- Overly Conservative Scientific Estimates Hide the Coming Human Tragedy « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- On the Edge with Mike Ruppert - Max Keiser
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Earth's attic is on fire: Arctic sea ice bottoms out at a new record low | Weather Underground
- Tipping Points for Runaway Climate Change, Part One « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Tomgram: Engelhardt, October Surprise? | TomDispatch
- "What's Next?": Simon Johnson Explains The Doomsday Cycle | ZeroHedge
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: QE For the People: What Else Could We Buy With $29 Trillion?
- How High Oil Prices Will Permanently Cap Economic Growth - Bloomberg
- The Downward Spiral: Look Who's Crying About Sequestration
- How Do You Take Your Poison? | Common Dreams
- “Burn Your Money! …Or At Least Put It Away ” – MOC #174
- Gerald Celente-The First Great War of the 21st Century has Begun | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
- 50 Years After Silent Spring – Casaubon's Book
- Duty - Clusterfuck Nation
- Call of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction | Watch Documentaries Online | Promote Documentary Film
- As Arctic Ice Melts, So Does The Snow, And Quickly : NPR
- Iran's Military Is Practicing Mine-Laying In The Persian Gulf - Business Insider
- A New Climate State: Arctic Sea Ice 2012 - YouTube
- The Downward Spiral: Call Those Who Offshore American Jobs What They Are: Traitors
- What Will Ice-Free Arctic Summers Bring?: Scientific American
- Early Warning: Number of Farms in the United States
- Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after study revealed cancer risk | Mail Online
- The Downward Spiral: The Billionaires Do Not Care About the Integrity of ANYTHING
- High-Priced Fuel Syndrome | Our Finite World
- "You Won't Believe What You're Eating Right Now" - MOC #175 - YouTube
- The Downward Spiral: We Were Fucked from the Moment We Elected the Movie Actor
- Will Israel Launch a False Flag Against Iran to Start War? - Washington's Blog
- Capitalist Carbon Man « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan' | Mail Online
- Marijuana And Cancer: Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Housing, Diminishing Returns and Opportunity Cost
- The GMO debate is over; GM crops must be immediately outlawed; Monsanto halted from threatening humanity
- Third Party Candidate – Who Is On the Ballot In All 50 States – Files Lawsuit Demanding Inclusion in Presidential Debates - Washington's Blog
- It’s a Depression: More Americans now commit suicide than die in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll | Davos World Economic Forum – For Bloggers, Davos WEF 2012 for Economic Bloggers
- The Downward Spiral: Happy Birthday, Walmart!
- America – and Western Civilization As a Whole – Was Founded On a Conspiracy Theory - Washington's Blog
- Welcome To Dystopia! - Decline of the Empire
- Degrowth and peak oil | Energy Bulletin
- The Next Industrial Revolution « azizonomics
- The slippery slope of community – Guy McPherson's blog
- The Story To End All Stories - Decline of the Empire
- End Of The World Update — Mayan Apocalypse 2012 - Decline of the Empire
- Barry Ritholtz Calls S.H.A.M.E.’s Expose of Megan McArdle “One of the Most Brutal Takedowns I Have Ever Seen” and “Absolutely Must Read Material” - By Yasha Levine - The eXiled
- A WIN! It's Hugs and Kisses in a Minneapolis Courtroom As Jury Pronounces Schlangen Not Guilty--Is This the End of MDA Rampage? | The Complete Patient
- Labor Force Dropouts: Why The Jobs Crisis Is Worse Than We Think
- Planting rebellion: How to reclaim our seed culture | Grist
- Early Warning: Tuesday Links
- 'US drone attacks are counter-productive and terrorise civilians' - Telegraph
- What Do These Beautiful People Have In Common? - Washington's Blog
- Dow will repeat 2007-2008 peak-crash cycle - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Why Germany Is Going to Exit the Eurozone | Peak Prosperity
- How Do You Take Your Poison? » Survival Acres Blog
- Does Monsanto Man Mitt Romney Secretly Eat Organic? | Mother Jones
- iTunes - Podcasts - David Seaman Hour! (FULL) by David Seaman
- the Hipcrime Vocab: The Perils Of Complex Systems
- Mainstream madness and its alternatives — Transition Voice
- Keeping Peak Oil Reality In Mind # 9: Planning - Peak Oil Matters
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- The Downward Spiral: Bill Maher: "Dipshit" Pot Calls the Kettle Black
- Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary Of The Treasury For Economic Policy Under Reagan: America, The Next Banana Republic & A Culture of Delusion - Max Keiser
- Nader Says ‘War Criminal’ Obama Is Worse Than George W. Bush - Truthdig
- Max Keiser and The artist taxi driver - YouTube
- Arctic Resources, Exposed by Warming, Set Off Competition - NYTimes.com
- Not Quite 100 Million, but It Is a Start – Casaubon's Book
- Simon Johnson, Peter Boone: The Doomsday Cycle Turns: Who’s Next? « naked capitalism
- You're Dreaming If You Think The Euro Crisis Is Resolved | Finance
- The Disheartening State of American Incomes « naked capitalism
- Michael Hudson: QE3 – Another Fed Giveaway to the Banks « naked capitalism
- Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why
- Silver Smashed to $33.50 As 16.5 Million Ounces of Paper Silver Dumped on Market in 5 Minutes - Max Keiser
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Why QE May Not Boost Stocks After All
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Siren Song of "Beautiful Deleveraging"
- Pondering the Path To an Open Polar Sea - NYTimes.com
- Record Ocean Temperatures Recorded Off New England Coast | ThinkProgress
- Look for more of this. Switching from Denial, to Adaptation, to “The End of Days” « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Arctic Sea Ice: What, Why, and What Next | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network
- Rethinking the New Plant Hardiness Zone Map - NYTimes.com
- Global oil exports in decline since 2006: What will importing nations do? | Energy Bulletin
- Town of Jackson residents ponder aftermath of gasoline spill
- WATCH: Freak Summer Cyclone Speeds Record Arctic Melt | Mother Jones
- How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change | ThinkProgress
- Climate Change Deaths Could Total 100 Million By 2030 If World Fails To Act
- How the Arctic death spiral fuels ‘Wicked backlash on our weather’ | Energy Bulletin
- Keeping Peak Oil Reality In Mind # 8: No Plans? - Peak Oil Matters
- Fourth Largest Publicly Traded Oil Company Calls Arctic Offshore Oil Drilling A Potential 'Disaster' | ThinkProgress
- Blackwater the 'Intel Arm' of Monsanto | Food Renegade
- FOCUS | How the Mitt Romney Video Killed the American Dream
- Undercover cops secretly use smartphones, face recognition to spy on crowds | Computerworld Blogs
- The Summer of Muslim Discontent: It’s Not “The Amateur Film” Stupid!
- Big Oil Funding U.S. Politics
- Americans Are Literally Being Worked To Death
- FBI agents craft their own terror plots - YouTube
- Liberty Lockdown: Raid on Zuccotti [LEAKED TARU FOOTAGE] - YouTube
- 19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Giant Surveillance Grid
- Guess Where These Beautiful Pictures Were Taken … - Washington's Blog
- Revealed: 64 Drone Bases on American Soil | Danger Room | Wired.com
- BBC News - Spain police fire rubber bullets at Madrid protest
- Guest Post: Globalist Think Tank Suggests Using Engineered Event As Excuse For War With Iran | ZeroHedge
- Israel Is Over-Reacting - Washington's Blog
- The Plot Against Occupy | Culture News | Rolling Stone
- In America, Journalists Are Considered Terrorists - Washington's Blog
- Resilient Entrepreneurs Abroad: Building Biogas Systems in Kenya
- 11 Steps to Living a Strategic Life – A Guide to 2012 and Beyond | Wake Up World
- All About Growing Raspberries - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- The Covert Prepper » Maps – free, complete and exhaustive for your Bug Out Bag
- How to Harvest & Store Seeds by Texas Ready Seed Bank - YouTube
- Education After the Collapse: School When There Is No Classroom
- A Simple Way to Charge Your Homemade 12 Volt Battery Packs. | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Psychological Self-Defense for the Newly Unemployed
- Get the Recording for Kristin Canty's Food Freedom Webinar, plus a Special Offer
- From start to finish: Why we won and how we are losing | Energy Bulletin
- How to Make Compost - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- The end of economic growth offers real prosperity — Transition Voice
- Alternatives to a Bugout Location – What You Should Consider
- 32 Survival Skills Your Child Should Know and Be Able to Do ASAP! | The Survival Momâ„¢
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Transition Yourself
- Composting Toilet Construction and No-Till Gardening Details
- The Chatelaine's Keys » Blog Archive » Preserving Food Around the Year
- Central Banks Bailout Global Financial System, Stalling Debt Riots « The Daily Crowd
- The Downward Spiral: Smells Like 1968
- Get Me Off This Crazy Ride! « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Cowardice Is Destroying America - Washington's Blog
- Hierarchy and alternative money - A Prosperous Way DownA Prosperous Way Down
- Libya - 'Death To America'
- Financial Securities for Emotionally Rough Times
- The Downward Spiral: There is No Hope, Only Denial
- ARE YOU SEEING WHAT I’M SEEING? « The Burning Platform
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served)
- The Downward Spiral: The Punishment for Collecting Firewood: Death
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Fed Has Failed, Failed, Failed
- Gus Speth: ‘Ultimate insider’ goes radical | Grist
- ClubOrlov: Extraenvironmentalist Episode #49: Developing Breakdown
- What Does It Mean? - Clusterfuck Nation
- A World On The Verge Of War? | ZeroHedge
- 2 U.S. Supreme Court Justices – And Numerous Other Top Government Officials – Warn of Dictatorship - Washington's Blog
- Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within four years | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- ‘Another World Is Happening’ – Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Interview | AmpedStatus
- The Downward Spiral: How to Tell When a War is Over
- “Sometimes You Have To Think Outside The Box” – MOC #172
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Class War In The Open
- Browbeaten Scientists Not Telling the Public the Full Truth « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Genetic Roulette MovieGenetic Roulette | The Gamble of Our Lives
- A Rare Look at Why The Government Won't Fight Wall Street | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- “Uncharted Territory”. NSIDC Announces the Shocking 2012 Sea Ice Minimum « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Arctic Death Spiral: New local shipping and drilling pollution may speed up polar warming and ice melting | Energy Bulletin
- 'Planetary Emergency': New Data Elevates Climate Change Alarm | Common Dreams
- The Trouble With Printing Money | Chris Martenson PhD | FINANCIAL SENSE
- Keiser Report: World Flash Clash Center (E343) - YouTube
- Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination - World Politics - World - The Independent
- QE3 IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - YouTube
- State court ruling deals blow to U.S. bank mortgage system | Reuters
- New Report Finds Financial Crisis Cost Economy $12.8 Trillion | ThinkProgress
- Procrastination | Attunement
- Occupy movement turns 1 year old, its effect still hard to define - latimes.com
- Just 100 cod left in North Sea - Telegraph
- Occupy Wall Street plans to mark Monday anniversary with Wall Street blockade | The Raw Story
- Early Warning: Weekend Links
- Only one-third of Americans think limiting climate change is a very important goal | Grist
- California Soccer Moms Face Off Against Monsanto
- Occupy Wall Street One Year Anniversary - Business Insider
- Bernanke And Draghi Are Not Trying To Save Our Economies | Finance
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): Ponzi Supernova: Full Retard x 11
- Is QE3 Yet Another Stealth Bank Bailout? « naked capitalism
- Email From Lead Analyst, Weekly Petroleum Supply Team on Possibility of Recession
- The Close Tie Between Energy Consumption, Employment, and Recession | Our Finite World
- The Real Reason the Middle East is Rioting | StormCloudsGathering.com
- U.S. Leads Biggest Gulf Mine Exercise in Signal to Iran - Bloomberg
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission Engineers Charge Government Coverup: Reactor Meltdown “Absolute Certainty” If Dam Fails … 100s of Times More Likely than Tsunami that Hit Fukushima - Washington's Blog
- How China's Rehypothecated "Ghost" Steel Just Vaporized, And What This Means For The World Economy | ZeroHedge
- Jesse's Café Américain: Taibbi on Mitt Romney as Preface to Video of Romney Speaking Privately to Wealthy Donors
- It's Not About a Film: The Real Reason Why the Middle East Exploded | Alternet
- Politicians Swear to “Never Forget” 9/11 Victims … Then Slash Healthcare for Heroic First Responders - Washington's Blog
- Chinese Protesters Chant "Down With US Imperialists", Attack Car Of US Ambassador In Beijing | ZeroHedge
- When Will the Unemployed Riot? | The Business Desk with Paul Solman | PBS NewsHour | PBS
- Monsanto weedkiller and GM maize in 'shocking' cancer study | News | The Grocer
- Mass slaughter of farm animals set to push food prices up 14% | Business | The Guardian
- France On Alert, Closing Embassies, After Magazine Publishes Muhammad Cartoons : The Two-Way : NPR
- Chinese Boycott Hurts Japan - Business Insider
- Fukushima dire warning: over 40 million Japanese cancer deaths - National Human Rights | Examiner.com
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): Here We Go Again
- Let go, or be dragged – Guy McPherson's blog
- American Airlines Warns 11,000 Of Layoff - Business Insider
- As Ice Melts, World Powers Vie for Arctic Supremacy | Common Dreams
- Early Warning: Thursday Links
- “Truth VS. Puppy Purging: Where Do YOU Get Your News?” – MOC #173
- “Brother, Can You Spare the Time?”: Psychotherapists Don’t Reach out to the Unemployed
- Do Americans Harbor Childlike Delusions About the Future? James Howard Kunstler Says Watch Out | Alternet
- Ponzi World (Over 3 Billion NOT Served): The U.S. (Is A) Lottery
- IT'S OFFICIAL: 'Currency Wars' Are Back - Business Insider
- What’s In a Recovery? | Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.
- QE, Bank of England, Fed, UK Housing bubble, recession, ECB, Bernanke
- Janet Tavakoli: Understanding Derivatives and Their Risks | Peak Prosperity
- Michael Hudson on How Finance Capital Leads to Debt Servitude « naked capitalism
- Economic Crisis Coming After Election, Warns Jim Rogers – Money Morning
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Next Eurozone Crisis
- Where does money come from? - YouTube
- Have the Last 5 Years Been Worse than the Great Depression? - Washington's Blog
- The Daily Bell - QE3 – Pay Attention If You Are in the Real Estate Market
- Arctic sea ice hits record low: live updates and reaction | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Dow Chemicals seeks approval for new genetically modified seeds that present worse threat than Monsanto's Roundup
- Meet the Frackers - USA - YouTube
- There Will Soon Be Oil and Gas Drilling in Up to 42 National Parks : TreeHugger
- Fossil Fuel Industry Doubles Down on Decades of Lies « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Still No Minimum, Ice Continues Slide « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Commerce Dept. Declares Northeast Fishery a Disaster - NYTimes.com
- From dry rivers to dead deer, drought's impact felt everywhere - CNN.com
- Lost in the Bee-Line | Worldwatch Institute
- Russia Dumped 19 Radioactive Ships Plus 14 Nuclear Reactors Into the Ocean - Washington's Blog
- NOAA Releases Sea Ice Visualization for 2012 « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Pandemic Information News: Egypt: Agriculture: 90% of poultry farms infected with diseases
- Something’s (not very) fishy about the Atlantic Ocean [VIDEO] | Grist
- Hottest Ever Water Temperatures Off East Coast All the Way Down to the Bottom of the Ocean | Mother Jones
- Fukushima Radiation: Japan Irradiates the West Coast of North America - Washington's Blog
- Report: The Age of Western Wildfires | Climate Central
- New Study Finds “Severe Toxic Effects” of Pervasively Used Monsanto Herbicide Roundup and Roundup Ready GM Corn (Updated) « naked capitalism
- Global Ecological Collapse Unfolding in Plain Sight, Yet the Establishment Can’t be Bothered « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Bears Explain Where Money Comes From « naked capitalism
- Japan Draws Curtain on Nuclear Energy Following Germany - Bloomberg
- Missing the Point on Peak Oil - Energy Digital
- Wind Energy — Pie In The Sky - Decline of the Empire
- Peak oil and the threat to growth - The Business - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
- Crash_Watcher: Predicting Global and Regional Petroleum Consumption Trends Part 3: The Former Soviet Union
- The Predator Drone Is Taking Out Al Qaeda One Terrorist At A Time - Business Insider
- US And Britain Sending Warships To Gulf - Business Insider
- CNN and the business of state-sponsored TV news | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- 'US will strike Iran in early 2013' - former American ambassador to Israel — RT
- Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA — RT
- Drones In Our Skies - HuffPost Live
- On Board The Eisenhower 50 Miles Off Iran Coast - Business Insider
- The Downward Spiral: America "Hearts" Democracy in Burma, Loathes it at Home
- Permaculture In The News This Week - Beyond Capitalism | Permaculture Magazine
- Choose Your Chicken - Off The Grid News
- Animal Encounters: A Survival Guide
- Solar Oven Makes Clean Drinking Water from Salt Water : TreeHugger
- How Occupy Made Me Stronger
- Personal Biochar Kilns, Portable Factories, DiY Septic Tank Cleaning, and Guerrilla Grafting
- How to be Prepared Without Breaking the Bank
- How We Afford to Mini-Farm on One Income | The Prairie Homestead
- Make Your Own Pectin for Canning | Preparedness Advice Blog
- How to Build a Beautiful, Energy Efficient Round Home in the Woods | Permaculture Magazine
- Recommended products for preppers/smart moms!
