Are Busy: Emergency Collapse Communications | Ready Nutrition
- Succession Planting: Lettuce, Carrots, and More
- The five best home remedies for colds, coughs and the flu
- New Documentation At My Resources Page | Country Consultant - Living The Good Life
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Sign up for the Post Peak Living Newsletter http://www.postpeakliving.com/newsletter/2012-03-14
- Obama Executive ‘Order’: US can seize any person, any resource, any time - Washington's Blog
- Guest Post: Who Is Really Paying The $25 Billion TBTF Mortgage Settlement | ZeroHedge
- Films For Action Presents: The Top 100 Documentaries Inspiring the Shift to a Sustainable Paradigm
- The Downward Spiral: Media Shocked, SHOCKED, To Learn That Millennials Are Less Environmentally Conscious
- Resistance to antibiotics could bring "the end of modern medicine as we know it", WHO claim - Telegraph
- Edwin Black: Barack Obama Prepares for War Footing
- Fun with Trends
- Commentary: I. Collapse? Really? | Energy Bulletin
- Robert Bales, Afghan Killing Suspect, Plagued By Money And Job Strife
- France bans GM corn amid mass US protests against Monsanto « Food Freedom
- Analysis: Melted fuel completely penetrated concrete in under 15 hours at GE Mark I — Shows little decline in speed (CHART)
- “We Are Fearful of a Cascading Credit Event; Wide-Scale Market Collapse.”~Anonymous to CFTC who claims to be JPM whistle-blower | Davos World Economic Forum – For Bloggers, Davos WEF 2012 for Economic Bloggers
- [KR263] Keiser Report: Rip out eyes, tear off head - Max Keiser
- Gerald Celente
- Greek financial contagion: only local economies can stop the spread — Transition Voice
- A Wall Street Insider's Response To Greg Smith | ZeroHedge
- Supreme Court Likely to Endorse Obama’s War on Whistle-Blowers | Common Dreams
- Robert Fisk: Madness is not the reason for this massacre - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent
- Wit's End: The Big Kahony - Is This a Wag the Dog??
- ‘Pink slime’ is the tip of the iceberg: Look what else is in industrial meat | Grist
- $4 Gas Average Is Here | ZeroHedge
- Chris Answers Your Questions (Part 2) - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- Even if Obama cared about peak oil, he'd never give a speech about it — Transition Voice
- "How To Sneak To A Strip Club And Commit Bank Fraud At The Same Time!" - M.O.C. #126 - YouTube
- What should the average citizen know about US War Crimes? - Washington's Blog
- Global Health and Wellness News: Mild winters may shift spread of mosquito-borne illness
- The Glass House Effect: Heartland Institute Tried To Steal Documents From Greenpeace | ThinkProgress
- ‘Extreme, unprecedented' heat wave reaches fifth day - DailyHerald.com
- Study: GMO crops are killing butterflies | Grist
- Mutant Heat Wave Shattering Records | Mother Jones
- Melting Arctic ice could poison ecosystem, experts say | CTV News
- Spring Gets Ahead of Itself - NYTimes.com
- Six billion trees lost to pine beetles surviving in warmer winters | ClimateSignals
- CU-Boulder: Pine beetles now breeding twice a year instead of just once - Boulder Daily Camera
- It's a Broken Record of Record-Breaking Heat | Climate Central
- Obama says concerned about global oil output | Reuters
- Toward Energy Literacy The Santa Barbara Independent
- Michael Klare: GOP Promises of Lower Gas Costs Belied by Dwindling Supply of World’s Oil
- Peak Oil: The Race for What's Left - YouTube
- Peak Oil Denial: Not Understanding Doesn’t Help - Peak Oil Matters
- Strike On Iran, A Green Light From Washington (NYSEArca:RSX, NYSEArca:UUP, NYSEArca:GLD, NYSEArca:USO, NYSEArca:EWJ, NYSEArca:FXI) | ETF DAILY NEWS
- Iran threatens Hormuz and world oil supply after trade links cutoff | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- Blood Money: US Well-Practiced in 'Apologizing for Carnage' | Common Dreams
- International Institute for Strategic Studies Figure: Comparative Defence Statistics - Defence Budgets and Expenditures
- Murder Is Not an Anomaly in War | Common Dreams
- ABC Reports Russian Troops Have Arrived In Syria, Russia Denies | ZeroHedge
- Occupy 6-Month Anniversary Protest Ends With Zuccotti Park Arrests
- Outlaw Occupy: US set to strangle protests with jail threats - YouTube
- OWS Re-Occupation Arrests: Protester Has Seizure in Handcuffs | AmpedStatus
- Spring Planning
- Shareable: In The Sharing Economy
- Natural Swimming Pools - A Guide to Designing and Making Your Own | Permaculture Magazine
- Encounters: A Little Patch of Ground urban/rural 2011 on Vimeo
- How Much Land You Need To Go Off The Grid? | Survival Spot
- Foundation Concepts: What Is Sustainability? | Energy Bulletin
- Slippery Slope
- Utopia Project Earth :: OneCommunityRanch.org | One Community
- Preparing for the Unimaginable « how to save the world
- Compost: The Other Prize from the Business End of a Chicken
- Why Is President Obama Keeping a Journalist in Prison in Yemen? | The Nation
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Executive Director of Goldman Sachs Resigns Over Parasitic Behavior of Goldman to Its Clients; Reflections on Chasing Performance
- We Speak on RT TV About Goldman’s Predatory Culture and the Latest Stress Tests « naked capitalism
- The Downward Spiral: Study: Health Care Premiums Will Surpass Median U.S. Incomes By 2033
- Wit's End: What's the Use?