- A Look into the Future of Preparedness and Resiliency Provisions | Peak Prosperity
- Growing Mushrooms in a Laundry Basket | Peak Prosperity
- An interview with Dr. Martin Shaw: “A lot of opportunity is going to arrive in the next 20 years disguised as loss” » Transition Culture
- The Drive Housing Co-op - How To Make A Co-op Work (+ Free eBook) | Permaculture Magazine
- The Take Down Survival Bow & Arrow: 6 Reasons You Should Consider Owning One | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Digital Makeover: 5 Reasons You Should Fix Your Gadgets, Not Replace Them | Technology on GOOD
- Museletter #244: Building Resilience in a Changing Climate | Richard Heinberg
- Life Straw: a portable, affordable water filter | The Survival Mom™
- 9 Tips for Growing Container Trees | Peak Prosperity
- How We Afford to Mini-Farm on One Income- Part 2 | The Prairie Homestead
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
- Charles Hugh Smith: Is Anybody Else Tired of Buying and Owning Stuff?
- 12 ways Romney, Obama are killing Planet Earth - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America — RT
- A Law So Awful It Literally Makes Judges Cry
- Caribbean Coral Reefs Mostly Dead, IUCN Says – News Watch
- Pakistan: Center of the Grand Chessboard - YouTube
- Jesse's Café Américain: Friday Night: Chris Hedges and Jonathan Haidt on Corporations, Liberals, and Conservatives
- Alex Schaefer and Wells Fargo: Chalk Protest - YouTube
- Matthew Stein: How Prepared are You? | Peak Prosperity
- Digital Snow DaysA Prosperous Way Down
- The Downward Spiral: Back in the U.S.S.A.R.
- Ripping Out the Heart and Lungs of the Earth « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Advocating Hopelessness » Survival Acres Blog
- The Downward Spiral: A Preview of America's Future as Desired by the Oligarchs
- Zeitgeist Failure - Clusterfuck Nation
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Federal Reserve's Cargo Cult Magic: Housing Will Lift the Economy (Again)
- The Third Building Which Collapsed on 9/11 Was Not Hit By a Plane - Washington's Blog
- Fiscal cliff. Market crash. Depression: A way out - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Chris Hedges: Growth Is the Problem - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Cui Bono Fed: Who Benefits from the Federal Reserve?
- “I Know Who Will Win The Presidential Election (Seriously)” – MOC #171
- What You Need to Know About a Worldwide Corporate Power Grab of Enormous Proportions | It's Our Economy
- We Are Now One Year Away From Global Food Riots » Survival Acres Blog
- "The Federal Reserve Is a Cartel" - G. Edward Griffin
- Fed decides to perpetually bail out banks with new ‘QE to infinity.’ - Max Keiser
- Trans Pacific Partnership...Trojan horse for global corporate domination? - YouTube
- Fed Releases Latest Economic Forecast Which Will Be Proven 100% Wrong | ZeroHedge
- As Predicted, Bernanke Launches QE3 to Help the Big Banks … Which Will Destroy the Economy - Washington's Blog
- Fed Policy ‘Turned Financial Markets Into a Casino’: David Stockman Says ‘No’ to QE3 | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance
- Here are 4 reasons that America is turning into a police state - San Francisco Sunset District Libertarian | Examiner.com
- Chris Hedges: The Absurdity of American Empire [FULL INTERVIEW] - YouTube
- The Fed’s QE3: No Exit « naked capitalism
- Beans Rice and Gold: The Petrodollar & The Road to World War III
- Ron Paul: We're Creating New Money Out of Thin Air: Video - Bloomberg
- Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF | Finance
- Struggle for Water in Colorado With Rise in Fracking - NYTimes.com
- Their Food Scarce From Drought, Animals Dine in Town - NYTimes.com
- Financial Armageddon: A young Ben Bernanke?
- Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control - Salon.com
- Exxon Explores 'Very Promising' Oil And Gas Fields In Afghanistan - Business Insider
- US officials fret emergency oil won't ease fuel prices-sources | Reuters
- Prepare For The Coming Housing Collapse - Business Insider
- Commodities Expert: Oil scarcity not speculation driving up prices - YouTube
- The Fed Is Expected to Launch QE3 Next Week … Which Would Help the Rich and Hurt the Little Guy - Washington's Blog
- Massive Tsunami Debris Field Only 800 Miles Off The Coast Of Washington Stante - YouTube
- Green Party Presidential Candidate Presents a "New Green Deal" - YouTube
- Early Warning: Weekend Links
- The Biggest Shock From This Friday's Payroll Report (Sorry Men) | ZeroHedge
- What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube
- Confessing to the Converted - New York Times
- Fracking Is Safe—Except in Wyoming - Businessweek
- Keeper of the Mountains Foundation: Larry Gibson 1946-2012
- A Global Experiment with Everyone as the Guinea Pigs « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Greg Muttitt | The Progressive
- Shell starts drilling, hasn’t ruined the Arctic yet | Grist
- Early Warning: Tuesday Links
- Jesse's Café Américain: The Hunger Games And a Dystopian View of America's Future from Chris Hedges
- IS THERE STILL HOPE? « The Burning Platform
- JFC! - Decline of the Empire
- Psychologists Explain Why Coming to Grips with 9/11 Truth is So Difficult | Watch Now
- Survey Reveals 92 Percent of Young Afghan Men Have Never Heard of 9/11 | Fox News
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Big Trouble In Big China
- Insiders: This Is What Really Happened In Libya - Business Insider
- Federal court enjoins NDAA - Salon.com
- Sept. 13 News: ‘Astounding’ Record Arctic Ice Melt May Make Weather Extremes More Likely | ThinkProgress
- US citizens' due process rights saved from the NDAA's indefinite detention | Tangerine Bolen | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- The Downward Spiral: Well, OF COURSE No One in the Presidential Campaign Really Wants to Talk About Foriegn Policy
- Occupy Wall Street 2.0: The Debt Resistors’ Operations Manual « naked capitalism
- Middle Class Shrinks to ALL-TIME LOW - Washington's Blog
- Feds seize gold coins worth $80 mln from Pennsylvania family — RT
- Wells Fargo Mistakenly Cleans Out Retired Couple's Home Twice - Yahoo! News
- Private purchasing of prisons locks in occupancy rates – USATODAY.com
- Interesting! Kate Middleton Pulls Off An Amazing Three Wardrobe Change Day « World Catastrophe Map
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Household Survey: Number of Employed Declines by 119,000 as Those Not in Labor Force Rises by Spectacular 581,000; Yes, Virginia, It's a Recession
- The Myth That Japan Is Broke: The World's Largest "Debtor" Is Now the World's Largest Creditor
- 138 Years of Economic History Show that Keen and Minsky Are Right … And the Mainstream Economists Are Wrong - Washington's Blog
- Greg Mannarino People Are Going To Be Slaughtered Who Are Not Ready For This - YouTube
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Canadian Exports Collapse, Expect Plunge in GDP; China Factor; US Recession Factor
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: China's Shadow Banking System Collapses Exposing Numerous Ponzi Schemes; Implosion Reaches Critical Mass
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- When It Rains, It Pours | PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center
- The driest season: Global drought causes major worries - CNN.com
- Understanding The Human-Caused Arctic Death Spiral | ThinkProgress
- Climate Change Stress Killing Forests, and Why it Matters | Climate Central
- Arctic Melt Down - 3 Scientists Speak Out | Energy Bulletin
- Goodbye, Glaciers: Photos of Vanishing Ice | Wired Science | Wired.com
- Has OPEC misled us about the size of its oil reserves? Does it matter? | Energy Bulletin
- As Congress lets wind tax credit die, the wind industry struggles to finish key projects | Grist
- TV stations to start using military drones —
- RTCNN International whitewashes ban of Bahrain documentary - YouTube
- Valerie Jarrett Denies Journalist Claim About DNC Removal
- The Downward Spiral: Games Governments Play
- Two Protesters Found Guilty Today For Lying Down In The Sidewalk
- Corporations Own Politicians - YouTube
- This Is How Facebook Is Tracking Your Internet Activity - Business Insider
- President of the Supreme Court of Italy To Refer 9/11 Crimes To International Criminal Court
- John Kerry Confronted on Building 7 "Controlled Fashion" Comment - YouTube
- James Corbett 9/11 Conspiracy Theory - YouTube
- Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- Bill Moyers and Bernie Sanders On the Dysfunctional US Political System
- Chart: How 9/11 Changed the Law | Mother Jones
- 9-11 and Unfettered Capitalism « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- US Congress approves extension of secret surveillance under FISA — RT
- U.S. Drones Never Left Libya; Will Hunt Benghazi Thugs | Danger Room | Wired.com
- The Downward Spiral: The War Nerd Explains Why Obama Gets So Little "Credit" for His Warmongering
- Farm Vibe – Scuffed Boots Edition
- Food Inc. (2008) | Watch Documentary Free Online
- The Weekend Homesteader-A Twelve Month Guide to Self Sufficiency
- Keeping Your Head When All About You Are Losing Theirs
- People & Projects for the Great Transition Episode 1 | Permaculture Magazine
- Prairie Fire - Revolutionize the Food System - YouTube
- Thrifty Jinxy: 10 Uses for Plastic Milk Jugs: Don't Just Recycle - REUSE!
- Replacing the Supermarket and Loving It
- 11 Uses For Stale Bread | Wake Up World
- 16 Clever Uses for Binder Clips : TreeHugger
- Starting an Orchard: Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Plums and Pears - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Prepared for the Peak™ Newsletter
- The Great Depression is Getting Worse. Get Resilient Before It’s Too Late
- Homestead Water Sources and Options - Modern Homesteading - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- North America’s Top Ten Wild Edibles | The Prepared Ninja
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
Excellent list of resource links from our friends at Doingitourselves http://www.doingitourselves.org/links
...and don't miss daily link posts at End of Empire News
- Economist Richard Duncan: Civilization May Not Survive 'Death Spiral' - Money Morning
- Goodbye entitlement, hello consequences — Transition Voice
- Never Mind Super PACs: How Big Business Is Buying the Election | The Nation
- What the Economic Crisis Really Means (animation) | Finance
- Psychological Resilience | Doing It Ourselves
- Doing It Ourselves
- SunWeb: Suck it up.
- Jesse's Café Américain: Robert Johnson: Audacious Oligarchy - Unmasking Wall Street and the Decline of Confidence
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Who Do You Blame for the Woes of the Middle-Class?
- Why the oil industry doesn't want you to remember the last 14 years | Energy Bulletin
- This is What a Desolated Earth Looks Like « how to save the world
- Chris Hedges: Life Is Sacred - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
- Join Up! - Clusterfuck Nation
- Blood For Oil By John Scales Avery
- A Quadrillion Dollar Deflationary Debt Raft | Finance
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Resilience and Fragility of the Status Quo
- How Energy Shapes the Economy | Our Finite World
- “What You’re Doing Right Now Might Not Matter At All” – MOC #168
- Activist Post: 10 Signs That You're Fully Awake
- Breaking the Set - New Abby Martin Show on RT
- A Summer of Extremes Signifies the New Normal by Bill McKibben: Yale Environment 360
- The Rag Blog: Roger Baker : Converging Global Crises and Why We Deny Them / 2
- charles hugh smith-Now That The Easy Stuff Has Failed, All That's Left Is The Hard Stuff
- Broken Democratic Platform Promises from 2008 « naked capitalism
- Extreme Food Price Volatility Is Here To Stay - Decline of the Empire
- We are screwed - Imgur - StumbleUpon
- Collapsing Economy, Undemocratic Government, Global Warfare: The Montpelier Manifesto | Global Research
- the Hipcrime Vocab: The End Of Growth Goes Mainstream (Sort Of)
- If We Learn Our History, We’re NOT Doomed to Repeat It - Washington's Blog
- Drone Club - Max Keiser
- “Why The Occupy Anniversary Matters” – MOC #169
- The Repricing of Oil | Peak Prosperity
- Moment of Clarity exclusive interview with Investigative Journalist Greg Palast - YouTube
- This Week in News Briefs on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- This Week in Dark Money | Mother Jones
- RNC WRAP UP « The Burning Platform
- Chris Hedges: Hear the 99% Roar « naked capitalism
- August 31, 2012 - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central
- THE GREAT BAD RELIGION POST (Part II… All Out War) « The Burning Platform
- Early Warning: Weekend Links
- Are the Water Wars Coming? | Alternet
- Most jobs added since recession ended pay poor wages | | The Bulletin
- Why Do I Write About Politics? - Decline of the Empire
- charles hugh smith-Labor Day 2012: The Future of Work
- Black Report: Majority of Wall St. Money Now Goes to Romney « naked capitalism
- The era of cheap food may be over | Business | The Guardian
- Why 2013 will be a year of crisis - CNN.com
- Writing Down Rants - Lee Camp | War Is A Crime .org
- Today Grab a Dollar that Results in Your Death Tomorrow « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Fears Rising, Spaniards Pull Out Their Cash and Get Out of Spain - Yahoo! Finance
- FBI hack yielded 12 million iPhone and iPad IDs, Anonymous claims | ZDNet
- Let's Talk About Time And Decline - Decline of the Empire
- #S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Invites you, the 99%, to NYC for three days of education, celebration, and resistance.
- Some Of The Really Bad Things That Could Happen If You Do Not Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse
- It's Official: $16,015,769,788,215.80 | ZeroHedge
- US Marines share a special message with America - YouTube
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Looking for an End
- Kill the Messenger « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (9-5-12) Chris Hedges & Richard Stallman | Politics
- BP thinks the Gulf is copacetic. The government disagrees. Tony Hayward doesn’t care. | Grist
- How Bill Clinton's Balanced Budget Destroyed The Economy - Business Insider
- Rap News enters the fray for Internet freedom — Transition Voice
- Early Warning: Thursday Links
- A Broken Thermostat and Things Won’t Be OK « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Peak Education
- Chris Hedges: Obama is a "Poster Child for the Death of the Liberal Class"
- Condoleezza Rice Confronted on Bilderberg - YouTube
- How the Big Banks Are Trying to Destroy Our Justice System | Alternet
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Baby Boomers and Strategic Defaults - a Demographic Study: Why Did People Walk Away? Did They Struggle With Morality? Would they Recommend Walking Away to Others?
- Why Does Canada Have a Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve? - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic
- Undercover Austin PD officers under fire for alleged involvement in Occupy protest arrests in Houston | abc13.com
- "Sunshade" to fight climate change costed at $5 bln a year - Yahoo! News
- TSA liquid testing inside terminal at Columbus OH Airport - YouTube
- Forget Bernanke: A Paper At Jackson Hole May Have Changed The Future Of Economics Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/michael-woodford-endorses-ngdp-targeting-2012-9#ixzz25L0Rggjs
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: China New Export Orders Drop Most Since March 2009, Operating Conditions Down 10th Consecutive Month; China's Export Machine Grind to a Halt
- Jackson Hole 2012 — US Business News — Monetary Policy Has Reached a Dead End: Gross - CNBC
- We can't grow ourselves out of debt, no matter what the Federal Reserve does | Charles Eisenstein | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Central Bankers Fail to Understand Forces Holding Back the Economy; Ten Major Economic Headwinds
- World debt comparison: The global debt clock | The Economist
- GATA's Bill Murphy on the JP Morgan silver shortage and next bullion bank run! — RT
- RealClimate: Climate indices to watch
- Romney treats climate as a punchline | Grist
- Wild Weather Is The New Normal And Insurance Companies Must Act | ThinkProgress
- You Are Here and It Is Now. « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Spineless creatures under threat, from worms to bees: study - Yahoo! News
- Russia announces enormous finds of radioactive waste and nuclear reactors in Arctic seas - Bellona
- IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET :: A Weekly Radio Program with Dr. Helen Caldicott » Blog Archive » Arnold Gundersen with another update on the unfolding effects of the Fukushima disaster
- BBC News - Summer 'wettest in 100 years', Met Office figures show
- Sea Level Isn't Level: This Elastic Earth | ThinkProgress
- What is Missing?
- Early Warning: Collapse in Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Area
- Summer heat causing media to take climate change more seriously — Transition Voice
- Weathergirl goes rogue - YouTube
- We Are Writing the Epilogue to the World We Knew | Common Dreams
- 'A great silence is spreading over the natural world' | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- BBC News - Arctic ice melt 'like adding 20 years of CO2 emissions'
- Chasing Ice
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Half of the polar ice cap is missing: Arctic sea ice hits a new record low | Weather Underground
- All 2012's Extreme Weather & Climate Events in One Interactive Timeline : TreeHugger
- Call of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction (trailer) | Watch Now
- BBC News - Arctic ice melting at 'amazing' speed, scientists find
- Re-Visiting Thoughts On Peak Oil & Planning - Peak Oil Matters
- Saudi oil well dries up – Telegraph Blogs
- The Polish Bin-Laden Revelation: Uninformed, Naïve, or Just Plain Calculated?
- Exclusive: Google, Apple CEOs in secret patent talks | Reuters
- Israelis prepares for war with Iran | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- New Tool Analyzes Facebook Data - Technology News Story - KGTV San Diego
- How Your Movements Are Being Tracked, Probably Without Your Knowledge | Alternet
- For the Elite, The Ability to Buy Government Institutions is the Mark of a Free Country « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Report on Iran Nuclear Work Puts Israel in a Box - NYTimes.com
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Harrisburg to Run Out of Money in October; Inside America's Most Indebted City; Labyrinth of Fraud
- Drones: A New Death From Above
- MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
- Suspected U.S. drone strike kills civilians in Yemen, officials say - CNN.com
- Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 - Washington's Blog
- What Obama Won't Say in Charlotte: War on Terror Is Done | Danger Room | Wired.com
- The Great Game: Regime Change in Syria
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith
- Reply to response from CNNi
- Colorado Public Television Presents 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out - Washington's Blog
- Drones Over the Americas » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
- Activist Post: Obama administration: cellphone location data is not ‘constitutionally protected’
- When Did Dissent Become a Crime? America's Police State on Steroids at the Conventions | Alternet
- What is money?A Prosperous Way Down
- Ten TED Talks That Will Help Change the Way You Communicate | Wake Up World
- Growing Crops With No Water, The Old-Fashioned Way: Scientific American
- Education After The Collapse | Prepper Website
- REconomy
- How to Build a Gypsy Caravan from Recycled Materials | Permaculture Magazine
- Sun Oven International | The Solar Cooking Appliance » How to use
- Strawbale Chicken Coop Demonstrates Simplicity of Good Design : TreeHugger
- What You Can do to Prepare for an Israeli Attack on Iran this Fall
- Organic Roots Digital Collection | Peak Prosperity
- Making other arrangements: I’d like to help – Guy McPherson's blog
- America The Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy — A book by James Gustave Speth
- Raising Chickens 2.0: No More Coop and Run!
- Not Another Survival Flash Drive Article (Part 1: Data Storage Methods and Personal Information)
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
- The End of the Industrial Revolution - Paul Gilding - Independent writer & advisor on sustainability.
- MIDWAY : trailer : a film by Chris Jordan on Vimeo
- Global Warming changes the Jet Stream, cause of more Extreme Weather - YouTube
- IEA may release oil reserves as soon as September: report | Reuters
- Political Liars » Survival Acres Blog
- Game Over? Or Overtime?
- NSA Whistleblower William Binney Explains NSA Surveillance - Business Insider
- Where the Mob Keeps Its Money - NYTimes.com
- A global warming TV dinner conversation — Transition Voice
- charles hugh smith-The Rot Runs Deep 1: The Federal Reserve Is a Parasitic Wealth Transfer Machine
- Peak cheap oil is an incontrovertible fact - Telegraph
- Power Transition | Energy Bulletin
- King Romney’s Double Down Plan On What’s Left of Our Poor EROEI Pockets of Fossil Fuel « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- “The Experts Are WRONG and Here’s How” – MOC #166
- A Few Apocalyptic Headlines and a Moment of Clarity With a Glass of Wine « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Rot Runs Deep 2: Don't Call Out My Scam and I Won't Call Out Yours
- Don't Worry, Drive On
- Chris Martenson on Shadow Bankruns and how Central Banks are Missing the Boat! — RT
- Arctic Sea Ice Drops below 2007 Record : Image of the Day
- 60 Years of American Economic History, Told in 1 Graph - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic
- The Left Right Paradigm is Over: Its You vs. Corporations | The Big Picture
- Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone
- China Debt Crisis Sparks Concern as Wealthy Leave Country; Some Party Members Defect to United States « The Daily Crowd
- “The TRUTH About The RNC and Hurricane Isaac” – MOC #167
- Prof. Steve Keen 2012 Study Economics At UWS: “Economics Is Not A Science. It’s More Like A Bunch Of Competing Religions” - Max Keiser
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Rot Runs Deep 3: The Capture of the Professional Class
- The End of Gasoline Warfare | Energy Bulletin
- Early Warning: Thursday Links
- A Big Bad Brick Wall | Finance
- Early Warning: Arctic Sea Ice Volume
- What are we fighting for? – Guy McPherson's blog
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Real Reverse Robin Hood: Ben Bernanke and his Merry Band of Thieves
- The long term effects of the BP oil spill include sea life with growth defect
- Jesse's Café Américain: Matt Taibbi and Eliot Spitzer Discuss Eric Holder's (and Obama's) Failure: Credibility Trap
- In severe heat, Illinois power plants get waivers to discharge hotter water, causing concern about fish - Chicago Tribune
- Farmers Deplete Fossil Water in World’s Breadbaskets | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network
- Obama asks eurozone to keep Greece in until after election day - Europe - World - The Independent
- Romney says big business 'doing fine,' with foreign tax haven assist - CSMonitor.com
- Top Economists: Iceland Did It Right … And Everyone Else Is Doing It Wrong - Washington's Blog
- Conversations w/Great Minds - Neil Barofsky - TARP - An Inside Account P1 | Conversations With Great Minds
- Pew Study Reveals The Real Problem With Our Economy - Decline of the Empire
- Super Typhoon bears down on military bases. - CNN iReport
- As Max Keiser Predicted, Punk Rock Resurrects Itself For 21st Century Struggle | Silver Vigilante
- Save Yourselves | The Conflicted Doomer
- Virulent Worm Destroys US Real Estate Market
- Dear Angela, It's Time To Do The Right Thing | Finance
- Akin for the Truth: How Are US Religious Fundamentalists Any Different Than Middle Eastern Ones?
- King Romney’s Dream for America: Slave Labor in Barb-Wired Factories & a Double Down on Fossil Fuels « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- AND IT’S GONE « The Burning Platform
- A shrinking Mississippi River is now sinking business – USATODAY.com
- 2012 Revolution Wide Awake - YouTube
- Fossil fuel free gardening: beyond organic — Transition Voice
- “Nonsense Economics” and the Deepening Greek Crisis « naked capitalism
- New Megaupload Will Be Massive Global Network To Change The World | TorrentFreak
- RNC to Open With Politician Who "Should Be in Jail"
- Shell Oil seeks extension for drilling in Alaska's Chukchi Sea - Nation Wires - MiamiHerald.com
- The Global Demise of Pension Plans | Finance
- U.S. Debt On Track to Hit $16 Trillion Within Week | CNSNews.com
- The Rag Blog: Roger Baker : Converging Global Crises and Why We Deny Them
- The New Endangered Species: Liquidity & Reliable Income Streams | Peak Prosperity
- Billy Bragg: The Lonesome Death of Rachel Corrie | Common Dreams
- The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney | Politics News | Rolling Stone
- Is There Going To Be A Stock Market Crash In The Fall?
- The Long-Term Tie Between Energy Supply, Population, and the Economy | Our Finite World
- GMO 101 (and Where We are Now) | Wake Up World
- Methane Making An Appearance In Pa. Water Supplies : NPR
- Charting The Unprecedented 'HFT-Driven' Rise In Intraday-Trading Volatility | ZeroHedge
- 9/11: Confessions of a Former CIA Asset | Veterans Today
- Parody video: Pharmaceutical ad for ‘legitimate rape’ contraceptive | The Raw Story
- Gas prices at record levels for Labor Day weekend - Business - The Boston Globe
- Farmers are dealing with corn shortages by feeding cows candy instead | Grist
- Tampa Authorities Empty Jail In Anticipation Of Mass Arrests At GOP Convention | ThinkProgress
- “The Chief of Police Stepped On Me and Then He Charged Me With Rioting”: Activists Face Jail Time for Defending Homes | Alternet
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Fed a Profit Center for Taxpayers?
- The Future? "Thank you for your purchase" - YouTube
- Corzine Complains To Judge That MF Global Trustee Actions Are Hurting His Defense, Louis Freeh Nods In Agreement - Home - The Daily Bail
- On the Edge with Professor Steve Keen - Max Keiser
- The Unvarnished Truth About Greece | ZeroHedge
- Whispers on Wall Street: Major Financial House Is Going to Implode... Could It Be Morgan Stanley?
- Why Neil Barofsky’s Book “Bailout” Matters « naked capitalism
- America's Truckers Say Volumes Are Down Due To The Elections And Slowing Economy - Business Insider
- Jim Willie: Morgan Stanley Faces IMMINENT FAILURE & RUIN - Max Keiser
- Wall Street’s War Against the Cities: Why Bondholders Can’t – and Shouldn’t – be Paid « naked capitalism
- Drought worsens in Plains, despite cooler temps - Yahoo! News
- Wit's End: So bleak is the picture
- Thick Smoke covers Wyoming : Natural Hazards
- RealClimate: An update on the Arctic sea-ice
- Wildfire rages unchecked in Alaska as blankets of black smoke shroud Fairbanks area - NY Daily News
- Along with the Arctic Ice, The Rich World's Smugness Will Melt | Common Dreams
- UD scientist sees Arctic ice loss firsthand - YouTube
- Arctic Sea Ice Sets Record Low, and it's Not Over Yet | Climate Central
- What Do Methane Deposits In The Antarctic And Arctic Mean For The Climate? | ThinkProgress
- The Reality of Climate Change « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Doug Casey Uncovers the Real Price of Peak Oil « The Burning Platform
- Isaac Seen Making Release of U.S. Strategic Oil Likely - Businessweek
- 9/11: Criminal Incompetence and Ass-Covering by the Bush Administration - Washington's Blog
- AMERICAN GESTAPO IN TAMPA « The Burning Platform
- Tropical Storm Isaac Spares Tampa Ahead of RNC, but Massive Security Operation Has City on Lockdown
- Confronting Riot Cops in Tampa - - YouTube
- In the Heart of Darkness of 9/11 | Lars Schall
- Building Earthen Homes Using the Original DIY Material - Green Homes - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Fifty food items to stockpile now: Health Ranger releases preparedness foods shopping list
- Why not abundance? « naked capitalism
- Veterans Unplugged
- Don’t Send Out Resumes. MAKE a Resilient Job that Can Survive the Future.
- Saving Your Own Garden Seeds: Collected Video How-Tos « Ready For Anything Store
- food production after peak oil | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- What Makes Us Trust Someone « how to save the world
- Prepare your mind for the coming crisis – Part 2 - — My Family Survival Plan
- The Homesteading Guide Daily
- Film highlights the temptations and perils of blind obedience to authority | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- 5 Tips For a Bountiful, Water-Saving Vegetable Garden in a Time of Drought : TreeHugger
- New Life On A Homestead » Blog Archive What's The Best Hand Pump For An Existing (Deep) Well?