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: We Have No Other Choice
- The Oil Drum | World Energy Consumption since 1820 in Charts
- $h!t Lobbyists $ay | AmpedStatus
- charles hugh smith-In Praise of Horrendously Costly Lessons
- The Crisis of Civilization: Full Film on Vimeo
- The Johnny Appleseed Method
- 1970: The Peak of Everything By Peter Goodchild
- Japan's economy & global economic crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-03-16-2012 - YouTube
- Chris Martenson And Marc Faber: The Perils of Money Printing's Unintended Consequences | ZeroHedge
- Marc Faber: The Perils of Money Printing's Unintended Consequences - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- Brent At $126 As Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran | ZeroHedge
- Obama Executive Order: Peacetime Martial Law! | Before It's News
- The Downward Spiral: Americans Elect Is Raising Money To Repay Its Millionaire Founders
- Killing the competition: How the new monopolies are destroying open markets—By Barry C. Lynn (Harper's Magazine)
- Matt Taibbi Slams Bank Of America
- Athens-Clarke County, GA Republican Delegate Fraud - YouTube
- Song of the Satyrs « how to save the world
- Monsanto plans massive biotech experiment in the US — RT
- The Astounding World Of The Future — Part II - Decline of the Empire
- Exclusive: U.S., Britain set to agree on emergency oil stocks release | Reuters
- What Closing The Straits Of Hormuz Will Mean In 3 Simple Charts | ZeroHedge
- Rising Fuel Costs and the Next Revolution | Clif Droke | FINANCIAL SENSE
- Gus Speth Envisions America the Possible (Podcast) : TreeHugger
- Energy, environment, enlightenment « The Cost of Energy
- DeGraw & Papantonio: The 99% Movement, Anonymous & Get Money Out (Ring of Fire Radio) | AmpedStatus
- Obama's Strategy — The Long Game - Decline of the Empire
- Wit's End: "The Guns That Smoked" - how the 1% stays in power
- Earth out of balance: The challenge of controlling corporate greed | Grist
- Newsletter : John Perkins Official Web Site
- charles hugh smith-In Praise of Hedging
- The Downward Spiral: Saturday Night Video: Louis CK on Currency, Economic Collapse and "White People Problems"
- All facts prove US War Crimes, there is no refutation, so where are the arrests? - Washington's Blog
- Jesse's Café Américain: Bill Moyers Journals: 'Crony Capitalism' Part Two with Gretchen Morgenson
- A Hard Landing In China? - Decline of the Empire
- Nigel Farage On The Euro (ROFL!) in [Market-Ticker]
- Barofsky: Don't Believe Hype About $25B Mortgage Settlement - YouTube
- Rising sea levels could put millions at risk by 2030 - Video on msnbc.com
- Are We Running Out of Water? – News Watch
- Surging Seas: A Project of Climate Central
- Australia climate is warming at an alarming rate
- Heat Wave Sizzles On, Toppling More Than 2,000 Records | Climate Central
- The peak oil crisis: surging gasoline
- Peak oil is real and will stunt any economic recovery - Public Service Europe
- Analysis: Tapping oil from reserve may be trickier than ever | Reuters
- Saturday Oil Report -- March 17, 2012 - Decline of the Empire
- Chomsky: Are We About to Get Embroiled in a Nightmare War With Iran? | World | AlterNet
- The Navy Is Getting Its Forces Ready For Iran In The Strait Of Hormuz
- Iran cut off from global financial system | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- Explosions rock Syrian capital - CNN.com
- Occupy Miami raided by SWAT teams (VIDEO) — RT
- Bain Capital Tied to Surveillance Push in China - NYTimes.com
- The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) | Threat Level | Wired.com
- Private corporation to U.S. states: “We’ll buy your prisons if you guarantee 90% occupancy rate” « The Teeming Brain
- Daily Kos: Hello! You've been targeted for a U.S. drone assassination!
- “We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big Brother Goes Live September 2013 | ZeroHedge
- The Ultimate Bug Out Kit | Ready Nutrition
- Growing Potatoes Indoors in a Five Gallon Bucket » Catastrophe Network
- Hillbilly Mom: Worm Composting
- Where Is Your Food Coming From? The Bullseye Evaluation : Casaubon's Book
- Spudly : Casaubon's Book
- Five Reasons to Consider Acupuncture - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- Amazon.com: Disaster Preparedness
- Antibiotics And Their Use in Collapse Medicine, Part 4 | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Sustainability a Choice to Consider
- The Challenge and the Goal
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Sign up for the Post Peak Living Newsletter http://www.postpeakliving.com/newsletter/2012-03-14
- Obama signs anti-protest Trespass Bill — RT
- Revisit - Renaissance 2.0 | COUNCIL on SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL & ECONOMIC RENEWAL | Damon Vrabel
- The Downward Spiral: The National Football League Is A Nonprofit Organization
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Money from Nothing: A Primer on Fake Wealth Creation and its Implications (Part 1)
- Washington's high-powered terrorist supporters - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
- Of God, Peak Oil and Turkeys … | Economic Undertow
- leecamp.net/2012/03/anti-occupy-law-passed-by-congress-white-house-nearly-unanimously-m-o-c-124/
- Question Everything: Revision to My Systems Science Slides
- 10 reasons Wall Street will hit bottom, crash - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Toward Energy Literacy: Our "Peak Oil" Reality | Renewable Energy News Article
- The Rolls Report—March 13, 2012 | Davos World Economic Forum – For Bloggers, Davos WEF 2012 for Economic Bloggers
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Four Charts of Interest on Fed-Speak Day
- "Is This The End Of The American Empire?" - M.O.C. #125 - YouTube
- Keiser Report: Hackers & Pirates - true GDP boosters (E260) - YouTube
- High oil prices: Fortunately and unfortunately | SmartPlanet
- Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs - NYTimes.com
- Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under-Prepared
- Poof! The Government’s 9 Million Jobless Vanishing Act | Daniel Amerman CFA | FINANCIAL SENSE
- How America Is Making the Whole World Fat and Unhealthy | Food | AlterNet
- Words to give by – Guy McPherson's blog
- Reagan budget director discusses ‘crony capitalism’ with Bill Moyers | The Raw Story
- World News - Tens of thousands demand democracy in huge Bahrain protest
- Greece Has Defaulted: Here Is Where We Stand | ZeroHedge
- Demand for 'survival services' rises in US cities | Reuters
- Civil society rising | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
- Utah Follows Iowa in Factory Farm Video Ban | Mother Jones
- Oil speculators are right: a war with Iran would devastate the economy. - Slate Magazine
- Clean Energy Opponents Attack Super-Efficient Light Bulb Because The Washington Post Can't Do Math | ThinkProgress
- The Land of the Mega-rich: No Jobs For Americans
- The narrowing window for a transition to a sustainable industrial society | Energy Bulletin
- The Kingdom Of The Blind - Decline of the Empire
- 70% of all Ground Beef Contains "Pink Slime" ... and USDA Bought 7 Million Pounds of the Stuff for School Lunches
- Dennis Kucinich: heroism to end US War & Economic Crimes, initiate peace - Washington's Blog
- We Lied But You Can't Hold Us To Account! - MarketTicker Forums
- Santorum: My Opponents Believe in the "Pseudo-Religion" of Global Warming | Mother Jones
- Humanity needs to write a whole New Story — Transition Voice
- The Audacity of Bonuses at MF Global - Thoughts - Nomi Prins
- Your Next Car Might be Built Locally
- The Downward Spiral: Niall Ferguson Warns Of Possible Collapse--And Gets It All Wrong
- Occupy the Garden « naked capitalism
- The Downward Spiral: Medicare Cracks Down On Power Wheelchair Claim Fraud
- How climate change and peak oil made one scientist drop out — Transition Voice
- Taibbi: "Bank Of America Is A Raging Hurricane Of .. Fraud" in [Market-Ticker]
- Monsanto Threatens Global Food Supply | It's Our Economy
- Rage grows over mortgage settlement - Mar. 13, 2012
- Is Ron Paul Taleb's New Black Swan? | ZeroHedge
- Goldman Sachs Insider Resigns Over 'Toxic And Destructive' Culture That Mirrors The Global Ponzi Scheme | ThinkProgress
- Ben Harper and Tom Morello: There’s A Better Way | AmpedStatus
- The Daily Mash - Why I am leaving the Empire, by Darth Vader
- Governments Spent $409 Billion Subsidizing Fossil Fuels In 2010 - Business Insider
- Why Are Millions Of Americans Preparing For Doomsday?
- Question Everything: Do You Believe in Magic?