- Maximizing Soil Carbon Sequestration: Carbon Farming and Rotational Grazing - Sustainable Farming - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- A day in the life of a survivalist mom | The Survival Mom™
- Campus Garden Grows 1000lbs of Food, Plans New Garden Each Year : TreeHugger
- The sham “terrorism expert” industry - Salon.com
- Jeremy Grantham on 'Welcome to Dystopia': We Are 'Entering A Long-Term And Politically Dangerous Food Crisis' | ThinkProgress
- Conspiracy Theory » Survival Acres Blog
- Film School Project: Peak Oil | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- S17 Promo Video - Occupy's 1 Year Anniversary - YouTube
- WWIII: Great commodities war to end all wars - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Extreme Weather - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
- Jack Blood of Deadline Live Interviews Abby Martin
- Steve Keen's Debunking Economics
- Former Marine Locked In Psychiatric Ward Over 9/11 Facebook Posts - Washington's Blog
- Must See: Oil and Ice » Survival Acres Blog
- The Demise of the Car | Peak Prosperity
- We're still on the slippery slope to peak oil - opinion - 20 August 2012 - New Scientist
- Building Resilience in a Changing Climate
- An interview with Charles Eisenstein: “Something in your heart knows that this is what life is supposed to be about” » Transition Culture
- Europe starts stockpiling oil as Iran conflict looms | EurActiv
- Tomgram: Hedges and Sacco, A Twenty-First Century American Sacrifice Zone | TomDispatch
- Army Corps: Low Mississippi River levels to continue into fall, water levels near record-low - The Washington Post
- Uncle Sam Needs YOU for a Bailout: 6 Reasons Another Big Banking Crisis Is Coming Our Way | Alternet
- the Hipcrime Vocab: What Are People Good For Redux
- “Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, & The Fifty Shades of Rape” – MOC #165
- Developing a new mindset based on economic reality (Part 1) | The Resilient Family
- The Un-Mourned Victims Of Our Bankster Politics in [Market-Ticker]
- Conspiracy theories or conspiracy facts? – Guy McPherson's blog
- Mark Ames: Tracy Lawrence: The Foreclosure Suicide America Forgot « naked capitalism
- Recognize that you’re being lied to, but understand why (Part 2) | The Resilient Family
- Tampa police prepare for mass arrests during RNC - YouTube
- Using Permaculture Principles to become a better teacher | Permaculture Magazine
- 84 Statistics That Prove That The Decline Of The Middle Class Is Real And That It Is Getting Worse
- Keiser Report: Liquidity Drought - Dmitry Orlov (E331) - YouTube
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Fantasy of Debt: No Trade-Offs, No Sacrifices
- The Watchers - Louisiana sinkhole - fears of radioactivity and gas explosion as sinkhole gets bigger
- 8/11/2012 — Louisiana Sink Hole Explained — POSSIBLE HUGE CATASTROPHE in the making | DUTCHSINSE = SINCEDUTCH
- Iran’s Words Mistranslated Again by Americans Trying to Start a War - Washington's Blog
- Southern Limits: Running on Empty: Big Airlines in Big Trouble
- Chris' Appearance on Yahoo! Finance's Daily Ticker | Peak Prosperity
- The Heat Is On, And It’s Time To Prepare | ThinkProgress
- Assange or Corzine? - Max Keiser
- Update on the Embattled Water-Energy-Food Nexus « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Pesticide-resistant insects add insult to drought injury | Grist
- Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler « naked capitalism
- Gundersen: It’s almost “unimaginably unimaginable” how close we came to losing 14 nuclear reactors after 3/11 (AUDIO)
- Transnational Capitalism’s ‘Great Wall of Propaganda’ « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Humans Seem to Need External Energy | Our Finite World
- Jesse's Café Américain: John Ralston Saul: The Collapse of Globalism
- The TRUTH About Voting” – MOC #164
- Survivalist congressman is ready for doomsday — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine
- Mississippi River's water level sinks - SFGate
- Beans Rice and Gold: Banks Can Legally Steal Customer Funds From Private Checking Accounts
- “I was just following orders” - Salon.com
- Record radiation in fish off Japan nuclear plant - Yahoo! News
- How Does The Mainstream Media Work? - Decline of the Empire
- First Chinese ship crosses Arctic Ocean amid record melt | Reuters
- The Conundrum by David Owen - YouTube
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Stock Market Is an "Attractive Nuisance" and Should Be Closed
- Balkan drought highlights years of farm neglect | Reuters
- Jesse's Café Américain: CNBC's Heavy-Handed Advocacy For Wall Street Is Painfully Evident in This Neil Barofsky Interview
- Chinese Acquisitions in US Near Record - Asia Business News - CNBC
- Wall Street Tightens Grip on Public Water as Local Residents Suffer | Common Dreams
- Mormons stash away for social safety net - Rock Center with Brian Williams
- The Problem With Men Explaining Things | Mother Jones
- UPDATE: Detained Marine veteran leaves VA hospital | Richmond Times-Dispatch
- Occupy Wall Street Has Big Plans For The Republican National Convention - Business Insider
- Nearly half of mortgage borrowers under 40 are underwater - Aug. 23, 2012
- 8 Economic Threats That We Were Not Even Talking About At The Beginning Of The Summer
- WHY WE NEED A WAR WITH SYRIA & IRAN « The Burning Platform
- BREAKING NEWS: Fmr. Marine Arrested by FBI for Patriotic Facebook Posts!! SHARE EVERYWHERE! - YouTube
- Chesterfield Man, Marine Veteran Detained For Online Posts - WRIC Richmond News and Weather -
- Ex-Marine put in psych ward over Facebook posts - CBS News
- Barry Ritholtz on the ghosts haunting the zombified US housing market — RT
- Capitalism Without Failure: Bill Black: Unless we Fix the Perverse Incentives in our Economy, We are Rolling the Dice Every Day
- Americans Cut Their Debt | The Big Picture
- Guest Post: Shhhh… It’s Even Worse Than The Great Depression | ZeroHedge
- The Odds At 90% | ZeroHedge
- Greece Austerity Plan Short by 2.5 Billion Euros as Crisis Intensifies - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Spreading Insolvency Around Does Not Create Solvency
- Dramatic Lessons from the Arctic Big Melt of 2012
- In Fear of Firebugs | OnEarth Magazine
- Piers Corbyn a fake expert who denies climate science — Transition Voice
- Early Warning: Interesting Links: Tuesday Edition
- Wit's End: Nature Debauched
- Severe drought may cause N. Korea to lose 700,000 tonnes in crops
- Is Climate Really Changing? | Open Mind
- The Coming Mass Extinction In The Oceans - Decline of the Empire
- Arctic sea ice levels to reach record low within days | Environment | The Guardian
- BBC Nature - Bats threatened by climate change
- Peak oil – oil prices need to double in a decade | Energy Bulletin
- Exclusive: White House studying potential oil reserve release | Reuters
- U.S. Reliance on Saudi Oil Is Growing Again - NYTimes.com
- Peak Oil: Keeping Reality In Mind (Pt 6) - Peak Oil Matters
- Getting It Wrong on Natural Gas « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Oil Drum | Don’t Count on Revolution in Oil Supply
- Peak Oil Denial: Another Curious Contribution - Peak Oil Matters
- MEDIAROOTS – The Real Global 1% Ruling Class - Reporting From Outside Party Lines
- Major General: Why Are Domestic Government Agencies Purchashing Enough Lethal Ammunition to Put 5 Rounds In Every American? - Washington's Blog
- Netanyahu ‘determined to attack Iran’ before US elections | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- Lord Rothschild takes £130m bet against the euro - Telegraph
- I Will Stand Up For You If You Stand Up For Me - Washington's Blog
- John W. Whitehead: The Corporate Surveillance State: How the Thought Police Use Your Cell Phone to Track Your Every Move
- 302. The U.S. of Terrorism
- U.S. Government Planned Indefinite Detention of Citizens, Suspension of Constitution, Spying on Americans and Other “Post-9/11 Realities” LONG BEFORE 9/11
- Israel's Iran Strike Routes | ZeroHedge
- Romney Interviewer Told She Can't Ask About Abortion or Akin | Mother Jones
- No Drones Illinois: Taking the NO DRONES! Message to the Masses at Chicago's Air & Water Show
- How Big a Generator do You Need | Preparedness Advice Blog
- PART 2 - How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres | Wake Up World
- How To Build a Solar Power Plant (as compared to a Nuclear Power Plant) | Permaculture Magazine
- Bug Out Bags: Build your own or buy ready-made? | The Survival Mom™
- Five Amazing Healing Honey Facts | Wake Up World
- 400 Bee Friendly Plants That Will Make Your Garden Buzz : TreeHugger
- Burying a Freezer | Peak Prosperity
- Growing Through Concrete: An Urban Farm Roadtrip by David Hanson, Edwin Marty and Michael Hanson — YES! Magazine
- The NEXT Global Economy is Being Built Right Now, I’ll Help You Find It
- Shipping Containers as Bug Out Bases, Housing and Shelter | Prepper Ideas
- A List of Lists | The Survival Mom™
- Frugal Dad » Insights on family, career, and money
- Pam Warhurst: How We Can Eat Our Landscapes | Common Dreams
- 31 Ways to Use Mason Jars in Your Kitchen | Wake Up World
- The Home Vegetable Garden News
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
- The Archdruid Report: A Crisis of Legitimacy
- The Dispossessed Majority » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
- Human Nature — Exhibit B - Decline of the Empire
- “Your Vote WILL Be Stolen And Here’s How” – MOC #162
- Pure Americana - Clusterfuck Nation
- Rate of Arctic summer sea ice loss is 50% higher than predicted | Environment | The Observer
- Nuclear fears over French Polynesia atoll collapse - World - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
- Fascination for Death | Energy Bulletin
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Heightened Expectations and the Collapse of Credibility
- Our Cooperative Darwinian Moment | Energy Bulletin
- Absent a Common Culture | C-Realm Radiant Sun
- The Mississippi River Is Drying Up
- Creating a World Worth Inheriting
- Charles Eisenstein proposes money for a post-growth economy — Transition Voice
- “A Bedtime Story About Fraud, Corruption & Snorting Koch” – MOC #163
- Charles Hugh Smith: When the Weakest Critical Part Fails, the Machine Breaks Down
- Global warming may push weak economy over the edge — Transition Voice
- An interview with Jorgen Randers: ’2052′ – “It’s the story of humanity not rising to the occasion” » Transition Culture
- How Huge Food Corporations Will Make Upcoming Food Price Hikes Even Worse | Alternet
- Back to the Future: The Normal Way A Chicken Lives | Common Dreams
- Squeezed by debt crisis, Greeks ditch cars for bikes - Yahoo! News
- Creating A World Worth Inheriting | Peak Prosperity
- Will It Take Popular Pressure to Get Municipalities to Go After Libor Gaming Costs? « naked capitalism
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Some What If Scenarios
- King Romney: Stuck in Cognitive Dissonance « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Downward Spiral: Spoiled Rotten Nation Screams for Socialism to Combat High Gas Prices
- Kangaroos, Bananas and the Rule of Law | Finance
- Are The Government And The Big Banks Quietly Preparing For An Imminent Financial Collapse?
- Humanity's Biggest Challenge - Decline of the Empire
- How 'Everyday Low Prices' Are Costing Americans Their Jobs - DailyFinance
- Obama, Not Reid, Should Be Taking on Mitt Romney's Tax Record | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- For Millennials, Call It Survival 101 - Decline of the Empire
- NASSIM TALEB WARNS: Stay Out Of The Investment Industry - Business Insider
- Revealed: Romney Campaign’s Attempts to Deny Paul Ryan’s Insider Trading Don't Add Up | Alternet
- Hot 5: Farmland Prices. GMOs are NOT Scary. Ken Caldeira on Climate Change. 23 Million New U.S. Acres Plowed for Crops. Documentary “Generation Food”. | Big Picture Agriculture
- The Downward Spiral: Gallup: Congress's Approval Rating Slips to 10%, More than 90% of Incumbents Will Be Reelected Anyway
- We're watching: The camera that can recognise you from your Facebook picture every time you walk into a shop | Mail Online
- Water shortages hit US power supply - environment - 15 August 2012 - New Scientist
- ‘Economic suicides’ shake Europe as financial crisis takes toll on mental health - The Washington Post
- Marathon Oil Animation On Hydraulic Fracking - Business Insider
- What A Piece Of Work Is Man - Decline of the Empire
- Fukushima’s Nuclear Casualties » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
- Our Oversized Groundwater Footprint
- A Taste of Autumn | The Conflicted Doomer
- Goldman Non-Prosecution: AG Eric Holder Has No Balls | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- Jesse's Café Américain: Chris Hedges: Empire of Illusion and the Cult of Spectacle and the Self
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Gary Shilling: US in Recession Now or Within 3 Months, Deleveraging Will Take 5-7 More Years
- Charles Hugh Smith: Financialization's Self-Destruct Sequence
- Image of the Day: Nighttime satellite view of Siberia forest fires, 3 August 2012
- Catastrophic Planetary Tipping Points « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Groundwater Depletion Proceeds Apace - Decline of the Empire
- Siberia Gripped by Forest Fires | Russia | RIA Novosti
- Arctic Coastlines Hitting Ecological Tipping Point | Wired Science | Wired.com
- Army Tests Spy Blimp Over NJ | NBC New York
- Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system — RT
- WE ARE ALREADY AT WAR WITH IRAN « The Burning Platform
- The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Professor William Black-We've Decriminalized Fraud. - YouTube
- Proof Positive that Government’s “Homeowner Relief” Programs Are Disguised Bank Bailouts … Not Even AIMED at Helping Homeowners - Washington's Blog
- Shareable: 10 Ways to Create Community in a Suburban 'Hood
- 10 Considerations for your Bug Out Location
- Collapse! The Game: Take 3 « how to save the world
- Community Resilience, Ecosystems and Sustainable Economics - ecotecture.com
- How Big Systems Fail and How To Avoid Getting Crushed When They Do
- 9 Things to Do with Eggshells - The Prairie Homestead
- Information Services | Weathering The Storm
- Permanent Growth = Permanent Crisis | Finance
- Jesse's Café Américain: Chris Hedges On the Current State Of Journalism and Post-Literate Society
- “Storming The Headquarters Of JP Morgan Chase” – MOC #159
- This is What Global Warming looks like 2.0 - YouTube
- Oil Smoke and Mirrors (Full High Quality) - YouTube
- Economist Richard Duncan: Civilization May Not Survive 'Death Spiral' - Money Morning
- Thom Hartmann: Conversations w/Great Minds Lori Wallach - The Trans-Pacific Partnership Threat P2 - Democratic Underground
- This is Not Cool – 2012 Drought Update « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Congressman Ron Paul's Speech Against Iran Sanctions August 1, 2012 - YouTube
- Firewalking with Santa Claus & Magic 8 Ball Economics - Max Keiser
- The Biggest Banking Scandal The World Has Ever Seen - YouTube
- Drought Update: Vegetable Farmers Hit Hard « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Handmaidens to Barbarity
- The Mother Of All Infographics: Visualizing America's Derivatives Universe | ZeroHedge
- IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST – PART ONE - Washington's Blog
- Charles Hugh Smith: A Little Perspective on What Lies Ahead
- Chart of the Day: Algobot Wars Now Rule Wall Street | Mother Jones
- Jesus never ate a Spicy Chicken Sandwich — Transition Voice
- ClubOrlov: Revolutionary Conditions
- So Mr Koch – Do You Believe the Study You Paid for, of Not? « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Tomgram: Michael Klare, Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Becomes Everyday Reality | TomDispatch
- WWIII: Great commodities war to end all wars - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- A MATTER OF TRUST – PART TWO - Washington's Blog
- Nobel Prize Winning Economist: Core Problem Is Too Much Centralization - Washington's Blog
- Climate Change Idiots - Decline of the Empire
- State of the Climate
- Kunstler: Poised Between Denial and Anger | C-Realm Radiant Sun
- “Why Can’t War Be Fun For The Whole Family?!” – MOC #161
- America's drought of political will on climate change | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- A Conversation with Wendell Berry and Wes Jackson
- Blink! U.S. Debt Just Grew by $11 Trillion - Bloomberg
- The Amorality of Science and the Rise of Transnational Capitalism « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Great Slow Motion Car Crash: Climate, Debt, and King’s Paradox « The Daily Crowd
- Seasonal And Birth Death Adjustments Add 429,000 Statistical "Jobs" | ZeroHedge
- Full-Time Jobs -197,000; Part-Time Jobs +31,000 | ZeroHedge
- MORE BLS BULLSHIT « The Burning Platform
- Should We Arrest D.C. Politicians for Supporting Al Qaeda? - Washington's Blog
- America Has One Foot In The Grave - Decline of the Empire
- Corn’s 60% Surge Is More Dangerous Than Euro Mess - Bloomberg
- A crushing blow to male earnings – From 1969 to 2009 male earnings have fallen by 28 percent. The slow decline of the American middle class.
- Pirate Banking: $21 to $32 Trillion in Estimated Tax Haven Money, Managed by Big Global Banks « naked capitalism
- All US Presidents (Except Van Buren) Descended from One English King | The Reformed Broker
- Wind-whipped Oklahoma wildfires destroy homes - News - Boston.com
- Oklahoma's plea for help falls on deaf ears as wildfires burn out of control - U.S. News
- The implications of overpopulation are terrifying. But will we listen to them? | Ian Jack | Comment is free | The Guardian
- FDA Approves Ingestible Sensor That Tracks Health From The Inside
- On the Edge with Alex Jones - Max Keiser
- Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion? | Mother Jones
- Gore Vidal in 'The Nation' | The Nation
- Kevlar Tires Now Required to Traverse 'Spear-Like' GMO Crops
- Momentum Builds Against Fracking As Truth About Its Danger Spreads
- “On The Brink Of Cultural Singularity” – MOC #160
- CEO of Coca Cola Muhtar Kent Confronted on Bilderberg - YouTube
- Drought, Corn, Cattle, Ethanol And Craziness - Decline of the Empire
- An Agricultural Apocalypse: This Drought Is Still Worse Than You Think - Seeking Alpha
- BBC News - Audio slideshow: Human Planet
- America's 10 Largest Corporations Paid 9 Percent Average Tax Rate Last Year | ThinkProgress
- The Science Of Genocide By Chris Hedges
- Prosecutors open criminal probes over Fukushima meltdown disaster | The Japan Times Online
- Epitaph for an Evolutionary Deadend: More Oil and Coal than Brains « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Work Till You Drop
- Superinsects Are Thriving in This Summer's Drought | Mother Jones
- Top Obama watchdog: America's 'pretty f**ked' — RT
- Dark pools and high-frequency drone wars — RT
- Jesse's Café Américain: Banks Offer a Full Range of Criminal Services From Money Laundering to Tax Fraud
- Germany and Italy near blows over euro - Telegraph
- EUROZONE ENDGAME « The Burning Platform
- Early Warning: Update on June Global Trade
- Charles Hugh Smith: While All Eyes Are on Europe, Japan Circles a Black Hole
- Charles Hugh Smith: A Common-Sense View of the Stock Market
- The New Climate Dice: Public Perception of Climate Change
- Busy mocking the trees, Inhofe misses the forest fire | Grist
- Arctic Death Spiral Continues: Record Low Sea Ice Volume Appears Likely | ThinkProgress
- Climate change is here — and worse than we thought - The Washington Post
- Heatwave turns America's waterways into rivers of death - Nature - Environment - The Independent
- Hansen on the New Math of Extreme Events « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Report: When it rains, state's downpours are getting worse - News - The Times-Tribune
- Report: Pennsylvania’s heaviest rains wetter and more frequent in last six decades
- Study: Current heatwave likely to show global warming is ‘scientific fact’ | The Raw Story
- Terrifying Study of Planetary Collapse | Earth
- Extreme heatwave dooms millions of fish across American Midwest | Mail Online
- China Braces for Record Third Typhoon in a Week | Environment News Service
- NewsDaily: Monsoon rains swamp Philippine capital, markets shut
- So far, 2012 is on record as Northeast’s hottest year ever, climatologists say - The Washington Post
- July Sizzles, Records Fall: Warmest Month on Record | Climate Central
- July heat broke 1930s Dust Bowl record - CBS News
- Refinery equipment problems, pipeline closure drive up Great Lakes-area gas prices - The Washington Post
- Peak Oil Denial: Debunking The Attempted Debunking - Peak Oil Matters
- Commentary: Peak Oil, Declining EROI and the New Energy-Economic Reality | Energy Bulletin
- The New Paradigm: Volatile Oil Markets | Energy Bulletin
- Energy policy: Follow the money | Smartplanet
- Drone warfare: a new generation of deadly unmanned weapons | World news | The Guardian
- Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism? - Washington's Blog
- Germany should use armed drones: defense minister | Reuters
- Ter·ror·ism (Noun): When OTHER People Do What We Do - Washington's Blog
- Eugene Robinson: The Emerging ‘Drone’ Culture - Truthdig
- The Corbett Report | The End of Anonymous? (Video)
- Flame Virus Attacks the Internet
- FBI’s Facial Recognition is Coming to a State Near You | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Guest Post: US Government Proposes Law Making It Illegal For Them To Kill You | ZeroHedge
- Controlling the Web: US Authorities, User Freedom and National Security | Common Dreams
- Who will drones target? Who in the US will decide?