- The Only Honest Man At Goldman Sachs Resigns - Decline of the Empire
- The Downward Spiral: Education Advocate SHOCKED That Standardized Tests Are About Corporate Profits And Not Learning
- Lean finely textured beef (aka pink slime) makes up 70 percent of ground beef
- Financial Armageddon: Thieves Expanding Their Horizons Even More
- Bank Of America Throws Up All Over Friday's Jobs Number | ZeroHedge
- Keiser Report: Cosa Wallstra (E258) - YouTube
- [OTE148] On the Edge with Steve Keen - Max Keiser
- [KR260] Keiser Report: Hackers & Pirates – true GDP boosters - Max Keiser
- US Debt Worse Than Greece
- If Economy is Recovering, Why Are U.S. Cities Going Bankrupt? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
- The Fed's Manipulation Of The Market Is Driving TrimTabs' Charles Biderman "Even More Nuts Than He Already Is" | ZeroHedge
- Greece is 'likely to need third bail-out' - Telegraph
- BBC News - Security: UK 'must plan for euro collapse'
- The Financial Fingerprint Of Instability
- Benjamin Franklin, William Jennings Bryan on monetary reform - Washington's Blog
- Meredith Whitney was right - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
- What, Me Worry? - Decline of the Empire
- The Global Liquidity Peak | Finance
- Is Germany Actually Preparing To Leave The Euro?
- Jesse's Café Américain: John Williams on the Retail Sales Number - A Brief Interlude on Hyperinflation and Deflation
- charles hugh smith-Money from Nothing: A Primer on Fake Wealth Creation and its Implications (Part 2)
- Juking the Stats: Our Culture of Manipulation | Finance
- Fourth Warmest Winter On Record For The U.S. | ThinkProgress
- After quakes, Ohio plans tough gas-drilling rules - The Denver Post
- Record Warm Week Ahead East of the Rockies | Climate Central
- Gundersen: One Year Anniversary of Fukushima Daiichi on Vimeo
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Fukushima Disaster - One Year Later
- Can An Early Spring Confuse Nature's Clock? : NPR
- Shale Shocker: How Gas Drilling Companies Shift Risk to Landowners on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- Report: Global Warming Doubles Extreme Coastal Flood Risk Across U.S., Seas Projected to Rise a Foot by 2050 | ThinkProgress
- Radiation, Coverups and the Legacy of Fukushima | Global Research TV
- #238: Coal, Pipeline Politics, and $5 Gas | Richard Heinberg
- Peak Oil: Keeping Reality In Mind (Pt 3) - Peak Oil Matters
- Peak Oil Denial: How Does This Help? - Peak Oil Matters
- World Energy Consumption Since 1820 in Charts | Our Finite World
- Understanding the New Price of Oil - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- U.S. asks Saudis to lift oil output from July | Reuters
- Why High Gas Prices Are Here to Stay | Mother Jones
- On This Day In History.... Gas Prices Have Never Been Higher | ZeroHedge
- John W. Whitehead: Criminalizing Free Speech: Is This What Democracy Looks Like?
- 75 Years of a Pointless, Disastrous War Against Marijuana | | AlterNet
- NSA refuses to disclose its links with Google — RT
- Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- The Corbett Report | Stratfor and the Privatization of Intelligence
- Ensuring Access to Safe Drinking Water - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- 19 Climate Games That Could Change the Future | ThinkProgress
- The Seven Circles of Preparedness - YouTube
- 'Saving Seeds For Survival When The Food Supply Chain Breaks Down' Was Published Today by The Absolute Rights Newsletter
- Education For a Sustainable Future (2012) | Watch Full Documentary Online
- U.S. Sees More Female Farmers Cropping Up : NPR
- Amazon.com: The Moron's Guide to Global Collapse (9781469965390): Jenna Orkin: Books
- 4 Simple Detox Tips « Food Freedom
- Antibiotics And Their Use In Collapse Medicine, Part 2 | Preparedness Advice Blog
- The 5 best snacks for grown-ups | MNN - Mother Nature Network
- Your March Peak Moment TV Newsletter
- TED launches learning initiative at YouTube | The Raw Story - StumbleUpon
- Here are three ingredients. Now form an initiative » Transition Culture
- How To Build Raised Garden Beds ~ Gardenfork.TV - Off The Grid News
- 10 Best Heirloom Seed Companies as Selected By Readers : TreeHugger
- The Resilient Family » Why opting out of assembly line education may be the best decision you make
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Sign up for the Post Peak Living Newsletter http://www.postpeakliving.com/newsletter/2012-03-14
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Guest Post: Our "Let's Pretend" Economy: Let's Pretend Student Loans Are About Education | ZeroHedge