- How to Keep Your Food Cold with an Iceless Refrigerator | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Introducing Windowfarm | Peak Prosperity
- Who knew camping could make your kids smarter? | The Survival Mom™
- My Home Vegetable Garden - Video Walk-through With A Few Tips
- 3ders.org - Eco-friendly robotic 3D printer produces architecture from soil on-site | 3D Printing news
- Jim Kunstler Building a Garden
- Peak Oil Hausfrau: The Mighty Dehydrator
- Here’s The Best Ways to Use Solar Electricity and How
- Farming without water | Grist
- The Quick Start Guide for getting prepared | The Survival Mom™
- The Importance of Leafy Greens in Our Diet | Wake Up World
- Agriculture News August 8 2012 | Big Picture Agriculture
- 14 Questions People Ask About How To Prepare For The Collapse Of The Economy
- Urban Prepper Chick - Basic prepper info- How to Prep blog: How to make Lye, and what the heck is it used for
- The Basics of Raising Goats | Pamela Farms
- Gardening Tips : How to Grow Strawberries
- Building a Better Barn - Hobby Farms
- Over 1,000,000 Torrents of Downloadable Books, Music, and Movies | Internet Archive Blogs
- Energy, Economy and the Impending Rite of Passage « Path 2 Resilience
- Towards an energy-positive food system « Path 2 Resilience
- Shareable: 'Money & Life' Doc Frames New Economy of Living Systems
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
- Conversation with James Quilligan « Charles Eisenstein
- Charles Hugh Smith: Bernanke and Draghi Are Dangerous
- Why Do Progressive Liberals Fall for “Humanitarian War”? - Washington's Blog
- The Downward Spiral: "Saving the World" Versus "Saving the Economy"
- SURPRISE – THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED « The Burning Platform
- Learning From The Drought Of '12 By Chad Hellwinckel
- Ninth Circuit OKs Feds Use of Cellphone as Roving Bugs
- The Downward Spiral: Why I Don't Care About the Chick-fil-A Controversy
- Bombshell: Koch-Funded Study Finds 'Global Warming Is Real', 'On The High End' And 'Essentially All' Due To Carbon Pollution | ThinkProgress
- Jaw-Dropping Corruption: America's 47 Million Hungry Mouths Are Just Another Corporate Cash Cow | Alternet
- Is America Crazy? You Betcha! - Decline of the Empire
- Joel Salatin: We Are the Solution, as Well as the Problem | Peak Prosperity
- Guess What Percentage of Americans Know Military Spending is Increasing | Alternet
- ALEC Rock - YouTube
- Lady Gaga Eaten By Zombie Hordes – Rampant Outbreak of “Zombie Disease” Reported » Survival Acres Blog
- Culture in Decline | Episode #1 "What Democracy?" by Peter Joseph - YouTube
- The Rise of Police State & the Absence of Mass Opposition
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Infrastructure and Climate Change
- “The Euro Was DESIGNED To Fail” – MOC #158
- Against the Grain
- Salutes to the Homeys - Clusterfuck Nation
- The “War On Terror” Has Changed, and Not One In 1,000 Americans Has Noticed - Washington's Blog
- India's power grid failure could happen here tomorrow — Transition Voice
- WORLDWIDE FOOD CRISIS « The Burning Platform
- STORY TIME – WHEN DID YOU WAKE UP? « The Burning Platform
- Monsanto's Crimes Against Humanity | Wake Up World
- GRANTHAM: One Of The Twin Pillars Of The Markets Is Looking Shaky - Business Insider
- Self-reliance is the path to saving the earth & your own soul — Transition Voice
- Thoughtcrime Is Real | ZeroHedge
- A Retiree From Rural Michigan Tells Us The Moment He Figured Out How To Beat The State's Lottery - Business Insider
- Ignoring The Age Of Scarcity - Decline of the Empire
- ANAHEIM OR AFGHANISTAN « The Burning Platform
- A Cartel of Big Banks Is Hurting the World Economy By Manipulating Derivatives - Washington's Blog
- What the Heck is a Bailout? - YouTube
- LIBOR, Lies and Derivatives | Finance
- Rand Paul Tries to Intimidate & Harass Journalist After A Youtube Video - YouTube
- ANAHEIM KIDS vs. Anaheim Police department . - YouTube
- This is What Global Warming Looks Like - 2012 Edition | Dan Lashof's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
- "Anti-Occupy" law ends American's right to protest | Washington Times Communities
- Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators
- Do You Have To Believe In Climate Change? – Casaubon's Book
- Rex 84: Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America
- U.S. Consumer Sentiment Gauge Falls to Lowest This Year - Bloomberg
- Report shows US drought rapidly intensifying - Yahoo! News
- Bankrupt Cities and Municipalities Map
- Contemplative Hiking » Nature, the Media, Real and Perceived Violence
- Revisit this CLASSIC! 9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve Federal Inspector General Can't Explain
- Activist Post: Did Mexican Official Blow Lid Off CIA-Managed Drug Trade?
- Romney staff spent nearly $100,000 to hide records | Reuters
- Olympic Opening Recap - f**k the Queen - YouTube
- Over 100 protesters arrested during last night's opening ceremony - Olympic News - Olympics - The Independent
- 46.5 Million Americans, Record 22.3 Million US Households, On Foodstamps; 8,753,935 On Disability | ZeroHedge
- The Age of Scarcity - Businessweek
- Japan Ingores Experts' Fears Nuclear Reactor Strength Is Failing
- Will the 'I Hate Chick-fil-A' thugs boycott gasoline? - Wilmington Conservative | Examiner.com
- Austerity At The Olympics: Each "Gold" Medal Contains 1.34% Gold | ZeroHedge
- Reuters: Tokyo protest breaks through barriers and spills onto streets as tens of thousands gather — Police forced to deploy armoured buses to buttress Parliament’s gates (VIDEOS)
- Free World News Desk Sunday 7.29.12 | CollapseNet
- India Restores Power to 360 Million People After Grid Collapse - Bloomberg
- Scientists Defending Against The Methane Bomb | Climate Central
- Gurgaon riots after all-night outage - Times Of India
- PressTV - Iran sentences 4 people involved in biggest bank scam to death
- Beans Rice and Gold: Corn prices hit record as crops shrivel
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Central Banking Theater of the Absurd
- 11 Signs That Time Is Quickly Running Out For The Global Financial System
- Gundersen: A ton of plutonium was in each Fukushima reactor — Host shocked (VIDEO)
- Olympics will resolve this? BBC News - Homelessness 'rose 25% in England over past three years'
- Latest Facebook Scandal: Widespread Advertising Fraud
- Gore Vidal Has Died - Decline of the Empire
- Generations and the 2012 Election (Part 2) | Lifecourse Blog
- Generations and the 2012 Election (Part 1) | Lifecourse Blog
- Top 10 Reasons These Olympics Suck | Mother Jones
- Free The Network (2012) | Watch Full Documentary Online
- Your Guide To The Book Of Mormon - Business Insider
- 'End of capitalism': Bolivia to expel Coca-Cola in wake of 2012 Mayan 'apocalypse' — RT
- WHY HAVE REGULATORS? « The Burning Platform
- Rand Paul Tries To Have Abby Martin Arrested, Fired For Questioning Him
- Wall Street Be Damned: We're the Economy We’ve Been Waiting For | Common Dreams
- WHO Consultant: Fukushima Genentic Mutations 100 times Higher Than Expected
- Family Farmers Lawsuit Against Monsanto Grows - Sustainable Farming - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Per Capita, America Had More Good Jobs in the Disco Era | Mother Jones
- you deserve boris johnson on Vimeo
- Insane Hacking, Spying Device Looks Like Ordinary Extension Cord
- Whistleblower, Suspected of Leaking Warrantless Spying Program, Sues NSA | Threat Level | Wired.com
- CNN Ratings Plummet 80% Year Over Year
- Oregon Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail -- for Collecting Rainwater on His Property | CNSNews.com
- White House Chef: Future Food To Be Made Entirely Of Chemicals, Not Real Food
- Rumsfeld's Intel Chief: Iraq War 'Greatest Decision of the Century' | Danger Room | Wired.com
- WTF? No money printing for the rich? Hurry put your money back in the 10 yr ..Fed frets, but doesn’t offer more help for economy - The Fed - MarketWatch
- Mark Gongloff: Tim Geithner Admits Banks Bailed Out With Rigged Libor, Costing Taxpayers Huge Amount
- At least three banks seen central to Libor rigging | Reuters
- LIBOR - Insider Trading on a Massive Scale
- Stunning Crimes of the Big Banks: Worse than Your Wildest Imagination - Washington's Blog
- On the Edge with Michael Hudson - Max Keiser
- Biggest EPS Miss Since Lehman, And This Time It's Not The Tsunami's Fault | ZeroHedge
- Treasury Admits It Underestimated Debt Needs, Predicts Ceiling Breach In 2012; $600 Billion More Debt In Second Half | ZeroHedge
- Jesse's Café Américain: Taibbi and Spitzer on Sandy Weill, Romney, LIBOR and Geithner
- Mr. Global Economy’s delusional mental state - Outside the Box - MarketWatch
- Increase in Extreme Storms Causing 'Rapid Ozone Destruction' | Common Dreams
- Beijing storm official death toll more than doubles to 77 | World news | guardian.co.uk
- Rise in Weather Extremes Threatens Infrastructure - NYTimes.com
- How horrid? July on pace to be hottest month on record – USATODAY.com
- Mountaintop-removal mining contaminated up to 22% of streams in southern West Va. | Grist
- Great Lakes Water Temperatures At Record Levels | Climate Central
- Why climate change doesn’t spark moral outrage, and how it could | Grist
- Drought taking heavy toll on fishing industry | Reuters
- Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Toxic To Life In Parts Per Billion Range | Wake Up World
- Lake Superior is so hot right now! | Grist
- Buzzkill: EPA rejects beekeepers’ pesticide petition | Grist
- Storms are bigger, wetter, and more frequent than 60 years ago | Grist
- New England Is 85 Percent Rainier Than It Was in 1948 | Mother Jones
- Disasters Plague U.S. » Survival Acres Blog
- More than half of U.S. counties now disaster zones due to drought, officials say – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
- “Everybody Can Now See What Happens When a Planet Starts to Warm” – McKibben on Muller « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Climate change the cause of summer's extreme weather, Congress told | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- NATO's Terrorist Rebels Execute Civilians While Waiting for Syrian Army
- US Briefs Israel On Plans To Attack Iran
- Climate change study forces sceptical scientists to change minds | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Killer-Drone Showdown Set as Lockheed Unveils Jet-Powered 'Bot | Danger Room | Wired.com
- Syria's Revolution: Directed By The Parrot Media, Produced By The CIA
- Israel's intentions towards Iran – the pressing question | World news | guardian.co.uk
- With Secret Order, Obama Enters US in Syrian Civil War | Common Dreams
- How to collect Fingerprints? Apple Acquires AuthenTec: A Fingerprint as a Key? - Forbes
- Predator drones to start operations over North Dakota — RT
- Confirmed: 130 Cases Of NYPD Police Brutality Against Occupy Protesters
- HMRC tells school children: Tell your teacher if a neighbour is evading tax - Telegraph
- Just a face in a crowd? Scans pick up ID, personal data - Washington Times
- US Develops Robot Mosquito Spy Drones
- Former NSA Official Says The Current NSA Chief Is A Fucking Liar
- US army prepares for domestic riots and civil unrest
- Homeland Security to experiment with rescue drones inside the United States - Nextgov.com
- Militarized Police Deployed Against Civilians In Anaheim CA - YouTube
- It’s a Monsanto Government | Dissident Voice
- Protecting your Gasoline Motors from Old Fuel | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Five Surprising Situations Fueling Your Anxiety | Wake Up World
- Soup to nuts off-grid living for under $160,000? | The Resilient Family
- Zombie preparedness kit sells for $24,000 | TG Daily
- Hobbit Houses, Geothermal Heating, and More at Økosamfundet Dyssekilde, One of Denmark's Oldest Eco Villages : TreeHugger
- The Most Often Forgotten Survival Preparations | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- Beans Rice and Gold: 10 Things We Can Learn From Egypt About Preparing for Economic Collapse
- All about wells - The Bailer Bucket | Peak Prosperity
- Erasing Your Digital Footprint | Wake Up World
- Choose the Right Garden Seed Planter - Sustainable Farming - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Dehydrating: A Beginner's Guide
- the Hipcrime Vocab: It's The Diet, Stupid!
- Keep Fighting the Good Fight Against An Epidemic of Dependency
- The Survival Garden, by Chris S. - SurvivalBlog.com
- 12 Innovations to Combat Drought, Improve Food Security, and Stabilize Food Prices | Worldwatch Institute
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
- Media Roots http://mediaroots.org/
- Project Censored http://www.projectcensored.org/
Please send comments via the Comments header above, is this site useful, how can it be improved? Sources I am missing? No advertising, No donations, No fees, just feedback to make this alternative resource more useful - name and email can be made up, not verified - ThreeEs
- A dry run from hell: Drought hits the smallest farms the hardest | Grist
- What's So Bad About Deflation? Nothing, If You Own the Debt
- Titanic Banks Hit LIBOR Iceberg: Will Lawsuits Sink the Ship? « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- The Hedge Fund Trail In Liborgate Gets Hotter: Mega Fund Brevan Howard Next? | ZeroHedge
- Young Gorillas Observed Destroying Poachers' Traps : TreeHugger
- Will these Genetically Modified Babies Alter Human Species?