- Congress Votes to End Protesters' Rights | AlterNet
- James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate change | Video on TED.com
- This Is NOT What Democracy Looks Like! Criminalizing First Amendment Rights | AmpedStatus
- The Archdruid Report: America: Origins of an Empire
- 300: Theater of the Mind | C-Realm Radiant Sun
- 15 Potentially Massive Threats To The U.S. Economy Over The Next 12 Months
- charles hugh smith-Our "Let's Pretend" Economy: Let's Pretend Financialization Hasn't Killed the Economy
- James Hansen's Must-See TED Talk: Starting To Reduce CO2 In 10 Years Is Too Late | ThinkProgress
- There's Nothing "Fair" about it | ZeroHedge
- You Don't Need a Cyber Attack to Take Down The North American Power Grid - Global Guerrillas
- Fox News in 2008 – “No President can Control Oil Prices” « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Obama Moves G-8 Summit from Chicago to Secluded Camp David | Common Dreams
- Peak Shrink helps people fight pathological optimism about oil — Transition Voice
- Students Eating "Pink Slime" for Lunch? Fast Foods Have Ditched the "Meat" But Schools Are Still Stuck With It | Food | AlterNet
- The United States Is Living On Borrowed Time - Decline of the Empire
- 8 Ways to De-Corporatize Your Money — YES! Magazine
- 35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America
- Iowa State Spiderman Discovers Super Heat Conducting Properties of Spider Silk : TreeHugger
- Would the Kochs Rather Attack Me Than Stop Cancer? | Truthout
- Gas Prices Explained - YouTube
- Decentralized Global Rebellion: G8 On The Run; Occupy News Roundup; American Police State; Move To Amend | AmpedStatus
- #GetMoneyOut News Roundup: Abolish Corporate Personhood; It’s Not Just Citizens United; Super Tuesday’s Big Winner; Will Lawmakers Return Stolen Money? | AmpedStatus
- Hot List: Richest 1% Swipe 93% of All Income Gains; Robber Barons Continue to Rake in Billions; Market Recovery Is Illusion | AmpedStatus
- Huge Solar Flare's Magnetic Storm May Disrupt Satellites, Power Grids | Space Weather | Space.com
- The Word - Due or Die - The Colbert Report - 2012-06-03 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
- The Downward Spiral: More Housing Crash Porn: Huge Spike In Foreclosures In January
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: LPS Home Price Index Shows U.S. Home Prices Accelerated Decline; Psychology Change and Demographics Suggests Bubble Mentality Shattered for Decades to Come
- Bottom Line - 10 companies profiting most from war
- The Screwing Of The American People Continues - Decline of the Empire
- The Most Important Film In The World | CollapseNet
- Oil Implications And Fed Policy | ZeroHedge
- Chicago Kicks Out G8, Prepares for NATO | Truthout
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Gallup Reports Large Jump in Unemployment to 9.1%, Underemployment to 19.1%
- The Monsanto Monopoly - YouTube
- Thinking About Drones - Global Guerrillas
- Econbrowser: Oil prices and the U.S. economy
- NUCLEAR POWER: The Dream Is Dead
- Your Government Is Killing You (Really) in [Market-Ticker]
- charles hugh smith-Our "Let's Pretend" Economy: Let's Pretend "Job Growth Is Best Since 2006"
- The Downward Spiral: Friday Rant: Bush Family Appalled By A Political Climate They Did So Much To Help Create
- Did BP Cause Damage to the Gulf Sea Floor Which Is Leading to Larger and Larger "Natural" Oil Seeps from the Giant Macondo Reservoir?
- leecamp.net/2012/03/is-this-the-true-republican-motivation-m-o-c-123/
- Why the American Empire Was Destined to Collapse | World | AlterNet
- $1B of TSA Nude Body Scanners Made Worthless By Blog — How Anyone Can Get Anything Past The Scanners « TSA Out of Our Pants!
- The Downward Spiral: Pink Slime: It's What's For Lunch At Your School
- Island nation of Kiribati plans mass relocation due to climate change | The Raw Story
- MF Global Still Set to Pay Bonuses - WSJ.com
- Jesse's Café Américain: MF Global Trustee Freeh Asks Court to Pay MF Global Executive Bonuses
- New Economic Perspectives: Wall Street's Broken Windows
- US and World Economic Conditions - Summing it up - YouTube
- “Capitalism is an alternative for what we have now. I highly recommend it.”~Jim Grant | Davos World Economic Forum – For Bloggers, Davos WEF 2012 for Economic Bloggers
- Fed Z1 Update: They Failed in [Market-Ticker]
- Public Sector Banks: From Black Sheep to Global Leaders « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- So, What's Next Step Towards The Eurocalypse?