- The Downward Spiral: There Are No Superheroes, Just a Decadent and Depraved Culture
- The Third Rail: Global Fraud Explained: Daily Cloudt
- Banksters Take Us to the Brink | On Democracy | BillMoyers.com
- LIBOR lies defraud billions, yes; but essential ‘bank’ fraud costs 99% trillions - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.com
- Failing to Break Up the Big Banks is Destroying America - Washington's Blog
- From an Unlikely Source, a Serious Challenge to Wall Street | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- Bill Moyers and Chris Hedges on Capitalism's 'Sacrifice Zones' - YouTube
- Another Senseless Killing Spree | The Conflicted Doomer
- Privacy and Security Fanatic: EFF: Americans may not realize it, but many are in a face recognition database now
- Aquaponics IFEWS CSA- Kickstarter - YouTube
- Super Rich Stash At Least $21 Trillion In Secret Tax Havens | Finance
- The insanity of doubling down - Max Keiser
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Prepare for Spanish Implosion: Businesses Threaten to Leave Spain Over Tax Hikes; Finance Minister Proposes 56% Tax on Short-Term Financial Transactions
- Massacres, Droughts, And A Society Unraveling, By Carolyn Baker « Speaking Truth to Power
- How to Slap Big Ag Apologists in the Face with Economic Truth on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- Randy Wray: Why We’re Screwed « naked capitalism
- Not Responsible « how to save the world
- Spain Follows Italy In Banning Short Selling | ZeroHedge
- Charles Hugh Smith: Why the U.S. Dollar Is Not Going to Zero Anytime Soon
- The Greatest Crimes Against Humanity Are Perpetrated by People Just Doing Their Jobs
- Top Government Official: “Americans Should Lose Faith In Their Government. They Should Deplore The Captured Politicians and Regulators … And Be Revolted By a Financial System that Rewards [Destruction] … Only With This Appropriate and Justified Rage Can We Hope for The Type of Reform that Will One Day Break Our System Free from the Corrupting Grasp of the Megabanks” - Washington's Blog
- LIBOR Fraud May Be the Mother of All Bank Scandals - Economic Intelligence (usnews.com)
- Is the ADA Manipulated by the Food Industry?
- TED - Charles Eisenstein - The Gift of Happiness - YouTube
- The Oil Drum | Woody Agriculture - On the Road to a New Paradigm
- ClubOrlov: Politics of the Unconscious
- Tony Blair: Don’t Hang Bankers - Washington's Blog
- The New York Times Admits That Virtually Every Major News Organization Allows The News To Be Censored By Government Officials
- Like a Bad Boyfriend, XL Keeps Coming Back
- Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rate during July | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Planetize the Movement | Watch Now
- Project Europe is Over | Finance
- Global economy’s cure is worse than the disease - Outside the Box - MarketWatch
- Biderman's Daily Edge: The Bernanke Put is Dying - YouTube
- Global Crisis: the Convergence of Marx, Orwell and Kafka
- Texas Landowner Halts TransCanada Surveyors in Their Tracks » Tar Sands Blockade
- NSA whistleblowers: Government spying on every single American — RT
- The Downward Spiral: Miami Will Wallow in Shit After Horrible Baseball Stadium Deal
- "In Defense Of Bad Words” – MOC #157
- The Archdruid Report: The Upside of Default
- Heroic Technology — Geoengineering To Control The Climate - Decline of the Empire
- Barofsky On Geithner: "We Should See People In Handcuffs" | ZeroHedge
- Spain clashes video: Violence erupts as million-plus protest in 80 cities - YouTube
- Chernobyl: An Eerie Tour Of The Nuclear Wasteland - Business Insider
- Chris Hedges on the State of Journalism - YouTube
- How Agribiz Bought the Farm Bill | Mother Jones
- Breaking/Confirmed: Sec Clinton Assassination Attempt in Israel (Updated) | Veterans Today
- World Braced for New Food Crisis - Business News - CNBC
- First drought, now pests are descending on parched Colorado farms - The Denver Post
- Obama for America TV Ad: "Drone Warrior" - YouTube
- Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged
- 7/21/2012 -- FBI theater attack warning issued on May 17, 2012 - YouTube
- Glory Days … | Economic Undertow
- MEET YOUR OWNERS « The Burning Platform
- £13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite | Business | The Observer
- Now It's the Big Banks That Are Getting Foreclosed On - CNBC
- VERY FUNNY! Dangerous Minds | Sad clown Mitt Romney BUYS over 100,000 new Twitter followers!
- Guest Post: The Eminent Domain Mortgage Heist | ZeroHedge
- Crime of the century with Max Kesier - YouTube
- YouTube removed a film and put me on probation - YouTube
- At Least $21 Trillion Hidden in Tax Havens While the 99% are Forced to Foot the Bill « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Generation Screwed and Unscrewed | Lifecourse Blog
- Too Big To Fail - Fed Proposal Allows Banks To Seize Your Money
- America's corn farmers high and dry as hope withers with their harvest | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Richard Reeves: Washington Hates Washington, Too - Truthdig
- Jesse's Café Américain: Study Finds About 20% of US Public Companies Cheat On Earnings Reports
- Beans Rice and Gold: 1000 American military bases on every continent except Antarctica
- The Assumption Of Technological Progress - Decline of the Empire
- Fix Things Or We Will All Go Down With The Ship « The Burning Platform
- GMO 101 (and Where We are Now) | Wake Up World
- What the Summer Breeze Said - Clusterfuck Nation
- Extreme Drought Puts Even More Heat on Economy
- Chris Hayes: How the Powerful Rig the System, From Penn State to Wall Street | The Nation
- Population crisis: Amid global population growth, a loss of urgency - latimes.com
- Tony Blair: hanging bankers won't help - Telegraph
- Bugs like it hot: Record heat kicks insects into high gear – USATODAY.com
- 7 Ultra-Rich Companies Rake in Profits While Paying Workers Peanuts | | AlterNet
- Activist Post: Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Toxic To Life In Parts Per Billion Range
- July Flash PMI - Business Insider
- Jim Kunstler's Too Much Magic - Decline of the Empire
- Links of the Month: July 24, 2012 « how to save the world
- Will Drought Cause the Next Blackout? - NYTimes.com
- 1% hide $21T, US big banks hide $10T; ending world poverty: $3 trillion - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.com
- Bill Gates dumps another $10 million into researching new GM crops for agricultural takeover of Africa
- Bernie Sanders Exposes the 26 Billionaires who are Buying the 2012 Election
- Right-Wing Gun Group: Was Aurora an Inside Job? | Mother Jones
- NYT’s Jackie Calmes’ “Grossly Inaccurate” Hit Piece on Neil Barofsky « naked capitalism
- New Home Sales June - Business Insider
- War & money: Obama’s been a vicious 1% hoax for ‘hope, change’ - Washington's Blog
- Deep Fried Black Swan Goes Global As Drought Spreads From US To Asia, And Now To Southern Europe | ZeroHedge
- Anaheim Riots Day 4: Police Now Shooting Journalists
- Occupy the SEC Urges the SEC to Investigate JP Morgan Over Likely (As in Bloomin’ Obvious) Sarbanes Oxley Violations #OWS « naked capitalism
- Man makes guns with a 3D printer - SlashGear
- Financial Armageddon: In the Dumps
- The Peak Oil Crisis: Middle Eastern Chaos
- Printing Weapons at Home for Fun and Mayhem - Global Guerrillas
- City officials are waging a war on gardens | Grist
- Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater | wkyc.com
- Workers forced to fake radiation readings by Fukushima contractor
- Protest planned against Anaheim police after shooting, melee - latimes.com
- Officers Offered to “Buy” Cell Phone Footage of Anaheim Police Brutality | The Dissenter
- Mike Mann Calls Out Slime-Vending “conservatives” at National Review « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- No One Wants to be the Second Barclays Bank | Mother Jones
- Charles Ferguson on the Financial Landscape after 2008's "Inside Job" — RT
- Global banks are the financial services wing of the drug cartels | World news | The Observer
- Why All Must Demand A Stop To Financial Fraud in [Market-Ticker]
- Trade+investment Minister Baron Green+Mexican Drug Cartels - YouTube
- LIBOR EXPERT: The Fed Has Destroyed LIBOR - Business Insider
- The Li(e)bor Rigging Scandal Infographic For Dummies | ZeroHedge
- For He’s a Jolly Good Scoundrel: On Sanford Weill | The Nation
- Fed “Independence” Is a Scam … And No Reason to Prevent a Full Audit - Washington's Blog
- The Banker Most Responsible for Allowing the Too Big to Fail Banks Says We Must Break Them Up - Washington's Blog
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: S&P Revises Pennsylvania's Outlook to Negative Citing Public Pensions; Compton CA Ponders Bankruptcy; Victorville, Montebello, Los Angeles, Oakland Coming Up Eventually
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Demand for Spanish Bonds Collapses; "No Money Left to Pay Services" says Treasury Minister; Massive Protests Over Austerity; Two-Year Yield soars 60 Basis Points
- 'Black Friday' Blame-Game Escalates As Spain Is Out Of Money In 40 Days | ZeroHedge
- The Abysmal Earnings Season Explained In Two Charts | ZeroHedge
- Euro crisis: IMF wants to stop Greece-Aid - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- EuroCrisis Intensifies as Spain Spirals Downward, Greek Impasse Nigh « naked capitalism
- Embry - Expect Shortages Of Gold As Soon As Next Month
- The New Economic Collapse Video: It makes uncomfortable but urgent viewing « The Burning Platform
- Drought could go through October: forecasters - chicagotribune.com
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Historic 2012 U.S. drought continues to expand and intensify | Weather Underground
- Climate Parents: For Kids’ Future, Mark Hertsgaard Urges Families to Take On Global Warming
- Iceberg tsunami gone wild! - YouTube
- Wit's End: Horror in Aurora WTF?
- the Hipcrime Vocab: You Don't Need A Weatherman...
- The Dust Bowl: 2012 vs. 1930s - weather.com
- Heaviest rains in 60 years kill 37 in Beijing | Reuters
- The Flames of Ocean Acidity | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network
- Meltfactor.org » Blog Archive » Greenland ice sheet record surface melting underway
- Countdown to July 24 Release of 'Global Weirdness' | Climate Central
- The Social and Psychological Foundations of Climate Change | Solutions
- Dust storms + drought = Dust Bowl 2.0: Arizona hit by back to back dust storms | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Greenland experiences melting over 97% of its area in mid-July | Weather Underground
- Climate Change And The Soothing Message Of Luke-Warmism | ThinkProgress
- Syria Update: What The Corporate Media Isn't Reporting
- Hormuz Strait closure bill backed by more than half of Iranian MPs — RT
- EXCLUSIVE: Iran in "open war" with Israel – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs
- MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
- Classified in Gitmo Trials: Detainees’ Every Word - ProPublica
- These drones can fly over you ‘indefinitely’
- Sworn Declaration of Whistleblower William Binney on NSA Domestic Surveillance Capabilities | Public Intelligence
- Congress Is Still in the Dark About the Extent of Electronic Snooping | The Nation
- Terrorism: The Existential Threat Used for Total Control Here and Abroad « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Anaheim police fire on media as unrest continues | The Raw Story
- We Are Change - YouTube
- Don't Expand NAFTA: A Warning Against TPP | Common Dreams
- Food Patriots - YouTube
- How To Freeze Summer Fruit
- Bottled Water and its Health and Environmental Impact
- Peak Moment Conversations » Blog Archive » 216: Titanic Lifeboat Academy — Navigating a Path to Resilience
- Neil Barofsky’s Journey Into a Bailout Buzz Saw — Fair Game - NYTimes.com
- What is a Transition Town? | The Simplicity Collective
- Emergency 45 day candle from Crisco | The Resilient Family
- Wall of Films! | Films For Action
- 5 Blog Post Worth Reading | Tumbleweed Tiny House Company
- What Are the Boundaries of Your Local Economy? Find out.
- Washing Fruit and Berries in Vinegar to Extend their Storage Life | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Top 100 things to stock up on | The Resilient Family
- Natural Remedies First Aid Kit | Wake Up World
- Farming Without Machines: A Revolutionary Agricultural Technology | Dissident Voice
- American debt collection: Spiraling out of control | The Resilient Family
- The Hardest Battle « how to save the world
- Review of The Permaculture Handbook — Transition Voice
- Money & Life: The Documentary by Katie Teague — Kickstarter
- Are Window Farms Safe?
- TOO MUCH MAGIC: Wishful Thinking, Technology, and the Fate of the Nation: A conversation with bestselling author James Howard Kunstler | Shindig.com
- Shareable: 25 Ways to Enliven Your Neighborhood
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
What Should I Do? http://www.chrismartenson.com/page/what-should-i-do
- James Howard Kunstler on Why Technology Won't Save Us | Jeff Goodell | Politics News | Rolling Stone
- ALBERT EDWARDS: The US Is In Recession, Corporate Profits Will Collapse, Stocks Will Tank - Business Insider
- Plan for lower growth in real GDP going forward | Our Finite World
- 27 Things That Every American Should Know About The National Debt
- The Egg Map: How to Accelerate Local Food Abundance
- The Downward Spiral: Pretty Hate Machine (Full Version)
- The World Has Entered A Permanent Decline In Growth - Business Insider
- Monsanto: A Modern Day Plague | Wake Up World
- Resilience through simplification: revisiting Tainter's theory of collapse (part 2) | Energy Bulletin
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : U.S. experiences warmest 12-month period on record--again | Weather Underground
- Baltimore, Big Banks and a Criminal Conspiracy | Common Dreams
- This global financial fraud and its gatekeepers | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- "Trade-Off": A Study In Global Systemic Collapse | ZeroHedge
- James Howard Kunstler: It's Too Late for Solutions - YouTube
- The Real Libor Scandal by Paul Craig Robert & Nomi Prins - Thoughts - Nomi Prins
- 36 Percent Of Fukushima Children Have Abnormal Growths From Radiation Exposure - Business Insider
- Charles Ferguson: Banking Is a Criminal Industry Because Its Crimes Go Unpunished
- Must-See: Best News Report This Year On Link Between Climate Change And Extreme Weather | ThinkProgress
- Energy is God « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Is the Heat Wave of 2012 What Climate Change Looks Like? : The New Yorker
- The Story of Change - YouTube
- Banksters : How To Be A Crook | Watch Now
- Global madness – Guy McPherson's blog
- “Did The Lord Say To Be A Greedy A$$hole?” – MOC #155
- Charles Hugh Smith: How White Collar Crime Became the "Business Model" of Corporate/State America
- Where do 53% of your Tax dollars go? One Video EVERYONE should see. - YouTube
- Revolution 2012: It's Time To Rise - YouTube
- Capitalism is Crisis « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Decline of honey bees now a global phenomenon, says United Nations - Nature - Environment - The Independent
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Record warmth at the top of the Greenland Ice Sheet | Weather Underground
- HSBC 'sorry' for aiding Mexican drugs lords, rogue states and terrorists | Business | The Guardian
- Deep Into The Lieborgate Rabbit Hole: The Swiss Hedge Fund Link? | ZeroHedge
- The Oil Drum | Evidence that Oil Limits are Leading to Limits to GDP Growth
- On the Far Side of Denial | Energy Bulletin
- You Have A Decade (Maybe) » Survival Acres Blog
- US geoengineers to spray sun-reflecting chemicals from balloon | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Where Is The Line For Revolution?
- James Howard Kunstler: It's Too Late for Solutions | Peak Prosperity
- Global Warming's Terrifying New Math | Politics News | Rolling Stone
- Matt Taibbi: Libor Rate-Fixing Scandal "Biggest Insider Trading You Could Ever Imagine"
- Wall Street's Biggest Heist Yet? How the High Wizards of Finance Gutted Our Schools and Cities | Economy | AlterNet
- Europe Is Sliding Back Into Its Own Past | Finance
- BANKSTERS AT THE LOUVRE « The Burning Platform
- Drought stretches across America, threatens crops - CNN.com
- Food crisis fears as US corn soars - FT.com
- EROEI and the Collapse of Empires « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- The Downward Spiral: The Hate Lies Waiting
- Beans Rice and Gold: Poverty In The U.S. By The Numbers
- MAKING A DEPOSIT AT JP MORGAN « The Burning Platform
- Leaked Docs Reveal 'Off the Charts' Damage at US Nuke Plant | Common Dreams
- Is Our Species Headed Toward Rapid Extinction? - Decline of the Empire
- Stephen Emmott: overpopulation is at the root of all the planet's troubles | Technology | The Observer
- Occupy Bohemian Grove: Protesting the elite's secret ceremonies
- Funny Coal Lobby Video - Coal Lobby Warns Wind Farms May Blow Earth Off Orbit
- Either Way - YouTube
- ClubOrlov: Peak Oil Oppositional Disorder: Neurosis or Psychosis?