- Robert Mish: Front-Line Evidence That We are Nowhere Near a Gold Bubble - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- Women Are The True Face of Climate Change | Climate Central
- Nature's Solutions: how to lock up carbon and tackle climate change | Permaculture Magazine
- Latest CO2 numbers « The Cost of Energy
- onsanto’s Roundup Shown to be Ravaging Butterfly Population | NationofChange
- Nuclear Fallout - Map of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants | NRDC
- Why Not Frack? by Bill McKibben | The New York Review of Books
- ABC News Explains Warm Winter, 'Wild Swings In Weather', Driven by Global Warming, Only Going to Get Worse | ThinkProgress
- Saudi oil minister - then and now | Energy Bulletin
- Oil demand shift: Asia takes over | SmartPlanet
- China Coal Update
- Guest Post: War With Iran Is Coming | ZeroHedge
- Obama Promises Bunker Busters To Israel If Netanyahu Delays Iran Invasion Until After US Elections | ZeroHedge
- www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/03/legal-experts-destroy-obamas-assassination-policy-and-slam-democrats-for-supporting-it.html
- Ecoshock Show Notes: Private Spies: WikiLeaks Outs Stratfor
- Occupying Corporations: How to Cut Corporate Power | Truthout
- FBI Director: I Have to Check to See If Obama Has the Right to Assassinate Americans On U.S. Soil - Washington's Blog
- Russel Means Interview - YouTube
- MP3/Audio News Downloads for two weeks ending 02 MAR 2012
- GMO Film USA | Permaculture TV free video cooperative
- Build a Pole Barn: I Built A Pole Barn For Under $3,000
- ‘In Transition 2.0′ is here! So now what happens? » Transition Culture
- Janaia’s Journal » Blog Archive » What I’m Reading: Dreams by Derrick Jensen
- USDA Encourages Local-food Initiatives - Hobby Farms
- New Infographic! GMOs -- We Have a Right to Know!Just Label It
- Designing the Future of Resilience
- Seven Garden Activities to Help Kiss Winter Goodbye
- Getting Real About It: Meeting The Psychological And Social Demands Of A World In Distress
- On Growing All Your Own Food
- The Truth About Expiration Dates : American Preppers Network
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Government for the Super Rich: Top 0.01% Control Political Process #GetMoneyOut | AmpedStatus
- Question Everything: Preview: Systems Science Core Course
- Wit's End: Risk Your Heart
- Reckless: The Inside Story of How the Banks Beat Washington (Again) - Jesse Eisinger/ProPublica - Business - The Atlantic
- BBC: Poor America | The Big Picture
- So Will That Be the Wild or Patented Salmon? on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- The United States Is Living On Borrowed Time - Decline of the Empire
- Japan Is Now Another Spinning Plate in the Global Economy Circus - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- Reality Check - Clusterfuck Nation
- David McWilliams » Punk Economics – Lesson 2
- "The Only Way To Make Congress Act Ethically?" - M.O.C. #122 - YouTube
- The Downward Spiral: Student Loan Delinquency Hits $85 Billion
- Erik Townsend: Expect A US Price Shock As Black Swans Come Home to Roost - Blogs at Chris Martenson
- Illinois judge rules state eavesdropping law unconstitutional | The Raw Story
- Dear Rush Limbaugh: Birth Control Doesn't Work Like Viagra | Mother Jones
- Limbaugh, Fox News, Tea Party Get What They Want With False Attacks on Chevy Volt: 1300 GM Lay-Offs | ThinkProgress
- Guest Post: Americans Will Need “Black Markets” To Survive | ZeroHedge
- Ruppert Forecasting a collapse | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Violent tornado rampage in 11 states leaves 31 dead : Weather Underground
- Greg Palast | Investigative Reporter
- Keiser Report: D.I.C.s and Hackers (E257) - YouTube
- Mic Check: The People Speak – Part 1: Tom Morello, Nomi Prins, Shepard Fairey, Miles Mogulescu, Margaret Flowers, Danny Goldberg, Stephen Marshall, Glen Ford and Lee Camp | AmpedStatus
- Tom Morello, Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band: Death to My Hometown (Live) | AmpedStatus
- Geithner arrested? 116 major bank resignations? What The Finance is this? - Washington's Blog
- Bank of America In Trouble? | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- Two Scenarios for Our Post-Petroleum Future By Peter Goodchild
- Australian, Canadian & US Oil & Gas & Coal Threaten Great Barrier Reef , Humanity & Biosphere By Dr Gideon Polya
- SHIPPING CEO: Iran Could Send Oil To $440/Barrel
- The Oil Drum | Tactics and Strategy at the Strait of Hormuz
- Local Dollars: New book shows how to take your retirement account local — Transition Voice
- Video: Inside Japan's Nuclear Meltdown | Watch FRONTLINE Online | PBS Video
- AIPAC Works for the 1 Percent | Common Dreams
- Check Out This Hilarious Video Spoof About Breaking Up Bank Of America And Merrill Lynch
- New Mapping Tool Shows How Severe Nuclear Accident Could Look in U.S. « EcoWatch: Uniting the Voice of the Grassroots Environmental Movement
- The Richest 1 Percent Captured 93 Percent Of Income Gains In 2010 | ThinkProgress
- Know your bites: Does the USDA’s local-farms program have a chance? | Grist
- What The Worst-Case Scenario In Iran Would Mean For World Oil Prices
- Jon Stewart compares Limbaugh to pungent bucket of raw sewage | The Raw Story
- FtheBanks: Take Action to Foreclose the Banks & Move Your Money!
- Financial Armageddon: Four Charts...
- Presenting The Truth Behind America's Fiscal And Employment Picture | ZeroHedge
- In case you thought we were alone ... | Finance
- George Monbiot – A Manifesto for Psychopaths
- Mortgage Tornado Warning, Unheeded - NYTimes.com
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Greek 1-Year Bond Yield Hits 1,006%
- Costs of Climate Change Touching Down All Around: Insurers | Common Dreams
- Michael Mann, From The Trenches Of The 'Climate War' : NPR
- Climate Change: Insurers Confirm Growing Risks, Costs-Insurance Networking News
- Climate change will shake the Earth — literally | Grist
- We have years, not decades to avoid a catastrophic 2C temperature rise.