- Early Warning: June Corn-Belt PDSI
- Amazing Photos Show What the World Actually Eats | Wake Up World
- Well Worth Watching. Radical Chic Is Back!!! - Max Keiser
- Climate change and peak oil: two sides of the same coin? | Energy Bulletin
- Charles Hugh Smith: Headwinds for Corporate Profits
- The Rising - Clusterfuck Nation
- Shell Loses Control Of Arctic Drilling Rig In Alaskan Harbor | ThinkProgress
- Risks to global growth rising: IMF | The Raw Story
- The Sacred Grove: Where Joseph Smith First Saw Jesus - Business Insider
- Inside of Bohemian Grove 2012 - YouTube
- Michael Chertoff Gets The Truth From We Are Change - YouTube
- VIDEO: Newt Gingrich Autographs Bohemian Grove Picture | We Are Change
- Lawmaker says FDA email spying may be illegal | Reuters
- Eliot Spitzer: Facts Matter - Business Insider
- Gift economies in the human community — Transition Voice
- Geoengineering Could Backfire, Make Climate Change Worse | Wired Science | Wired.com
- The Power Principle: Corporate Empire and the Rise of the National Security State (2012) | Watch Full Documentary Online
- “Horror Story”: Corn Disaster Emerging in Heartland « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Steve Rhode: The Seven Emotional Stages of Debt
- Good Luck Farming In Hell - Decline of the Empire
- Wild Nuns Dancing In The Aisles, By Carolyn Baker
- The Prius Paradox: We Can’t Buy Our Way Out of Environmental Problems | TIME Ideas | TIME.com
- John Seager: Population Growth: Six Hours to Fill Yankee Stadium
- Whose Side Is the American Farm Bureau On? | The Nation
- Walmart Heirs Worth Same Amount As Bottom 40 Percent Of Americans In 2010: Analysis
- Occupy protesters take on Bohemian Grove - YouTube
- Portugal Drug Policy: Decriminalization Works - Business Insider
- The Growing Pressures Likely to Blow the Eurozone Apart | Peak Prosperity
- How California's GM food referendum may change what America eats | Richard Schiffman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Hot Enough for You? Time to Teach Against Fossil Fuels | Common Dreams
- HOUSING STARTS 70% BELOW 2006 LEVELS – IT’S A RECOVERY!!!! « The Burning Platform
- Charles Hugh Smith: Organized Financial Crime Is Now the New Normal
- Crash_Watcher: If the Strait of Hormuz Closed, Which Importing Region Would Suffer the Greatest Loss?
- Corn Prices - Business Insider
- Anonymous targets Big Oil | TG Daily
- The Financial Crisis Was Foreseeable … Thousands of Years Ago - Washington's Blog
- Hot 5: Midwest Drought 2012. Corn Usage Pie Charts. Vilsack Comic. CC Precipitation Maps. Faraday Porteur. | Big Picture Agriculture
- Is The American Economy In Recession? - Decline of the Empire
- Dancing ‘Round the Issues Till the Circus Tent Collapses « Collapse of Industrial Civilization
- Par:AnoIA: Anonymous Launches WikiLeaks-esque Site for Data Dumps | Threat Level | Wired.com
- "America Is Too Fat, Skinny, & Free!" - MOC #156 - YouTube
- Rep. Paul on Efforts to Make the Fed More Transparent | Video | Fox Business
- The Dreaded Defaults are Here | Finance
- AR.Drone 2.0. Parrot new wi-fi quadricopter- AR.Drone.com - HD Camera - Parrot
- USDA Prepares To Greenlight Gnarliest GMO Soy Yet | Mother Jones
- Hard times for billionaire bizman and building “Versallies” mansion in Florida - NYPOST.com
- Why Don’t the Corrupt Players On Wall Street and In D.C. Show Remorse for Their Destructive Actions … And Why Don’t We Stop Them?
- Lieborgate Escalates As Barclays Implicates 'Rest' | ZeroHedge
- The Real Libor Scandal ~Paul Craig Roberts and Nomi Prins - PaulCraigRoberts.org
- Are Big Banks Criminal Enterprises? - Washington's Blog
- HSBC 'allowed drug cartels to launder money' - Americas - Al Jazeera English
- Big Banks Funded the Nazis and Launched a Coup Against the President of the United States - Washington's Blog
- Honey Badger Market Completely Ignores 2012 Lowest Consumer Confidence | ZeroHedge
- Jesse's Café Américain: Guide to the Confused: SP 500 Futures Intraday
- The Beginning Of The End Game - Business Insider
- World’s Most Prestigious Financial Agency – Called the “Central Banks’ Central Bank” – Slams U.S. Economic Policy - Washington's Blog
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Only 23% of US Companies Plan to Hire in Next 6 Months; "Lights Out" Moment Coming Up
- OMB's Stockman: "We're At The Fiscal Endgame" | ZeroHedge
- How Bernanke will cause the next crash before 2014 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Question Everything: Watching the Global Economic System
- 11 International Agreements That Are Nails In The Coffin Of The Petrodollar
- Three Converging Factors May Slash Economic Growth By 71% | Daniel Amerman CFA | FINANCIAL SENSE
- Deadly Floods Follow Record Japan Rain | LiveScience
- BBC News - Japan floods: 250,000 people ordered to leave homes
- US experienced extremes of extreme weather in first half of 2012 | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Epic Drought Over U.S. » Survival Acres Blog
- Sir David Attenborough: 'This awful summer? We've only ourselves to blame...' - Profiles - People - The Independent
- PBS: Extremes Linked to Climate Change (ya think?) « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Korean Drought Worst In A Century For North And South Korea
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Death Valley records a low of 107°F (41.7°C): a world record | Weather Underground
- The 2012 Drought Reaches 'Dust Bowl' Proportions - National - The Atlantic Wire
- Charts: Gen Xers Say "Meh" to Climate Change | Mother Jones
- Oxygen Levels Are Dropping » Survival Acres Blog
- Anger in India after floods leave 109 dead, 400,000 homeless - World news - South and Central Asia - NBCNews.com
- Climate Science and the Historic Drought of 2012 | Global Warming is Real: Climate | Energy | Sustainability
- Wit's End: A Possible Microburst
- Peak Oil Guru Robert Hirsch Gives A Dire Outlook For The Future - Business Insider
- Jeff Rubin and Oil Prices Revisited | Finance
- Peak Oil: Keeping Reality In Mind (Pt 5) - Peak Oil Matters
- Who Decided? How Did the U.S. Military Get Into Africa | Common Dreams
- Tomgram: David Vine, U.S. Empire of Bases Grows | TomDispatch
- Will shut Strait of Hormuz if security threatened: Iran - Hindustan Times
- US Ship Mistakenly Fires On Friendly Boat Off Dubai, As Russia Condemns Saudi Treatment Of Religious Protesters | ZeroHedge
- Naomi Wolf: Ten Steps To Close Down an Open Society
- Congress Now Trying To Outlaw Reporting On Government Corruption
- Mark Zuckerberg Awarded CIA Surveillance Medal | Veterans Today
- NSA whistleblower: They’re assembling information on every U.S. citizen | The Raw Story
- Verizon Wireless wants to 'edit' your Internet access | Politics, Policy, and Technology - CNET News
- FDA Spies On Whistleblowers’ Personal Information … Then Uses It to Smear Them - Washington's Blog
- Privacy and Security Fanatic: HOPE 9: Whistleblower Binney says the NSA has dossiers on nearly every US citizen
- Facebook, Wal-Mart chiefs meet to deepen relationship | Reuters
- Top Ten Woody Guthrie Songs | Common Dreams
- Nurture with Nature: Natures Band-Aids | Wake Up World
- Countdown to July 24 Release of 'Global Weirdness' | Climate Central
- Planting Schedules | Peak Prosperity
- Sesame Seeds - Ten Amazing Health Benefits Of This Super-Seed | Wake Up World
- DIY: How to make a backpacking wood gasifier stove | Permaculture Magazine
- Walking out on empire - A Prosperous Way Down
- Cross Training Your Family | Preparedness Advice Blog
- How to Make Charcoal | Peak Prosperity
- The Medicinal Properties of Dandelion | Wake Up World
- Here’s a Secret to Producing More Food Locally
- A Whole Village - Episode 6 - YouTube
- Flying the coop: The scrambled world of backyard poultry | Grist
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
What Should I Do? http://www.chrismartenson.com/page/what-should-i-do
- Drought hits 56 percent of continental US; 'significant toll' on crops - U.S. News
- Libor: The Crime of the Century | The Nation
- NRDC: Saving Antibiotics
- Cognitive Illusions | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Doom or Denial?
- [KR311] Keiser Report: Fraud & 60 Orgasms - Max Keiser
- Civilization and the Price of Oil | Dissident Voice
- The 'Monsanto Rider': Are Biotech Companies About to Gain Immunity from Federal Law? | Food | AlterNet
- Supporting Farmers, Eating Local Food - Sustainable Farming - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Question Everything: What Am I Watching?
- ‘Dear Mr. President’ music videos, 2006 & 2012 versions - Washington's Blog
- Libor: The Largest Insider Trading Scandal Ever - Washington's Blog
- The Truth About Our Civilization and What Will Happen In The Future » Survival Acres Blog
- Food and Extreme Weather: It's the Soil, Stupid | Mother Jones
- Alternative Currencies Rise as the Eurozone Crisis Worsens - Reason.com
- The Drowning Pool - Clusterfuck Nation
- Peak oil oppositional disorder: neurosis or psychosis? | Energy Bulletin
- The Downward Spiral: The Third World Comes to Scranton, Pennsylvania
- Our Money Is Dying | Peak Prosperity
- Here Are Dramatic Photos Of The Severe Drought In The Midwest That Are Prompting Fears Of A Dust Bowl - Business Insider
- Must-See Video Compilation Of Extreme Weather: 'Welcome To The Rest Of Our Lives' | ThinkProgress
- Peak Oil Guru Robert Hirsch Gives A Dire Outlook For The Future - Business Insider
- China Is Going Down - Decline of the Empire
- The Spreading Scourge of Corporate Corruption - NYTimes.com
- Seeds of hatred sprout in soil of Greek crisis — RT
- The Last Taboo | Mother Jones
- "A Quick & Dirty Explanation Of The LIBOR Banking Scandal" - MOC #154 - YouTube
- New York Times, Gretchen Morgenson Applaud British, Issue Challenge To American Regulators Over LIBOR Scandal | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- 19 Warnings About A Coming Global Financial Catastrophe
- 10 Year Bond Smashes All Records In WTF Auction | ZeroHedge
- U.S. Declares the Largest Natural Disaster Area Ever Due to Drought - National - The Atlantic Wire
- The LIBOR Scandal Explained [Infographic]
- The Peak Oil Crisis: The Summer of 2012
- Charles Hugh Smith: Fed Has No Hammer, Uses Handsaw and Chisel to Pound Nails
- The Oil Drum | Ruthless Extrapolation
- Question Everything: Watching the Financial System
- oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Financialization and Crony Capitalism Have Gutted the Middle Class
- Vandana Shiva on Seeds of Humanity on Ecocentric Blog | Food, Water and Energy Issues
- Wit's End: die Weiße Rose
- Japan's atomic disaster due to collusion: panel report | Reuters
- In Win for M15 Movement, Spain Opens Criminal Probe of Ex-IMF and Bankia Chief Rodrigo Rato
- Joel Salatin sets us straight on farming, food & energy — Transition Voice
- Daily Kos: Mark Fiore - RepubliBliss
- FRIDAY FAIL « The Burning Platform
- Dr. Mercola Interviews Ellen Brown « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- Crop Insurance in 2012
- BREAKING: Barclays Revealed Libor Scandal Four Years Ago - Bloomberg
- At home: Jim Woolsey - FT.com
- Euro zone: the centralization battle rages on-On the Edge with Max Keiser-06-29-2012 - YouTube
- Drone Hijacking? That's Just the Start of GPS Troubles | Danger Room | Wired.com
- Gundersen: Latest probe at Unit 1 indicates nuclear fuel has left containment (VIDEO)
- Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances | Wake Up World
- Resilience through simplification: revisiting Tainter’s theory of collapse | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- U.S. Droughts Create Fears of a New Dust Bowl | Ecocentric | TIME.com
- Charles Hugh Smith: Election Year 2012: Two Landslides in the Making?
- Things Will Get Much Worse (Before They Get Better?) - Decline of the Empire
- On the Edge with Paul Craig Roberts - Max Keiser
- Video interview: Monsanto's history marred by scandal
- WTO Rules Against Country-of-Origin Labeling in U.S. Grocery Stores - Off The Grid News
- Wit's End: Koch Kills
- Pay For Public Workers In Scranton, Pa., Cut To Minimum Wage : NPR
- The Great Capitalist Heist: How Paris Hilton's Dogs Ended Up Better Off Than You | Economy | AlterNet
- Brazil to breed GM mosquitoes to combat dengue | The Raw Story
- Fukushima – A Crisis Far from Over | Wake Up World
- CFTC Finally Gets The Memo: Regulator Sues PFG, Says Firm Has $200 Million Customer Fund Shortfall | ZeroHedge
- Nouriel Roubini: “Global Perfect Storm” Leads To Event Worse Than 2008
- How the Mormons Make Money - Businessweek
- Romney's Donors Share His Love of Offshore Tax Havens | The Nation
- Local Farms Are Going Hyper Local
- BP Spill Workers Say Dispersant Made Them Sick | Mother Jones
- Midwest drought slashes corn estimate, jolts market | Reuters
- Apologies to Mexico: The Drug Trade and GNP (Gross National Pain) | | AlterNet
- Joel Salatin scolds Americans for lack of food literacy — Transition Voice
- Hot 5: Barn Kits. Agricultural Machinery Sales. Soil Erosion. Farm Tours. Lyme Disease. | Big Picture Agriculture
- 6-minute music video: End this war - Washington's Blog
- Bailed-out AIG wants $30.2 million in tax interest - CBS News
- Roll-your-own cigarette operations to be snuffed out - Business - ReviewJournal.com
- Duke Energy CEO To Receive $44 Million Payout Despite Resigning On His First Day | ThinkProgress
- GM Baby Update: World's First Genetically-Modified Babies Born, Or Were They? | LifeNews.com
- Cloned horses could compete in the Olympics | Grist
- Former IMF-chief Rodrigo Rato faces court probe | Reuters
- Have Banks Been Manipulating Libor for DECADES? - Washington's Blog
- David Kotok: What A Crazy Week - Business Insider
- JPMorgan Complicit In Vatican Bank Money-Laundering: Jamie Dimon Seeks Time Alone With Pope To “Confess” | Silver Vigilante
- LIBOR Scandal Broken Down By MSNBC's Chris Hayes
- The Economist, Then and Now, on Bankers « naked capitalism
- Mainstream Economist: We Might Need to Hang Some Bankers to Stop Criminal Looting - Washington's Blog
- Crony Capitalists of the Federal Reserve | The Big Picture
- Libor: The Wall Street Scandal of All Scandals | Common Dreams
- The Liebor Land: What The BoE Said | ZeroHedge
- Where Was Auditor PwC When Its Client Barclays Gamed Libor? - Bank Think Article - American Banker
- Where Are The (Legally-Imposed) Guillotines? in [Market-Ticker]
- HSBC to Apologize at Hearing on Money Laundering, Memo Shows - Bloomberg
- A Litany of Crimes And Regulatory Failure - Decline of the Empire
- So How Much Did the Banksters Make on Libor-Related Ill-Gotten Gains? « naked capitalism
- Jesse's Café Américain: CBC: For Past 30 Years Most Economic Gains Have Gone to Top One Percent
- Libor Is Not the Only Manipulated Economic Number - Washington's Blog
- Jesse's Café Américain: PFGBest: F to the R to the AUD - Wasendorf 'Faked Bank Records For Years'
- Three central banks take action in sign of alarm | Reuters
- Merkel Capitulates, World is Saved, Now What? | Economic Undertow
- Japan's government could run out of cash by October | Reuters
- Canada’s Debt Bubble | Steve Keen's Debtwatch
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Bug In Search of Windshield; Japan’s Current Account Surplus Shrinks 63% as Machine Orders Plunge 14.8%
- Banks’ Living Wills Don’t Defuse Systemic Risk - Bloomberg
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Global Economy: It's All About Increasing Leverage
- Are the Mice Starting to Roar? Municipalities Turn Defiant with Wall Street « naked capitalism
- The Big Banks are Amateurs When It Comes to Manipulating Interest Rates - Washington's Blog
- Charles Hugh Smith: As M2 Money Supply Rolls Over, the Stock Market Will Follow
- Ellen Brown on Keiser Report « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Heat wave breaks more all-time records in Midwest; relief coming Sunday | Weather Underground
- Wit's End: From Ohio
- Guest on Jordanian TV show pulls a shoe and then a gun on another guest - Max Keiser
- 'Unimaginable' Chaos: Worst floods in decades hit Russia - YouTube
- At least 103 dead in southern Russia floods – USATODAY.com
- No Average Year, No Average Book: 'Global Weirdness' | Climate Central
- Bill McKibben: The Politics of Global Warming | Common Dreams
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : U.S. experiences warmest 12-month period on record--again | Weather Underground
- Planet Stupid Update - Decline of the Empire
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Extreme flood in Russia kills 171 | Weather Underground
- Fires in Siberia : Natural Hazards
- The Race Between Climate Change Action and Tipping Points | Global Warming is Real: Climate | Energy | Sustainability
- New Reports Show Impact of Manmade Global Warming | Climate Central
- Extreme weather: Linked to climate change? - Inside Story Americas - Al Jazeera English
- 2011 was hottest year in US since 1895 - Yahoo! News
- Wildfires in Siberia : Image of the Day
- Steve Keen on the Minsky Singularity and the Debt Black Hole's Event Horizon! — RT
- Peak Oil: Another Dose Of Crude Oil Reality - Peak Oil Matters
- Peak oil not on hold with cheap fossil fuels — Transition Voice
- A look at forecasts for peak oil – and the end of civilization | Energy Bulletin
- Russia 'sends six warships to Syria' but denies it has anything to do with growing tensions | Mail Online
- SHOCKING VIDEO FROM SPAIN PROTEST: Austerity Gestapo Brutally Attacks Peaceful Protesters, Over 76 Injured And Counting… - By Mark Ames - The eXiled
- Glenn Greenwald: Honoring the "Brave Warriors" Who Murder People By Pressing a Button Thousands of Miles Away | World | AlterNet
- /government-will-soon-be-able-to-know-your-adrenaline-level-what-you-ate-your-breakfast-and-what-youre-thinking-from-164-feet-away
- Leaked documents show ADA campaign of surveillance and threats against nutritional bloggers | The Resilient Family
- The Dangers of Moldy Food | Preparedness Advice Blog
- Seed saving for beginners (video) | The Survival Mom™
- Are You Packing? 5 Inexpensive Ways to Store Your Food | Ready Nutrition
- Today's Markets | Peak Prosperity
- My Cool Shed Highlights Shed Porn Around the World (Book Review) : TreeHugger
- The top three firearms choices for under $1000 for beginner prepper/survivalists - American Preppers Network
- Simplicity Institute Publications
- 28 Amazing Benefits and Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide | Wake Up World
- The Remarkable Healing Properties of Pumpkin Seed | Wake Up World
- Why You're Not Friends With Your Neighbors | Wired Business | Wired.com
- DIY - Solar Water Heater & Pasteurizer Made From Everyday Recyclables | Peak Prosperity
- A new film: ‘The Green Backyard’ » Transition Culture
- Buy Some Compost and get Free Hot Water?