- A comprehensive list of Rush Limbaugh ad sponsors : politics
- Overfishing Leaves Much of Mediterranean a Dead Sea, Study Finds – News Watch
- Stunning Pictures Of Tornado Devastation In Middle America
- New Research on Ocean Acidification and Warming Oceans Reveals Heavy Toll on Marine Life : TreeHugger
- Looking Catastrophe in the Eye | Common Dreams
- Tornado record? A month's worth of tornadoes strike in 1 day | MNN - Mother Nature Network
- Two dead in flood crisis gripping parts of Victoria, NSW and Queensland | Adelaide Now
- The EPA Says Pennsylvania Is Screwing Up The Fracking Investigating And It's Taking Over
- Scientists see rise in tornado-creating conditions | Reuters
- Fakegate: Heartland's Hypocrisy | Global Warming is Real: Climate - Energy - Sustainability
- Raw Video: Huge Glacier Collapse in Argentina - YouTube
- Saudi Arabia Fire News Oil-Price Swing Shows Global Supply Vulnerability - Bloomberg
- Saturday Oil Report -- March 3, 2012 - Decline of the Empire
- Peak oil: Meet the frackers | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- Peak Oil Denial: Alive, Well, Still Not Helping (Pt 3) - Peak Oil Matters
- Maybe there's something to this 'peak oil' business? - March 5 | Energy Bulletin
- Crash_Watcher: Inter-Regional Trade Movements of Petroleum Part 1: Introduction
- The incomplete media debate on Iran - Salon.com
- McCain Calls For US To Lead Effort To Begin Syrian Air Strikes | ZeroHedge
- AFP: Sweden 'helping plan secret arms factory in Saudi'
- NOTE: US Attn General Eric Holder on The US Killer Drone Policy - Global Guerrillas
- Attorney General Holder Says Murder Is Legal - Washington's Blog
- Keiser Report: Copyright Dictatorhip (E256) - YouTube
- The Private Social Network For The Extremely Rich And Powerful | Disinformation
- When States Abuse Women - NYTimes.com
- Congress Passes Bill Severely Curtailing First Amendment Liberties
- Drones in Texas and Tanks in Tampa: Inside the Out-Of-Control Weaponized Homeland Security State | | AlterNet
- How police privatisation was recast as common sense | John Harris | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Attorney General Holder degrades US to fascist ‘Assassination Nation;’ 99% response…? - Washington's Blog
- Prepared for the Peak - March 2, 2012 | Post Peak Living
- ‘Waking Mars’ is the most amazing game about gardening you’ll ever play | Grist
- How to turn one piece of recycled cloth into 14 outfits and a bag | Grist
- Gardening With Children – Starting Seeds | The Self-Sufficient Gardener
- Aspartame withdrawal and side effects explained - Here's how to protect yourself
- Living Off Grid - Reduce Your Electrical Use in Two Easy Steps
- The Transition Companion | Browse by Type | Library | The Centre for Welfare Reform
- Eco-Cinema and Film Genre: YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip
- America the Possible: A Manifesto, Part I | Orion Magazine
- The 2% : Casaubon's Book
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Eye-Witness History of Occupy Wall Street Movement Now Available
- Knowmore.org - Question Your Goods. Vote With Your Wallet.
- The Downward Spiral: Foxconn Versus An American Online Retail Warehouse
- Must-Watch Video On Unsafe American Nuclear Plants
- Anonymous Leaks Documents Revealing Homeland Security Monitoring of Occupy Wall Street | AmpedStatus
- The Perfection of Crony Capitalism: Buying Regulation to Destroy Competitors | AmpedStatus
- Archive of David DeGraw’s Reports | AmpedStatus
- Climate denial plan by Heartland Institute makes news — Transition Voice
- Watch the Film | Sacred Economics | Charles Eisenstein
- Big Food Must Go: Why We Need to Radically Change the Way We Eat | Occupy Wall Street | AlterNet
- $5 Gas = Long, Hot, Crazy Summer | Energy Bulletin
- My name is Drone, James Drone - Global Guerrillas
- Markets react to explosion which destroys oil pipelines in Saudi Arabia's Awamiya | CollapseNet
- Oil Rises to $110 on Report of Pipeline Explosion - Businessweek
- "Citizen Privacy Vs. Corporation/Government Privacy" - M.O.C. #121 - YouTube
- Two 30-second MTV ads warn Americans what NDAA authorizes under ‘law’ - Washington's Blog
- Ocean Acidification Rate May Be Unprecedented, Study Says | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- More Drilling Won’t Lower Gas Prices | ThinkProgress
- Heartfelt Letter To The Farmers, Seed Growers And Farm Groups Whose Court Battle Was Dismissed Against Monsanto
- TEDx talks in Tempe, Arizona – Guy McPherson's blog
- Ocean acidification on track to be among the worst of the last 300 million years
- Corseted Minds: Does Fear of Irrelevance Send Conservative Men Fleeing to the Victorian Age? | News & Politics | AlterNet
- Wyoming narrowly defeats measure to prepare for apocalypse | The Raw Story
- TACTICAL BRIEFING #26 | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters
- The Downward Spiral: U.S. Job Quality Crashes During The "Recovery"
- Wyoming could become the first survivalist state — Transition Voice
- Rpt-Iran to accept payment in gold from trading partners | Reuters
- Matt Taibbi: The Mortgage Crisis Was Like Banks Selling Oregano And Calling It High Grade Weed -
- Chicago goes coal-free | Grist
- Peter Joseph: "Defining Peace" | Watch Now
- Paul Gilding: The Earth is full | Video on TED.com
- The Archdruid Report: The Trajectory of Empires
- On the real price of oil, built a tiny, mortgage-free house, students and stuff, and the coffeeshopification of our lives.