- How to Build a Fireplace Surround Using Stone Pavers - DIY - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- Say it isn’t so: Review of J. H. Kunstler’s “Too Much Magic”
- How to Start Your Own Garden Almost Free | Wake Up World
- Review: Too Much Magic — Transition Voice
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
What Should I Do? http://www.chrismartenson.com/page/what-should-i-do
- Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises - Washington's Blog
- An Interactive Map of the Dark-Money Universe | Mother Jones
- Follow the Dark Money | Mother Jones
- Up to 200,000 reported lining streets of Tokyo for protest (PHOTOS & VIDEOS) — Armored vehicles barricade PM’s residence — NYT Reporter: “See office workers, moms w/ small kids, seniors, Buddhist priests”
- charles hugh smith-Why The Debt-Dependent Status Quo Is Doomed in One Chart
- 17 Reasons To Be EXTREMELY Concerned About The Second Half Of 2012
- 'Heat... Fire... Disaster': What Climate Change Looks Like | Common Dreams
- Homeless Students Top 1 Million, U.S. Says, Leaving Advocates 'Horrified'
- Drones can be hijacked via GPS spoofing attack | Security & Privacy - CNET News
- Massive Japanese Debt Monetization Is Coming, Yen to be Devalued | Chris Puplava | FINANCIAL SENSE
- Mainstream Economics is a Cult - Washington's Blog
- Six Ways the Big Banks Are Getting Back-Door Bailouts
- HOW DO Empires Die? | Armstrong Economics
- Genetic Engineers Publish Damning Evidence-based Report About GMO Food | Wake Up World
- 77% of JP Morgan’s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies - Washington's Blog
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : Extreme storms and extreme heat hit the U.S. | Weather Underground
- Trans-Pacific Partnership: Under Cover of Darkness, a Corporate Coup Is Underway | News & Politics | AlterNet
- The Perennial Plate | Adventurous and Sustainable Eating
- Death of the Birds and the Bees Across America
- Government by the Banks, for the Banks: The ESM Coup D’Etat in Europe « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
- Peak Denial
- Chris Hedges: Time to Get Crazy - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
- GEAB N°66 is available! Red alert / Global systemic crisis – September-October 2012: When the trumpets of Jericho ring out seven times for the world before the crisis
- Hostage Racket - Clusterfuck Nation
- Dramatic socio-economic paradigm shift is ahead: Interview with Nathan Hagen, ASPO-Vienna 2012 | Peak Oil News and Message Boards
- Crude Spikes On News Iran Lawmakers Propose Straits Of Hormuz Blockade For Sanctions Countries | ZeroHedge
- A Word for Stephen Colbert - Overpopulation - YouTube
- Eugene Robinson: Feeling the heat - The Washington Post
- Olympic GSK fined for selling dodgy drugs to children - YouTube
- Our incredible predicament in America: the American Dream
- [KR309] Keiser Report: Big guy ‘scandals’ vs small fry ‘crimes’ - Max Keiser
- I Explain A Few Things - Decline of the Empire
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Nigel Farage: Here It Comes Your 19th Euro Breakdown
- 14 Documents From GlaxoSmithKline's $3 Billion Drug Marketing Scandal That Will Disgust You - Business Insider
- Unconventional Oil is NOT a Game Changer | Energy
- 9 largest US banks give regulators plans on how they’d wind down if they were to fail - The Washington Post
- 10 explosive bubbles that will kill capitalism - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
- Preparing Our Children For a Resilient Future, Part II: Food Security Permaculture Research Institute
- Some Transition reflections on George Monbiot’s announcement that “we were wrong on peak oil” » Transition Culture
- Yves Smith: The Hidden History Of The Independence Day Holiday - By Yves Smith - The eXiled
- I Think I Hear the Fat Lady Singing « The Most Revolutionary Act
- ‘The mob learned from Wall Street’: Matt Taibbi/Eliot Spitzer on the ‘cartelstyle corruption’ behind Libor scam - Max Keiser
- Why is Nobody Freaking Out About the LIBOR Banking Scandal? | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- LIBOR Banking Scandal Deepens; Barclays Releases Damning Email, Implicates British Government | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Independance Day: All Of Our Institutions Have Failed Us
- The Biggest Financial Scam In World History - Washington's Blog
- Fukushima reactor meltdown was a man-made disaster, says official report | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- How Barclay Manipulated the Libor Rates - Bill Black
- End of Growth Update: Blowing in the Wind | Energy Bulletin
- Charles Hugh Smith: The Real-World Middle Class Tax Rate: 75%
- Washington's Militarized Mindset | The Nation
- “The Shadows Are Taking Over” – MOC #153
- #Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 1 Torus Room: Over 10 Sieverts/Hr on Water Surface | EXSKF
- Updates On Human Collapse / Extinction Event Ahead » Survival Acres Blog
- 66% Put National Security Ahead of Human Rights - Rasmussen Reports™
- Frackers Disclose Only 43% Of The Chemicals They Pump Into The Ground - Business Insider
- Hiroshima, 1945 to 2012 - YouTube
- 5 Day Timelapse - Waldo Canyon Fire - June 23rd-28th on Vimeo
- It’s the end of the world we’ve known since WWII (updated status report) | Energy Bulletin
- The Radio Ecoshock Show: Burning Down the House
- the Hipcrime Vocab: Vertical Farms and Lab-Grown Meat: Have We Lost Our Minds?
- Japan economy 'faces same risks as Europe' ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
- charles hugh smith-Sorry, Bucko, Europe Is Still in a Death Spiral
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Email From Lead Analyst at EIA on Petroleum Usage
- Our energy future? 'Too Much Magic & Wishful Thinking' - Philadelphia Energy | Examiner.com
- Health care and sustainability: Experts weigh in on ruling | Grist
- Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions — Facts and Figures
- Two Beers With Steve - A Bit About BitCoin
- Hopium — The Drug Of Choice » Survival Acres Blog
- Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: US Manufacturing ISM Contracts for First Time in Three Years;
- A Preview Of Things To Come? - Decline of the Empire
- Is Peak Oil Dead? – Guest Post by Tim Stevenson - Peak Oil Matters
- Drone makers urge U.S. to ease limits on sales to foreign nations - latimes.com
- ClubOrlov: The Movement for Involuntary Complexity
- The 'Busy' Trap - NYTimes.com
- Congress's Big Gift to Monsanto | Mother Jones
- 10 sobering realizations the Eastern U.S. power grid failure is teaching us about a real collapse
- Choice « KatieSpeak
- charles hugh smith-Dear Person Seeking a Job: Why I Can't Hire You
- Energy, Economy and the Impending Rite of Passage « Path 2 Resilience
- We Are All 'Climate Test Dummies' Now, Providing Data On How Humans Respond To Extreme Weather | ThinkProgress
- The Archdruid Report: The Wrong Kind of Magic
- Meet China's new leader : Pon Zi | Finance
- Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Negotiations Seal Obama's Pro-Corporate Approach to Foreign Policy
- Orwell’s Obamacare: Political “Doublethink” and the Health System: Daily Cloudt
- Is Wal-Mart Destroying America? 20 Facts About Wal-Mart That Will Absolutely Shock You
- Assorted Graphics from Jason Henderson Related to Agricultural Economics | Big Picture Agriculture
- Bill Moyers Explains Plutocracy and Plutonomy in Clear Language | It's Our Economy
- Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Aides Consider Using Room Air Conditioner To Keep SUV Cool « CBS New York
- World's first GM babies born | Mail Online
- GlaxoSmithKline fine pales in comparison to profits « CitizenVox
- Banks Conspire to Fleece the Public | The Big Picture
- BofA Fined $2.8 Million for Overbilling 95,000 Accounts - Bloomberg
- The global scam that may yet topple Lloyds and RBS | Ian Fraser
- Big Banks Have Criminally Conspired Since 2005 to Rig $800 Trillion Dollar Market - Washington's Blog
- Barclays chief threatens to hit back - FT.com
- Diamond Cracks: Here Are The Shocked Reactions | ZeroHedge
- Guest Post: The Great LIBOR Bank Heist of 2008? | ZeroHedge
- Bob Diamond Performs “Je Ne Regrette Rien” « naked capitalism
- BANKING VS DEMOCRACY: How Power Has Shifted from Parliament to the Banking Sector | Positive Money
- The Biggest Financial Scandal In History?
- Barclays' value plummets £4bn as shareholders flee - Business News - Business - The Independent
- 80% Of The Gold The World Owns Doesn't Exist
- West's wildfires a preview of changed climate: scientists - Yahoo! News
- Extreme Heat and Drought in Fire-Stricken Colorado River Basin: This Is What it Looks Like in 2012 – News Watch
- What's Happening With the Colorado Wildfires Explained | Mother Jones
- Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Nearing Critical 'Tipping Point' | Climate Central
- Scorching June Heat Wave Puts 50 Million in U.S. on Alert | Climate Central
- Apple Crop Destroyed. 90 Percent loss in Michigan, Ontario due to Bizarre Spring. Deniers: “More Co2 Needed”. « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Confirming The Human Fingerprint In Global Ocean Warming | ThinkProgress
- 118 degrees. Sick AGW f****** scorched by their own denial. - Max Keiser
- And You Thought That Heat Wave Was Bad? | Mother Jones
- 100 die in Bangladesh floods, landslides - Weather - msnbc.com
- Worst flooding in more than a decade inundates 2,000 villages in India – Over 1 million displaced – Rhinos vulnerable to poaching
- Storm, Power Outages, Heat Weigh Heavy on East Coast « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Heat Wave Sets More All-Time Temperature Records | Climate Central
- Kansas Town Stuggles to Deal With 115 Degrees - NYTimes.com
- Wit's End: The Suits of Woe
- Bill Nye to CNN: ‘The two sides aren’t equal’ on climate change | The Raw Story
- Word of the Day: “Derecho” « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Open Thread #100 – Red Alert Warning » Survival Acres Blog
- Stunning map shows 100 years of earthquake data | Grist
- Lonnie Thompson, Climate Scientist - NYTimes.com
- Chris Mooney | New Study: Climate Deniers Are Emoting--Especially the Conspiracy Theorists
- This US summer is 'what global warming looks like'
- Wit's End: the Wasteland
- Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : The June 2012 U.S. heat wave: one of the greatest in recorded history | Weather Underground
- Ring of Fire Derecho - YouTube
- Floods in India displace millions - SFGate
- Spain burns as global temperatures rise | | Independent Editor's choice Blogs
- Historic Heat Wave Marches On as Drought Expands | Climate Central
- Optimistic lunatic says we'll be swimming in Oil
- The future of oil prices | SmartPlanet
- The Many Ways Banks Commit Criminal Fraud - Washington's Blog
- Daily Kos: Farenheit 104 (40 degrees C). This is a number everyone should know.
- Monbiot says he was wrong on peak oil but the crisis is undeniable | Jeremy Leggett | Environment | guardian.co.uk
- Iran Tests Missiles a Day After EU Embargoes Oil - WSJ.com
- U.S. Adds Forces in Persian Gulf, a Signal to Iran - NYTimes.com
- Ad Biz Claims It Must Disregard User Privacy Choices to Safeguard "Cybersecurity" | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- MEDIAROOTS – Drones 101
- How a Grad Student Scooped the Government and Uncovered One of the Biggest Internet Privacy Scandals | | AlterNet
- Ten Methods of Modern Mind Control | Wake Up World
- Corporate Media Untells the ALEC Story | Common Dreams
- Trans Pacific Partnership: Corporate Escape From Accountability - PaulCraigRoberts.org
- How to make a Potato Barrel - Off The Grid News
- Transition Essentials: No.1 – Food » Transition Culture
- Cheap Gardening Containers: How to Find and Use Them - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
- The End of Growth Updated eBook
- 7 Tips For Frugal Gardening - Off The Grid News
- Power grid goes down for millions of Americans as Mother Nature reminds us all to get prepared
- REconomy
- The Home Energy Handbook: an interview with Allan Shepherd » Transition Culture
- How to Build an Earthen Oven | Peak Prosperity
- Check out our growing video library for smarter, greener communities | Kaid Benfield's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
- A New Take on Raised Bed Gardening. | Peak Prosperity
- Survival Gardening: potato and sweet potato | Prep-Blog.com
- DIY Compost Tumbler | Peak Prosperity
- Five Gallon Ideas | A million uses for a five gallon bucket
- DIY: Portable, Propane Water Heater for Camping, Showers, Off-Grid | Truth is Treason
- Six Things to Do to Prepare for Going Off-Grid
- Get cracking folks, the peak is here and gone — Transition Voice
- A Resilient Home Transformation You’ve Got to See
- Companion Planting Chart - Boost Your Garden With Companion Plants
- WHO’S YOUR LENDER? « The Burning Platform
MORE INFO SOURCES - daily and weekly news aggregation
- Global Glass Onion http://globalglassonion.blogspot.com/
- End of Empire News http://endofempirenews.blogspot.com/
- Naked Capitalism http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- Boiling Frogs http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/
- Energy Bulletin http://www.energybulletin.net/
- Prepper Website http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- Climate Ark http://www.climateark.org/
- Chris Martenson Daily Digest http://www.chrismartenson.com/category/blog/daily-digest
What Should I Do? http://www.chrismartenson.com/page/what-should-i-do