- Tensions Raise Specter of Gas at $5 a Gallon - NYTimes.com
- Diet Soda, the Silent Killer? | Mother Jones
- Infiltration to Disrupt, Divide and Misdirect Is Widespread in Occupy (Part I) | Truthout
- Foreclosure Homes Hit 24% of U.S. Purchases - Bloomberg
- Only 54% Of Young Adults In America Have A Job | ZeroHedge
- Clean Energy Economy - Rocky Anderson 2012
- The 99% Are Not For Sale – AmpedStatus Stays True to Its Roots, 100% United to Get Money Out, March 1 Relaunch | AmpedStatus
- Greedy Bastards Antidote: Occupy & Tea Party Find Common Ground? Dylan Ratigan Talks with David DeGraw & Mark Meckler, 100% United (Video) | AmpedStatus
- From Russell Simmons to Ben and Jerry: The Would-Be Sponsors of Occupy Wall Street - The Daily Beast
- Vijay Kumar: Robots that fly ... and cooperate | Video on TED.com
- Post Carbon Newsletter - Is Obama Sweating Oil?
- Two Thirds Of All Nevada Mortgages Are Underwater | ZeroHedge
- Reality Check: The Fiat Dollar is the real reason for high gas prices - YouTube
- Timothy L. O'Brien: Introducing "Breakdown: Americans on the Edge"
- 20 Economic Statistics To Use To Wake Sheeple Up From Their Entertainment-Induced Comas
- Bill Gates, Monsanto, and eugenics: How one of the world's wealthiest men is actively promoting a corporate takeover of global agriculture
- Study says insecticide used with GM corn highly toxic to bees | Food Freedom
- Oil Companies Earn Billions While Americans Pay More | ThinkProgress
- charles hugh smith-If This Is Such a Strong Economy, Why Does This Chart Look Recessionary?
- Rare Opening of World's "Doomsday Vault" - YouTube
- iFoodstamps | ZeroHedge
- Steve Keen on the transmutation of Zombie Banking into Zombie Government! - YouTube
- Another Shot to the Bow of Fed Money Printing | Finance
- charles hugh smith-If The Market Rolls Over Here....
- CHART OF THE DAY: 'Total Collapse' In Greece
- Next Leg Of The Ponzi Revealed - Foreign Central Banks To Begin Buying US Stocks Outright Starting Today | ZeroHedge
- Credit unions hit record membership - Mar. 1, 2012
- Fakegate: Heartland-Backed 'Scientist' Misinforms Students, Is Utterly Debunked | ThinkProgress
- Poll: Americans' Understanding of Climate Change Increasing With More Extreme Weather, Warmer Temperatures | ThinkProgress
- NASA Finds Thickest Parts of Arctic Ice Cap Melting Faster | ScienceBlog.com
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Free the Climate Scientists!
- 4 out of 5 Americans Affected by Weather-Related Disasters Since 2006, Study Finds | ThinkProgress
- The Price of Gas - YouTube
- Saudi Oil-Rig Use Soars as Obama Pressed on SPR: Energy Markets - Bloomberg
- Dr. Colin Campbell on Global Oil Production: “Playing With Fire” There is very little spare oil capacity left in the world | James J Puplava CFP | FINANCIAL SENSE
- Gen. McCaffrey privately briefs NBC execs on war with Iran - Salon.com
- The Obama Doctrine - By David Rohde | Foreign Policy
- Drone-Strike Survivors Ask, "What Kind of Democracy Is America?" | Truthout
- Top 5 Stratfor Revelations | Informed Comment
- Government Power Being Used to Stifle Dissent ... Not to Keep Us Safe
- The NDAA: a clear and present danger to American liberty | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- CiteULike: Group: Transition Towns - library 121 articles
- PeaceUp CoRR | Communities of Resilient Resistance
- Taming the Zoning Monster : Casaubon's Book
- How to Clear Your Google Browsing and Video History Before the New Google "Privacy" Policy Is Implemented
- Incredible Video Shows the Beauty of Urban Beekeeping : TreeHugger
- Homemade laundry detergent | MNN - Mother Nature Network
- Small Farmers Create Jobs. Here's Why. : TreeHugger
- Wyoming to Consider Buying an Aircraft Carrier - Forbes
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest